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Xavier forcefully ripped his wrist from Rosie's grip and walked off.

Everyone saw Xavier return, but panic immediately exploded when they saw what he was wearing.

Leo caught Xavier's wrist

"Xavier, please, do not leave," he said softly.

Rosie approached. She was worried Xavier was going to end up leaving.

Xavier sighs heavily

"Just let me go. I don't want to be here. I don't belong here! JUST LET ME GO!" He shouted.

Everyone went silent. Xavier felt Leo's grip tighten on his wrist

"Xavier. You cannot leave. Please, you are a Prince," Leo said.

Xavier chuckles a little. Everyone raises their eyebrows at Xavier

"If I was a Prince, why wasn't I treated like one? I don't want to stay here. I want my life to change for the better. That's all I ask for. I'm not going to find a better life here. It's out of the question. Let me go, Leo. Why won't you let me say goodbye so I can leave? What's your damn problem?" Xavier sneers.

Leo pulled Xavier closer to him. The two are closer than they ever have been before.

Rosie stepped away, not liking this at all.

Xavier pushes Leo away.

"I'm not interested," he said merely

"I know about our destiny," Leo says finally.

Everyone gasped as Xavier immediately snapped his attention to Leo, furious.


Xavier shoved Leo off at full force and left, crying.

Leo sighs

"You're a bastard, alright. We're over, Leo." Rosie said, got her things and left.

Leo sighs

"Come on, Leo. We will get this sorted together. Forget this mistake. We need to find Xavier. You need to apologise to him and tell him everything." Nick, Leo's brother, said.

Leo nods. He and his crew were off.

Xavier was down by the crystal lake, crying his eyes out. After everything, Xavier finally broke.

He sobs, feeling like everyone's taken him for a fool.

Xavier cursed Leo over and over again. He felt incredibly backstabbed and betrayed by him.

Night time came, and everyone in Leo's crew and Leo himself was out to find Xavier.

Xavier sat by the crystal lake underneath the cherry blossom tree. His eyes were glassy from crying, and he looked miserable.

After what Leo confessed to, Xavier felt awful. After everything he went through because of Leo, Xavier now has a personal and intense hatred for the Prince.

Xavier got up and went to his usual bar. He entered, got a drink and sat at his regular booth.

Sighing, Xavier shakes his head and takes a big swing of his fruity alcohol. He continued to feel miserable.

Xavier finished his drink and got another one, the same as the first. Xavier paid the bartender for the two drinks.

After carefully getting his drink, Xavier returned to his seat.

Once Xavier was done, he left. He had nowhere to go, considering everything that happened earlier on.

Xavier eventually hears a female approaching him

"Xavier," Rosie said

"Oh. Hi." Xavier mumbles

"Look, I'm sorry. If I had known about your destiny, I would've stayed away," Rosie says genuinely.

"I honestly don't care, Rosie. I'm not dealing with Leo." Xavier said bitterly

"He'll change, though, Xavier. He'll do it for you. He knows about the destiny he's to have with you," Rosie spoke carefully.

Xavier only shrugs

"Don't care." He said merely

"Have you been drinking?" Rosie asked

"Since when do my daily and nightly activities need to concern you? Are you being nosy right now?" Xavier asked bitterly

"I'm just asking; I'm worried, Xavier. You reacted severely when Leo made his confession, and you currently smell like fruity alcohol. You're a mess, Xavier. It's obvious for the world to see," Rosie said, concerned.

"My life doesn't need to concern you," Xavier said, walking away.

Xavier sneers and curses at Rosie under his breath.

Sighing heavily, Xavier returned to the crystal lake and sat under the cherry blossom tree.

Xavier stares at the crystal lake and sighs to himself.

Someone approached Xavier and sat down beside him

"Hey, little man," Mark says gently.

Xavier looks away. He doesn't look at one of his fathers

"Xav, come on, look at me," Mark says softly

"How can I look at someone who focused on the stupid Prince and now not anymore fucking Princess? What the fuck am I supposed to say to you?! You never paid any attention to me! I don't know who the fuck you are, but you NEVER were there for me! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY!!" Xavier shouted.

Mark pulled a gentle look. He watches as Xavier wipes tears away.

Xavier feels Mark take one of his hands, but he immediately returns his hand.

Mark sighs a little

"Leo was probably scared, Xavier. He was probably scared you wouldn't feel the same way he did for you. So, instead, he got a girlfriend who became his Princess. Leo was possibly terrified," he says softly.

Xavier forced himself to suppress sobs. The pain was running through his veins, his blood, and inside him like a deadly poison.

Mark looks at Xavier. He was trembling. He gasped a little for air due to holding on and trying not to break down.

This made Mark go wide-eyed. He's now seeing just how hurt his son was from everything.

