~ 36 ~

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"So don't you worry your pretty little mind,
People throw rocks at things that shine,
And life makes love look hard,
The stakes are high,
The water's rough,
But this love is ours"
Ours - Taylor Swift


Blair was wrong. Very, very wrong. It's Monday morning and people on campus are still talking about me. I thought that the gossip and speculation would run its course over the weekend, but if anything, it just got worse. Of course, I didn't leave the apartment for the whole weekend. Grace was giving me updates since she had social events at her sorority this weekend.

I made it through my first class of the day unscathed. Luckily, it was early in the morning, so there weren't many students awake yet.

Heading to British Literature with Marc is when it gets even worse.

Just as we're leaving the building where my marketing class is, a reporter approaches us.

"Your Highness, what do you have to say in response to the cheating allegations?"

He shoves a camera in my face. Marc puts his arm around my shoulder and shields me with his body.

"No comment," I say as we walk away.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Who is this young man? Is the love triangle a love square?"

His shouting attracts the attention of students walking by. A few people whip out their phones to take pictures of me.

Marc continues to shield me from everyone's view as we rush into the English building.

"Thank you for that," I say when we walk inside. We pause to catch our breaths.

"No worries."

"Can they follow us in here?" I say, glancing around the room.

"I don't believe so. You should be safe in the buildings. It's fair game on the walkways and in the public buildings."

"Okay, well I should get to class before I'm late."

I go through the hallways and walk up the stairs to get to my classroom. By the time I reach the lecture hall, I'm already five minutes late.

I quietly open the door and slip in, trying to go unnoticed. I see heads turn and hear the whispers start. Just my luck. Keeping my head down and eyes on the floor, I sit in one of the unoccupied seats near the back. The girls in the row in front of me exchange a look and switch seats. Do they think I'm diseased or something?

I sigh and ignore the dirty looks and whispers. I pull the hood of my oversized sweatshirt up and focus on class.


When class wraps up, I am one of the first people to leave. I hastily pack up my things and rush to meet Blair.

"How was class?" She asks.

"Worse than I expected. It's like I'm a social pariah. Let's just get going. I want to minimize my time in public."

She nods, and we start the walk to my next class.

"Have you heard from Kaden today?"

"No, why? Is something wrong?"

"Um, no. Everything's fine."

Something is telling that me she's lying.

I shoot her a disbelieving look. "Really? What's going on?"

"I merely overheard some girls talking about him. They were calling him a fiancé stealer."

"What? He did nothing wrong, though." Kaden doesn't deserve to be dragged into all of the gossip. I don't want to be the reason for his bad reputation.

"Well, they don't know the whole story," Blair shrugs. She pushes the door open. We brace ourselves for our rush to the adjacent building.

We run down the front stairs and turn quickly to run up the stairs. This time, we make it inside without being mobbed. Blair and I unload our stuff at a table in the corner of the studying lounge.

"I'm going to head to the bathroom," I say, motioning to the door right next to our table.

I go into the bathroom and pee. Just as I'm about to flush the toilet, I hear the door open.

I glance under the gap in the stalls and see three pairs of feet.

The girls set their backpacks down. I hear a bag unzip.

"Alyana, can I borrow your lip gloss?" one asks.

I'm about to move when someone speaks.

"So, did you hear about that royal girl?" Another voice asks after a brief pause.

Well, there's no way I'm going out there now.

"Yeah," the first girl says. "I feel terrible for her. She came here to enjoy a normal life, but everyone's talking about her now. I saw reporters following her this morning. I can't even imagine what it's like to have your private life all over the internet."

"Well, I think she deserves it," someone else interjects.

"Why, Carmen?"

"For starters, she seems like such a slut. Cheating on her fiance with Kaden Bianchi? If I were engaged to that gorgeous prince, I sure as hell wouldn't let him go."

"Well, Kaden is one of the hottest guys in Theta Alpha," the second girl giggles.

"Olivia, shut up. He's dating the princess," the girl who defended me a minute ago says. I think she's Alyana.

"Seriously? I'd dump her slutty ass if I were him," Carmen says.

"I agree," Olivia says.

"Guys, don't be mean. We don't even know if it's true," Alyana scolds. Someone give this girl a medal for defending me.

"I overheard Kaden's friend Chase talking about it with his girlfriend. They basically confirmed it," Carmen scoffs.

"Well, since it's true, that bitch undoubtedly deserves whatever comes her way. She brought it upon herself," Olivia comments.

