twenty four.

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stormy weather.

"i don't think there's any reason to disagree to that. so have you decided a place to stay?" the great queen asks softly as he turns to taehyung.

the latter is having his nineteenth birthday in a few days and suggested to spend it with both the crown prince and also their friends so that they can breathe and relax.

"i'm planning to rent a villa near the palace" jimin gets excited in his seat because he can finally spend time with his friends but the fingers that is tightening around his own makes him glance at the male beside him to see a frown adorning his features.

"please just make sure no mishaps will happen so that people will not start gossiping about it" the queen emphasizes and looks at her son, sensing his distaste because she knows he doesn't fancy the fact that taehyung likes jimin but there's no evident proof, so she can't say anything.

"thank you for your consent, your highness" taehyung gives them a grateful smile then turns to jimin and jungkook, smile widening a little a the bright look on jimin's face but it falls when he looks at jungkook who is already staring back at him.

"why didn't you tell me? if taehyung invited us, you should've told me" jimin stops the crown prince as he places his hands on his arm as they walk back towards their domain, passing by the porch as they enter the main room.

"what kind of birthday party lasts for two days? i'm not going" jungkook finally answers, sounding petulant as he refuses to look at his husband. "don't you think taehyung will be upset if we don't go? he also invited my friends and yours"

"do you want to go?" the black haired finally turns towards the male, looking at him. "i do want to go, but i really just want to wish him a happy birthday. taehyung came for your birthday remember?"

"why do you care so much?" jimin furrows his brows as he drops his hands, "who said i did? i'm just saying that i want to go to my friend's birthday party"

"friends? yeah right" jungkook rolls his eyes and really, it's really childish the way a crown prince it suppose to act but jimin finds it amusing when he manages to click everything together. he stand on his toes amd wraps his arms around jungkook's neck, making the male eyes go wide as he balances with his hand placed around jimin's waist and looks at the male confusedly.

"you're just jealous aren't you? cute baby" jungkook clenches his jaw as he narrows his eyes at the male, "i'm not jealous! why should i be jealous? i have no reason to be jealous-" jimin raises one brow and lowers himself down again, removing his arms around the male as he hums, "fine, but i'm still going to his party and i don't care if you're not going, it just means i can spend more-"

"shut, just shut your stupid mouth, i'm going alright? do i look like i'll spare him a chance to even get close to you? no sweetheart" jimin grins before pecking his cheek and walking back to his room, leaving jungkook frozen in the middle of the room.

"yah! you can't just do that!" he gasps but he sounds equally whiny as he follows jimin into his room instead of his own, hearing the tinking laughter he had grown to love.

they were all gathered around the main entrance of the villa as taehyung checked in for all of them, jungkook's friends sharing a room and jimin's friends sharing two connecting rooms. jimin is surprised yugyeom is there as well but doesn't say anything.

"i'm joining you guys" jimin says cheekily as he left jungkook and stands beside yoongi with the others. "don't be silly, you came here with your husband so you should share a room with him" jin reasons for everyone to hear and jimin pouts at that, "i don't want to be alone"

"who says you will? you have your husband" jin teases before the rest joins him to move into their room, jungkook's friends following after amd leaving the both of them with taehyung who is sporting a sour face at the thought that both the crown prince are going to share a room.

"lets go baby" jungkook laces their hands together while his other hand carries both their bags, walking past taehyung to their own villa and settling down.

"it feels awkward to share a room with you" jimin says sulkily when they've already put their clothes and sit on the bed while he switches on his phone. he hears the prince scoffs as he joins jimin on the bed, sitting down beside him, "why are you pretending to be shy?"

"i'm not. it's just, bad things happen when we share a room together" jimin sighs and rests his head on the headboard. "well you're not in a loss either" jungkook gets up and starts unbuttoning his shirt to change, hearing jimin's breath hitch and he turns, a small smirk on his face when he sees the male staring. "what? i can't change in fornt of my own husband"

"i. . ." his throat feels dry so he keeps his mouth shut eventhough he quickly regains his composure but starts feeling sleepy as he watches jungkook picking a hoodie from the small closet in the room after washing his face and throws it over his head before pulling jimin up and squishing his cheeks together which makes his lips pout even more, "you're so cute but we can't sleep now sweetcheeks, we have to go eat with the others first" jimin tries to rub the sleep off his eyes even jungkook slowly brings them out of the room and into the open.

the table is noisy with their voices chattering and surprisingly, jimin's friends were able to break the ice with yugyeom and the rest amd actually initiate a conversation that now flows easily as if there wasn't any awkwardness at all. if jimin were to guess, he might say that they understand each other better now but everytime he looks at either yugyeom's or taehyung's face, they will have the same brooding expression plastered on their faces which is not a good sign eventhough both are seated further away from jimin and jungkook who are side by side. but that's not jimin's concern at the moment as he looks at jungkook who is not eating his food and just looking around as his friends bond with the others.

