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||This is an original Roleplay, and I have spent allot of time on it. Please do not join if you are just going to not be active, and never roleplay.
*This Roleplay has been created completely by me. Please no copying ideas, plots, characters, themes, etc. from me.*||

||Welp. Lets get into this, shall we?

The year is 1340, England, and all has been well. Farming has reached its peak, the economy is good, and the population flourishes. Not only was this at it's prime, but there hadn't been a major epidemic for quite some time now. Only your great grandparents can remember the last plague-and even when they tell you about it, you just laugh it off. Such awfulness seems un- fathomable. The royal king, James II (Christopher) Archer, and his wife, Queen Eallda (May Rena) Archer rule over the land with both grace and justice. Princess Elizabeth (May Rena) Archer, heir to the throne at only 19, dreams of one day ruling over the country, striving to bring the same peace and prosperity her parents had. The younger prince, aged 17, is named Mark (James) Archer, and lives under the knowledge that he shall one day be ruled by his sister. The same is Mark's twin brother, Michel (James) Archer, aged 17, the youngest.
           Soon enough, however, such peace crushes. It's always bound too. Rumors of a dark demon creeping into the edges of the country surfaces. Something so evil, it picks off people in its path, killing all but a few. The castle, situated in the center of the country, quakes in anticipation, knowing it was only a matter of time before this evil reached them.
        In recent years, they had faced many enemies before. They'd fought other countries, fought famine, fought for survival. But they hadn't come across this old foe for awhile- only their forefathers knew of it. It has been along time indeed.....
                    ||Here comes the Plague||
    This role play is about the medieval ages, and primarily focus on the Royal court, although some peasant/ other parts may be created. Im really excited for this, and can't wait to role play with you all! If anyone had any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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