Xavier could feel the tears leaking from his eyes, falling with no mercy.

Mark reaches out and touches Xavier's shoulder

"Please, give Leo a chance. He deserves one," he says softly.

Xavier gets up and walks away. Everything was about Leo.

It was getting on Xavier's nerves. He slumped onto the ground after finding another hiding spot.

He heard his stomach gurgle. Xavier wraps his arms around his stomach.

He knew drinking on an empty stomach was a terrible idea, but he didn't care at the moment.

Xavier leaned against the tree. He looks out at the beautiful view he can see.

The poor twenty-year-old was in pain. He turned to alcohol as it was one of his comforts while he had no one there person-wise.

Xavier curled up and continued to lean against the tree. He had high alcohol tolerance, but because he drank on an empty stomach, he felt ill.

Trying to get comfortable, Xavier was careful. His stomach hurt, and he didn't want to cause any problems or to feel sicker.

Time went on, and eventually, Phil, Xavier's other father figure, found him.

Phil rushes over to Xavier and gets down to his level

"Xavier?! What's wrong?" He asked, worried

"I'm fine. Just cramps," Xavier replies quietly.

Xavier was in pain. Phil carefully picks him up.

"You may not like this, but I'm taking you back to the castle. You are a Prince too, Xavier," he said and returned to the castle.

Xavier could feel the cramps increase and his stomach ache. Something wasn't agreeing with him.

Phil got Xavier back to the castle. Then, he took Xavier to his new bedroom.

Xavier's new bedroom is the newly cleaned master chamber bedroom.

Phil entered the room and carefully laid Xavier down on the bed.

He was pale and seemed unwell

"Xav? Talk to me, what's going on? Does your stomach hurt?" Phil asked

"It's just cramps. They should go away soon," Xavier mumbles.

Phil gently feels Xavier's forehead

"I am going to get the doctor," he said, then was off.

Xavier started to feel nauseated. He hears his stomach making noises. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach was a foolish idea.

Eventually, Phil entered with the doctor, who checked up on Xavier.

Immediately, the doctor pulled a worrying expression

"Xavier has not eaten in ages, yet he has drunk alcohol. It is no wonder he is feeling unwell and looking unwell," he said.

Phil looks at Xavier as he suddenly starts to act strangely physically

"Quickly, get the Prince a bin. He is about to upchuck," the doctor said, worried.

Phil quickly got Xavier a bin. The doctor helps Xavier to sit up. Xavier wasn't looking well at all.

Within minutes, he was puking his guts up. Once Xavier was done, he immediately laid down and fell asleep.

A week passed since that day, and Leo made a shocking confession. Xavier wasn't feeling any better.

Xavier couldn't face Leo. He couldn't tell Leo he loved him as that's what destiny wanted.

It was a rainy night. Xavier was in bed. He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't understand... why the fuck I'm back here..." he mumbled.

Xavier sits up. He felt his stomach. He had grown thinner than before.

Someone knocked on Xavier's main bedroom chamber doors

"Xavier? May I please come in?" Leo asked gently

"Go to Hell, Leo," Xavier growled.

Leo felt guilt, knowing everything he had done to hurt Xavier

"Please, Xavier, talking it out will hopefully heal things between us," he said

"There wasn't anything between us. You're fucking stupid. Leave me the fuck alone. You're not the one who deserves to be my other half!" Xavier barked.

Leo bites his lip. He tried to hold the tears back. He left Xavier alone.

Xavier was already crying. He left the bed, changed into casual royal clothes, collected everything needed, and escaped.

By the time ten PM arrived, Xavier had gotten far, far, far away from the castle. It was clear Xavier was exhausted.

A troll saw Xavier and saw him collapse. He rushed over and picked him up bridal style.

"Hang iin there, dear Priince Xaviier. II 2hall get you two our ca2tle at once," the male troll said and rushed off.

Xavier struggles to remain conscious. His body ached, and his chest hurt, too.

Due to exhaustion and the aching, Xavier passed out. He was in a hospital wing when he woke up the next day.

Xavier struggled to move. He felt so sore and achy after travelling for so long the night before.

The troll who brought Xavier to the castle he belongs to entered and approached Xavier

"Priince Xaviier Zander. You poor thiing, de2tiiny ha2 been cruel two you," he said

"Yeah... life has been cruel..." Xavier mumbles.

The troll gently felt Xavier's forehead.

"You feel normal temperature-wii2e. Can you move much, dear Priince?" He asked

"I can barely move... maybe I need to take it easy in bed for a few days," Xavier says weakly.

