Do I deserve the sky?

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The sky....It's so beautiful..Do I really deserve the sky?

My life is somebody's dream life.

Somebody starves to death.

And here I am. Wanting to escape the comfort of a castle, to linger in the wilderness.

'Your majesty?' I snapped my head towards the source of the voice.



'Why do you call me 'Your majesty'? Just call me Sakura.'

Sasuke looked at me with fear in his eyes.

I cut him off midsentence.

'It's alright..You made me laugh once. That's all I look for in a friend.'

Sasuke's eyes twinkled.

'You are different than her..'

'Than...who exactly?'

His eyes shone with a sad sparkle.

'My fianceé.'

Sakura's eyes shone with excitement.

'Oh my god tell me more about him, or her..I don't really judge.'

'It's a her...But being engaged with her makes me wish that I was gay..'

Sakura's eyes danced in mirth.

"Is it? Who is she? Can I meet her?'



Sakura's eyes locked with a certain red haired beauty.

But her personality certainly didn't reflect her looks.

'Who is she? Sasuke?' Karin screamed once she entered Sasuke's backyard.

Sakura slept with Mikoto in her room, but she preferred staying outside most of the time.

Sakura stared at Karin cluelessly.

Soon, Mikoto walked out the house groggily, to look at Karin, whose nostrils were flaring in anger.

'What's the matter?' Mikoto asked, with an annoyed tone.

'Who is she? And what is she doing in my Sasuke's house?'

Mikoto sighed. And she looked at Karin with an angered expression.

'Don't forget who the master of this house is, young lady.'

Mikoto walked upto Sakura and hugged her tightly.

'She is my daughter.' Mikoto said to Karin.

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