"hey, why aren't you eating?" jungkook hums as he straightens in his seat and turns to jimin, smiling softly, "don't know, maybe i'm just contented by seeing you feeding yourself well" he wipes off the sauce near his prince's lips and jimin's eyes turns soft at his words.

"you still need to eat though, please"

"i'm still full-"

if one thing jungkook should know, jimin doesn't take no for an answer so he scoops some rice from jungkook's plate and brings it up to the male's lips, eyes pleading and he knows he had won when jungkook opens his mouth silently as jimin feeds him.

"ah jungkook, you seem to have a changed a lot lately" jaebum laughs as he sees jimin feeding him, "how?"

"i don't know but you're more gentler now, i like it" jungkook grins and jimin hits him because he just wants to get pampered by jimin, honestly.

but he's happy. jimin's happy. things are going out well for them so he hopes it wooudn't be crashed down again like how it had for the past few weeks, he doesn't want his happiness to be short-lived. but then he remembers happiness gained are for stories which have not yet ended which is why he's cherishing the blissful moments now and keeping it in his heart safely.

yugyeom turns when he feels another presence behind him and smiles, "thanks for inviting me"

"we're friends aren't we?" taehyung leans against one of the wall as he crosses his arms. "i was hesitant to go since i was scared everyone would get uncomfortable because of me but i'm glad they're not" taehyung notices the dark circles around the other's eyes and sighs, "you've been really tired haven't you?"

"i think that i'm too tired that i might as well give up but i know i'm doing the right thing, to give them their happiness. i can see that jungkook really likes jimin" yugyeom hears the male taking in a sharp breath and relasing it after before he speaks, "people say that love moves on"

"well it takes two hands to clap"

the night is still young as they celebrate taehyung's birthday in the bar of the villa, toasting and drinking together. "taehyung, happy birthday" namjoon cheers and they all join, laughters bouncing off the walls as the group radiated happiness all around.

"where is he?" jungkook asks aloud just as he sees jimin entering with jin, a birthday cake in his hands with the candles lit up, walking towards the group slowly. "since it's a birthday, we need a cake" jimin smiles as he settles beside taehyung who is speechless, the candles making a glow on his face.

"jimin ah. . ." he whispers softly, touched at the fact he actually bought him a cake and is celebrating together with him. jungkook curtly turns his head around and drinks his wine, veins pulsing.

jimin pops open another champagne bottle and pours it for everyone, another round of cheers emitting before taehyung starts speaking. "thank you for coming to my birthday. i've been wanting to spend time with my friends for a long time and i'm glad i'm finally able to do it"

"well you have us now, right jungkook?" jimin asks and nudges him softly when he keeps quiet, "well yeah. anyways, happy birthday" he brings his glass flute and they sound that tinkles when it meets taehyung's own isn't as pleasant along with the thank you taehyung returns him.

just as he brings the glass to his lips, yugyeom's voice stops him. "jungkook, don't drink that. it's peach, you're allergic to it" jungkook sniffs it before putting it down, knows that jimin is probably looking at the both of them.

"last time jungkook ate peach, his whole body turned red. but what was funny was that there was a shape of a heart on his back. oh, did you tell jimin you are allergic to strawberries as well?" jungkook's eyes turns into a glare unconsciously as he shoots it at yugyeom, trying to grab jimin's hands underneath the table but the male moves away a little.

once they all talked among themselves, jimin makes his way up alone to the second floor, sitting down on one of the benches as he looks at the night sky, enjoying the peace before he sees taehyung walking and sitting down next to him.

"i've been looking for you. is it because of yugyeom?"

"yugyeom knows more about jungkook while i don't know much about him" he sighs and leans on his palm, watching people walk by and the sound of the coal burning in the fireplace near them, thinking back to what yugyeom said earlier.

"two years isn't a short amount of time" the blonde mutters and jimin nods, "i know, but i still feel bad, will time take care of it?" taehyung lenas back in his seat, staring at jimin, "time doesn't take care of everything"

the silver haired remains silent and looks away, eyes suddenly focused on the two male he sees on the first floor, taking to each other and why does jimin's chest hurts? he should trust jungkook, maybe they're just talking?

but why must they talk in the dark and why is it just the two of them?

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