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the chase.

"he's not back yet?" taehyung glances at the black haired leaning against the porch's wall, eyes flashing in worry. "if you wanted to go out together, you should have brought him back. where the hell is he now?"

"he said he'll come home later" taehyung sighs, straightening back up as he makes a move forward, "i should go find him" his movements were stopped when jungkook's voice resonated through the four walls, cold and aloof, "taehyung, it seems like you keep forgetting that jimin is the crown prince" taehyung scoffs, facing the male but jungkook continues, "like the night when he and i shared a room, and then today you acted as if you were more than friends with him. be careful from now on, if not jimin will get hurt"

taehyung steps into his space, eyes set on the crown prince as he seethes, "you think you have the right to say this?" jungkook mirrors his expression, speaking through clenched teeth, "what do you mean?"

"think about it since you're so smart" taehyung gives him one last glare before retreating, getting into his car while dialling jimin's phone.

"just be safe jimin, that's all i ask for"

jungkook looks up from his linked fingers as mr. lee stands infront of him, "you still can't get through him?" he sounds so unsure, voice tight with hope but all he heard was "i'm sorry your highness"

the black haired twists open jimin's room door, standing in the doorway for a moment before stepping in, sighing softly. as he walks in further, something catches his attention on the floor, frowning as he picks the stack of picture up and turns it around, only for his blood to run cold.

it's his pictures. the one with yugyeom, the one where yugyeom kissed him and jungkook releases it from his grasp, a shaky hand coming up to wipe his face, "fuck, i'm so sorry jimin" he whispers to the empty room, heart suddenly beating painfully against his chest. in the next second, he bolts off the room, getting into his car as he drives through the palace ground to the exit, stopping when he sees taehyung's car in front of him.

"are you going to look for him?"


"call me immediately once you found him" taehyung bites the inside of his cheek, "i don't want to" jungkook shoots daggers at the male but taehyung isn't looking his way as he crosses his arms, "you're always making him cry, but i want to make him smile" the blonde pointedly ignored the other's words as he hops into his maserati, driving off.

both boys were hectic, in different places but actions and the way their heart is beating anxiously were still the same. jungkook runs from classes to classes in different blocks of their school, the students looking at him with confusion and awe at the same time since the male is running in his suit, not having the time to change but finding no traces of his husband while taehyung drives to the carnival and searches around the entire area before going to han river, grunting out in frustration when he finds nothing.

jungkook paces around the carpark as he waits for yugyeom, the male tapping his shoulder from behind. "did you see jimin in school earlier?" he frantically asks, slipping his phone in his pocket as he watches yugyeom's face morph into shock, "you called me just because of that?" jungkook looks away, knows that yugyeom is finding the situation hard to believe, "he might call you because of the pictures so if he does, tell me. i have to go find him" just as jungkook turns away and open the door of his car, yugyeom speaks, "i have never seen your face so worried before. are you that worried because of that boy?"

"i am worried" yugyeom grits his teeth as they shared a look, "do you have to make a face that looks like you would die worrying about him? and in front of me?" yugyeom's eyes glistened with new tears and jungkook looks up at him, "he's the crown prince," he states, eyes never once leaving the other "and my husband too" before getting in, slamming the door shut and drives off, leaving with yugyeom's shattered heart trailing along with him.

"where did you go. . .where did you go? oh god jimin" taehyung throws his head back against his seat, turning off his engine as he stops at the pathway of the palace. his mind reels with different possibilities and suddenly he sits up, looking to the side at the old library he once went with the silver haired.

"please be there"

jungkook monitors the cctv footage from the control room, hearing mr.lee's orders to the person stationed there to look more thoroughly. "i don't think he is in the palace, maybe he went back home?" the older supplies helpfully, jungkook swiveling in his chair. "he is more loyal than he looks. he wouldn't want to make his parents worry"

taehyung climbs up the stairs, whipping his head around and letting out a relieved sigh when he sees jimin sitting down on one of the bench, reading a book from one of the shelves.

"jimin," the said male let out a surprised gasp, standing up as he clutches a hand to his chest, "ah you scared me" taehyung closes the space between them, taking in jimin's form, "i knew you would be here. i'm so glad nothing happened to you" he brings a hand up to jimin's face but the other turns away, letting out a small grin.

