twenty six.

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all or nothing.

"what is going on with you park jimin? and don't lie to me i know you" jimin chuckles as yoongi raises a brow at him. "i'm trying to figure myself out too"

yoongi lets out a long sigh, crossing his arms, "i hope you sort all these feelings out, you're not like yourself anymore and the others have noticed it too. we're just worried for you jimin ah, please take care of yourself"

"i know hyung, thank you" yoongi gives him a grin, body relaxing, "during tae's party, you and jungkook seemed tense. i didn't want to say anything but i could really see that he likes you jimin ah" there's silence for a few moments before jimin speaks up. "does he really like me though? i've never heard it from it and sometimes i overthink. we live together, eat breakfast together, do things together, maybe he just got attached because there's someone with him. but me, i get worried when i don't see him, i feel lonely when i'm not with him and all i want to do is be in his arms, i want him to tell me that he feels the same way but everytime we progress, we just fall back to the starting point. and then we're fighting. i'll admit that i am being irrational by pushing him away without listening to his explanations but i'm just scared hyung, what if when we really talk things out, i don't hear the words i desperately need to hear? why did i hope for so long hyung? i'm just really tired, and i know he is too" yoongi doesn't say anything. instead, he brings the male in for an embrace, letting his warmth comfort him.

"you'll be fine jimin ah, trust hyung"

jimin slings his bag over his shoulder as he steps out of the dance studio, body spent from their training earlier. he walks pass the auditorium and stops when he sees someone practicing inside. he lets himself step into the entrance at the far back where he can't be seen since it's dark except for the stage lights and sees yugyeom dancing to one of his own dance piece. jimin's eyes widen when someone stood up from one of the seats, startling him a little because he didn't see anyone before but his eyes turns hard when he realises it's jungkook.

yugyeom seemed to have lost his momentum when the black haired stood up and he tripped, falling onto the stage with a huff. jimin sees jungkook walking up to the dancer in quick strides, putting down the box he was carrying as he looks as yugyeom's ankle.

jimin leaves so that he doesn't have to see what happens afterwards.

"so you brought it?" yugyeom asks softly and jungkook nods, pushing the box over to the male. "yugyeom, do you think i always do things my own way without caring for others?" jungkook suddenly asks as he sits down on stage, fingers fidgeting anxiously. yugyeom scoffs teasingly, looking at the male. "you just realised?"


"treat him properly jungkook. just like how you and i are similar, jimin and you are different. you have to tell him, show him that you have feelings for him. before things get too late" jungkook doesn't reply, looking straight ahead until his eyes fall on the entrance of the auditorium.

jimin hears knocks on his door and turns around, only to see jungkook entering. the silver haired closes his book and looks at him but doesn't say anything. "yugyeom's leaving for london today. do you want to go to the airport with me?"

"you can go alone" the male finally mutters out and flips his book back open but jungkook takes the book away from him and grabs a hold of his wrist. "i'm not going if you're not going with me"

jimin sighs and finally takes a proper look at his husband. god, he looks so pale, jimin wonders if he did that to him. he misses jungkook so much but he can't easily give his heart if jungkook isn't willing too. "i have my reason to not be there. please, just go jungkook. if i'm there, i feel like i'll just interfere between the both of you"

jungkook hasn't been looking at him but when he does, jimin breaks. there's tears rolling down his eyes and a sob is threatening to burst out but jungkook holds it in. "jimin please i, i'm so tired. please just, let me explain everything baby. i-" jimin presses a finger to his lips, effectively silencing him and jungkook realises how jimin is just as crestfallen as he is, how he misses jungkook as much as he misses jimin. he feels like his lungs are constricting, feels like he can't breathe when jimin finally laces their hands together, wiping the tears on his cheeks. "god i've never seen you cried but now that i did, i don't ever want to see it again" jimin rasps out and jungkook can't hold himself anymore, burying his face in jimin shoulder as he wraps his arms tightly around the other's waist, trying to calm his heart down.

"we'll talk alright? i'm sorry for pushing you away and not letting you explain yourself but i know that it's affecting both of us and i want to fix this," jungkook pulls away and nods, leaning into jimin's hand that had cupped his cheek. "you look so pale kook ah, have you not been taking care of yourself? i'm so sorry, this is all my fault" jungkook shakes his head vehemently, "it's both our fault for letting it stretch too far but we're fixing this and i'm so happy. i'm so happy jimin" he rests his forehead against the silver haired and closes his eyes, taking in jimin's sweet scent and pulling him in tighter.

"after we send yugyeom off? we can't leave him hanging can't we?" jungkook smiles as jimin steps away from the hug and locks their fingers together before walking out and pulling a smiling jungkook behind him.

"yugyeom! your final goodbye before you leave us for london!" mark is recording and the said male chuckles before waving at the camera, the others already at the airport to send him off. yugyeom feels a tap on his back and turns, smiling when he sees jungkook and jimin. "you came" the prince hums and jimin gives him a small smile. the others walked a few feet away from them so that they can talk and yugyeom's eyes fleets down to their interlocked hands.

jimin sees the movement and almost pulls his hands away but jungkook tightens his grip, not letting him go. "so this is a goodbye i guess?" yugyeom laughs a little, looking at the both of them, "jimin, since you came i'd like to apologize for causing the bumpy roads in your relationship with jungkook and for all the pain i have inflicted on you even if i don't know about it. i hope you will forgive me and let jungkook love you from now on"

love? jimin looks up at yugyeom in surprise. love, that's a strong word to be said, jimin thinks absentmindedly.

"i've never hated you yugyeom. i hope you excel in london, you were born for this, i've seen you dancing countless of times and you deserve this so go and achieve your dreams at the royal school. i only hope for the best for you" yugyeom blinks at him from the praise, speechless. jimin has always been the top in their class. he's always the person everyone goes to for everything, he's the star of the performing arts and hearing praises from the male makes him flustered but proud. "thank you. . .i. . .thank you jimin"

"i hope jungkook takes good care of you. he's such a stubborn brat sometimes but as long as you understand him, you'll be fine" jungkook looks at yugyeom offendedly and gasps at him, "i am not a brat!" he sputters out and puts a hand mockingly to his chest when he sees jimin rolling his eyes at him, yugyeom joining in too.

"wow, i came here to say goodbye but all i got was a bruised heart"

jimin gets up on his toes and presses a chaste kiss to his cheek, "shut up, crown prince" to which gets jungkook cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink as he stares at jimin dumbfoundedly.

yugyeom's flight is called through the receiver and all of them finally crowd around together, saying their final goodbyes before separating, jungkook and jimin walking back to the car waiting outside for them and settling in.

"jimin, baby. . ." the male snaps out of his daze and and glances at jungkook, humming. he was too busy trying to understand why yugyeom had said those words earlier.

"can i call you that again? is it okay?" jungkook asks softly as he caresses jimin's hands that is intertwined with his gently, looking at the latter as if he holds the stars in his eyes. jimin flushes under his intense gaze but looks back at the male, "i missed you calling me that so. . ."

"i missed you too sweetheart, so much"

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