5. Please Spare Me

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"Nobody's here" Charlie tells the general "You guys go on back to the church. I will look around a little bit more.

"Don't worry, they're gone," Charlie says looking at me.

"But, but why didn't you tell them I was here?" I ask him, confused.

"I know why you ran away. I too ran away from something, my job." Charlie says.

"But I don't get it. Why would you want to run away from your job? You get to be a Royal guard." Jace asked him, fiddling with the stirrup on Aces' saddle

"You think I want to be a guard, I have to work non stop and you don't get paid all that well. That's why I ran away, but unlike you I was caught and brought back home to my place by the palace. I know you're sick of being royalty and you ran away trying to be free and not under your parents' rules anymore. That is why I didn't give you away."

"Oh, well thank you for that." I quietly thanked him.

"I still don't get it." Fern said, confused, "If you hate your job so much why didn't you turn her in and collect the money. The price for finding her is enough money to be able to quit your job and get the one you want even if it pays less, you still would have the money."

"Look, I'm single and I live in an old barn. My hair is messy and I have to beg for food." Charlie said "I did everything to get money and I am afraid if I get the money for turning you in then I would not need the job as much as other people and they would fire me." Click I had an idea.

"What if we get you the money without having you get fired Fern turns me in and she collects the money." I suggested "That way they wont know that it was you who got the money and then they won't fire you."

"Wait wait wait you want to turn yourself in." Fern says, raising her voice.

"Not so loud Fern you don't want to get us all caught." Jace whispers to her bending over to pet River.

" How much money is the prize anyway?" Fern asked, trying to find some piece of knowledge that she can use to shoot down the idea

"The price is 2,000 gold pieces" Charlie says

"I don't like this idea of yours" Fern Intervenes

"Why?" Jace asks

"Because if she tries to sneak out they will stop her" Fern says exasperated. Charlie pulls Fern to the side.

"Look," he says, "I know you don't want them to do this but I am a royal guard and I get rewarded if I turn you in so one way or another. I get money it just depends if you want to go with the plan or have all of you turned in."

"Fine!" she says, stomping back to the group.

"You can do your dumb little plan" she says in a bit sassy voice. "But we go in the morning, it is getting dark." I pulled out the extra clothes and blanket and set them on the ground giving some to the others and putting some on the trailer for River. I layed down and drifted off to sleep.

Alright I might not update for a little while! I have to start writing the next part.

- Nora

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