"there, repeat the third camera" jungkook says as he gets up from his seat, walking over to the monitor, and sees jimin walking into the place, "where is that?"

"that's the area of the old library, if i'm not wrong" jungkook walks off from the room, feels like he can breathe again once he saw jimin, pace quickening unknowingly and before he knows it, he has already stepped out from his car and into the old domain, climbing up the stairs to the second floor.

what he sees sets his vision flaring, jimin's eyes widening as he sees the look on jungkook's face before a fist comes landing to taehyung's face, making jimin gasp and stand in between them, "what the fuck are you doing?" he screams, hands placed against jungkook's chest to stop him from moving forward and caging taehyung, breathing ragged as he can't stop the feral look from his eyes, "i told you to call me once you found him didn't i? why the fuck didn't you?"

"he didn't know i was here!" jimin looks worriedly at the blonde, a hand cradling his numb face and turns to glare at his husband when his wrist were suddenly held in a death grip, "shut your mouth" he tries his best to release himself but becomes weak when jungkook manages to bring him down to his car, slamming the side of his door so harsh that jimin jumps, although his mind was racing.

"where are we going?" jungkook ignores the male as he speeds off, leaving the palace and entering though another road near the palace grounds, stopping at an empty pathway, autumn leaves falling around them. both males were silent for a while except for the sound of their breathing but jungkook speaks up, "do you know how worried i was? you didn't have your bodyguards with you, i thought-"

"thanks for actually caring about me" in jimin's place, jungkook has no right to be mad, if it weren't for the pictures or him leaving for thailand and coming back with all the rumors about him and yugyeom, everything would have been fine but no, so jungkook doesn't get any say in this.

"don't get hurt over those pictures, they're nothing" jungkook doesn't look at him when jimin speaks up, "nothing? you really don't take things seriously do you? shouldn't you be more worried about yugyeom? i really feel sorry for getting into the relationship between you two. when i moved into the palace, i needed someone to rely on. no matter how mean or cruel you acted, sometimes when you were beside me, it made me feel happy. but now, i no longer feel that way"

the black haired hands that were gripping the steering wheel tightened, "what do you mean?" it came out more painful than it should but jimin doesn't care, he wants to let it all out, "it hurts, to stand by your side" the silver haired utters, stepping out from the car and shutting the door back as he starts walking, heart feeling heavier, as if nothing was solved by opening up what he just said to the male in the car.

"where are you going?" jungkook's voice is laced with concern and panic and jimin stops, letting out a resigned sigh, "you said to wait for two years. fine, lets divorce after two years"

"what? what if i don't want to?" jimin clenches his fist, head spinning, "you think it's fun playing with someone's feelings? you're not fooling me anymore jungkook" and he sounds so tired, void of emotions that jungkook gasp for breath, finding it hard to not break. "so those days that you want to go back to yugyeom, i think it's best to respect each other's limits, or else, we might want to forget the past memories we had"

jimin finally faces him, not hiding the tears threatening to fall out his eyes, "if being in the same sky as you makes me grow hatred for you, it'll be hard for me to handle for the remaining years"

"is living in the palace that hard for you? if you want a divorce so bad, then i will divorce you" jimin looks up at him accusingly, voice rising a little, "who brought up about divorce first you cold-hearted jerk!"

"that's because i didn't like you at first. why did some guy just entered my life trying to get close to me with his big, starry eyes? when i listen to your words, it made me felt as if my life is fake. it made me question myself on how the things i used to believe were real, became fake in seconds. so sometimes i question myself, would i be able to live without you?" jungkook gazes at the male who has tears cascading down his face while he harshly tries to wipe them away, "you really have no feelings do you? all you think is about yourself" the silver haired turns away and starts walking again, only for strong arms to cage his waist, the male's breath hitching as he grasp onto jungkook's hands around his hips.

"lets stay like this for awhile, please can you just stay like this for a little while" jungkook's voice breaks and he holds on tighter, pressing his lips to the crown of jimin's head. jungkook turns him around, feeling jimin's hands slowly wrap themselves around his back as he lays his head against jungkook's chest, his own hands coming to wrap around jimin, lips never leaving its place.

"i'm sorry, love, for all the things i've done to you" he smiles when jimin presses in closer.

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