"II 2ee. Well, dear Xaviier, we have gotten you moved iin here. Here, 2iix fandom2 and theiir creator2 liive along wiith two demon2 and two 2tar 2iign crew2. You wiill be loved and trea2ured here. Your de2tiiny ii2 no longer connected two you. We have a 2peciial magiiciian or mage who doe2 amaziing magic. He ha2 freed you from the cruel hand2 of de2tiiny. II 2hall 2tay here wiith you whiile the doctor2, Doctor Lance and Doctor Harrii2on check up on you," the troll said.

Xavier nods, a genuine thanking smile on his lips.

The doctors enter, and the troll steps away to let the doctors do his job

"How is he, Psiioniic?" Doctor Lance asked

"He 2aiid he could barely move. He ii2 quiite tiired, but, hii2 temperature 2eem2 normal. II thiink Priince Xaviier ju2t need2 two re2t here for a whiile," Psiioniic reported.

The two doctors nodded and checked up on Xavier. What Psiioniic had described to them was correct.

After, the doctors leave. Psiioniic approached Xavier again, who looked at Psiioniic.

"II do hope you feel better quiickly, Xaviier. IIt paiin2 me miightiily two 2ee you iin 2uch a 2tate," Psiioniic says softly.

Xavier smiles

"You are very caring, Psiioniic. If I must confess, no one ever noticed me back in my old castle until I started falling apart. I suppose you have seen I am suffering, and it has done a massive number on me. I was on my own in my old castle. I suffered a great deal from depression, sleepless nights, self-harm, lack of an appetite, you know, the negative things. I am sure things will improve now that I am here. You have brought me to a better place, Psiioniic, and I am mighty grateful for you. Thank you very much, magnificently kind sir," he said.

Psiioniic gently takes one of Xavier's hands, and the two males look at each other, smiling.

"IIt wa2 my plea2ure, my dear Priince. II am 2o 2orry two hear you had 2uch a tough tiime before II brought you here. From now on, Xaviier, thiing2 wiill be much better for you. Everyone here promii2e2 you that," Psiioniic nods.

Xavier smiles, and he nods.

After a week, Xavier fully recovered and was discharged from the hospital wing.

He exited on his own. But another troll was approaching him. Another male

"Ah, you must be Prince Xavvier. It is a pleasure to meet you face to face finally," he said and bowed.

Xavier bows back to be polite

"Truly a pleasure. What is your name?" He asked

"I am Dualscar," Dualscar introduces himself

"Quite a heroic name if you ask me. I like it," Xavier grins

"Thank you, dear Prince. The creators wwish to speak wwith you. Please, followw me," Dualscar said.

Xavier nodded, and the two males headed off. They got to a massive private meeting room.

Dualscar opened the doors and stood aside.

"I shall see you after the meeting to take you to your master chamber bedroom. I wwill come back and collect you," he said

"Thank you very much, Dualscar. Good day to you," Xavier smiles

"And a good day to you too, dear Xavvier," Dualscar returned the smile.

Xavier entered, and the doors were shut behind him. The seven creators look at Xavier.

"Prince Xavier. It is a pleasure to meet you. How are you feeling? Psiioniic told us you were not feeling good at all in the hospital wing," creator Sakura Cherry Blossom spoke.

"A pleasure to meet you, fellas, too. I am feeling a lot better, thank you. I believe it was Psiioniic who brought me here. I am grateful for the fellow," Xavier nods.

"Indeed. Psiioniic came rushing in with you in his arms. He was extremely concerned about your well-being and immediately got you into the hospital wing. Psiioniic did not rest until he got the okay to say you were okay and in the clear," creator Mason Mallon said

"I see. Bless him," Xavier says softly.

Xavier took his seat and had a meeting with the creators. He was introduced to all the creators, too.

After the meeting, the eight males got up.

"If anything is troubling you, let anyone here know. We are on your side, Xavier and are here for you. We shall never betray you, dear Prince," Toby said.

Xavier nods and smiles. The doors were opened, and Dualscar waited for Xavier.

After the eight males were out, Dualscar closed the doors again

"Did the meeting go smoothly, dear Prince?" He asked as he took Xavier to his main bedroom chamber

"It went splendidly, Dualscar. However, I wish to ask, you know Psiioniic, yes?" Xavier said

"Indeed, I knoww him. A marvvellous guy. WWhy do you ask?" Dualscar asked

"He... went above and beyond for me. I was told he never rested until told I would be okay. Psiioniic was worried about me, giving me feelings I had never felt before. I was never treated this fantastically back at my old castle, and I feel new hope here. Psiioniic specifically was the first one to give me new hope here," Xavier said.

Dualscar smiles

"Psiioniic is a vvery caring chap, dear Xavvier. He truly treasures a wwonderful prince like you," he said genuinely.

Xavier rubs his arm shyly.

"I am very thankful. People here have been amazing, and I am fortunate I have been brought here," he said.

The two males get to the bedroom. However, Dualscar felt danger nearby and immediately pulled Xavier into his arms.

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