Ouch, that hurt. A sob threatens to escape my mouth. I bite my lip to avoid making noise.

"Let's go, our history class starts soon."

"Ooh, maybe the royal whore will be there," Olivia says.

Great, they're in my next class.

I hear feet shuffle and the door open. Seconds later, it's silent. I can finally breathe again.

I flush the toilet and quickly wash my hands.

I look in the mirror and take in my disheveled appearance. My eyes are bloodshot from my lack of sleep. My hair is a horrid mess from constantly running my fingers through it. I look like shit.

I turn on the faucet to wash my hands. After, I splash water on my haggard face to freshen up.

I try to take a deep, calming breath, but it comes out shaky. Tears prickle in my eyes.

I know I shouldn't let those girls' words get to me, but it's damn impossible when my insecurities are already devouring me.

Fumbling in my bag, I reach for my phone. Only one person can calm me down.

"Hey," I croak.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Kaden says in alarm.

"It's nothing." I exhale. I'm just being stupid. He doesn't need to hear my trivial problems.

"Hey, talk to me."

"Okay... These girls were just talking about me in the bathroom. They didn't know I was here, but it still hurt." I hiccup and exhale another tremulous breath.

"Where are you?"

"In the bathroom on the second floor of the history building."

"Stay there, I'm on my way."

"What? No, I'll be fine. I just needed to hear your voice," I feebly protest, my voice cracking.

"I'm not taking no for an answer. I'll be there in a minute."

I sink down to the ground and conceal my face in my hands. Why do I have to be so emotional? I've heard worse, so why is this affecting me so much?


A short while later, the door opens. I feel arms wrap around me.

"You'll be okay. Whatever they said is not true," Kaden says. How did he make it into the girls' bathroom?

"It's true, though. I am a cheating, slutty whore," I hiccup.

"Don't talk about my girlfriend that way. She is beautiful and caring, and I love her. Those bitches don't know who they are talking about."

I hiccup again. "But-"

"No buts," he says sternly, looking me in the eyes. "Don't let them ruin us. Remember my promise? I won't let anything or anyone come between you and I. They are just jealous bitches who will get absolutely nowhere in life. Please don't listen to them, Kate," he pleads.

I feel Kaden lifting me off the ground. "Let's get you home."

"No, I have class in a few minutes."

"Sweetheart, no offense, but you're in no shape to sit in a class for an hour. Let's get you home so you can calm down."

"You're too nice to me," I whisper.

"That's cause I love you."

"I love you too." It most certainly sounds like I don't mean it, but I do with my whole heart.

"Do you want to fix your hair or something?"


He looks uncertain. "Well, the reporters outside might get a picture of you?" It sounds more like a question, rather than a statement. "Don't get me wrong, I think you always look gorgeous. I just don't want you to regret anything or give the reporters more ammunition," he tacks on nervously. "It hurts my heart to see you this upset and know there isn't anything I can do to take away your pain."

I run my fingers through my hair to get rid of the tangles. I also wipe off my tear-stained mascara with a makeup wipe. When I'm done, Kaden leads me out of the bathroom.

"Oh my god, what happened to you?" A concerned Blair asks.

"Some bitches said something that got to her. I'm going to take Kate home," Kaden answers for me.

Blair goes to Kaden's side and murmurs something in his ear. I strain to perceive it, but it's difficult with the background noise. All I could make out was the word 'penthouse.'

I observe Kaden's face. He swallows thickly. Something unreadable flashes through his eyes before he schools his face into a mask of indifference.

I know something happened, but at this point, I'm too tired to probe. I don't want to suffer another nervous breakdown.

Everything's a blur as Kaden and Blair walk with me to the car. Soon, we arrive at the penthouse. I notice multiple black-tinted SUVs in the parking lot. I instantly grasp what this means.

I look at Blair for confirmation. She nods, confirming my thoughts. I raise my eyebrows and jut my head towards Kaden, asking if he is aware. She grimaces and nods.

I take a deep breath and follow them inside. My stomach churns, and I begin to chew on the inside of my cheek as we wait for the elevator.

Minus later, we arrive on our floor.

I walk into the living room, and I'm instantly bombarded.

"Katherine, what the hell were you thinking?"

Yep, my day is about to get a whole lot worse.


Thanks for reading chapter 36! Please don't forget to vote, follow, and comment! <3

Who do you think showed up? Let me know your guesses.

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