twenty two.

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changing tides.

when jimin steps out of the car, he's instantly mesmerised by the palace that is hidden deeper within the main area, wide eyes staring at the calming atmosphere and surroundings. "only royals go here?"

"yeah, it's where we go to escape the heat in the summer" jungkook carries both his and jimin's bag in one hand and links his other with jimin's as they start walking and enters the main entrance, an old man suddenly rushing out to greet them.

"oh! your highness, i did not know you will be coming, i wasn't informed" he bows to both males, a polite smile on his face, "what brings you here?"

"how are you doing mr. jung?" jungkook smiles fondly at the old man while he answers with the usual 'yes of course, your highness' before turning to jimin. "you must be jungkook's husband, crown prince?" at jimin's nod, he bows once more, "i pay my respects to you now"

"thank you, mr. jung. i hope you are doing well" he bows in respect to the elder and laces his hands back with jungkook. "i want to have an overnight stay here, is it alright?"

"of course your highness, i shall prepare everything then" the male excuses himself and jungkook makes a move to his villa, jimin tagging along with radiating excitement. as they settled their stuffs, jimin goes to open one of the windows and sits down, head poking out as he stares into the sky, heart at peace. jungkook joins him after putting down their bags neatly, shuffling in closer so that he can see as well and jimin smiles softly at the male before turning back to continue gazing at the clouds and take in the scenery around the palace.

the silence doesn't last that long when suddenly jimin turns to him, hungry and not having filter to his thoughts, "baby i'm hungry" and he does this thing where his bottom lip pokes out and his eyes turns misty and puppy like and honestly jungkook wants to die.

it takes the older two seconds to realise the word of endearment he had just let out and he covers his mouth, spluttering apologies as his cheeks darken to a lovely shade of red. jungkook composes himself after a while of melting into goo and the palpitations of his heart due to that one word and cups one of jimin's cheek in his hand, removing jimin's own from his face. "you're hungry, love?" the other just nods dumbly, still embarassed by what he had slipped out earlier since it's always jungkook who gives him a term of endearment.

"do you want to cook dinner by ourselves or do you just want the helpers here to serve us hm?" jimin crosses his legs while taking the hand on his cheek into his own, playing with jungkook's fingers as he contemplates, "you won't burn down the kitchen right?" jimin teases lightly and jungkook narrows his eyes, "well then just let them serve us" he replies sourly, tongue poking in his cheek as jimin continues playing with his hand. he turns away and pouts when he hears mocking giggles from his own husband but is soon cut off when jimin throws himself into jungkook's space and smiles dazzlingly at him, making jungkook weak.

"can we make bulgogi? and tofu stew!" he bounces in jungkook's lap and stares expectantly at him while biting his bottom lip to keep that grin in his mouth.

how could jungkook ever say no to him?

they head out to a grocery store nearby that isn't that out open to the public and quickly buy their ingredients, jimin sighing everytime jungkook puts in chips and other snacks that is not in the list. "jungkook we're just-" said male presses a finger to his lips amd pushes the cart to the counter, silently paying and carrying all the plastic bags even when jimin insists in carrying some.

turns out, jungkook really enjoys cooking, a lot. scratch that, he only likes cooking when jimin is involved. he watches from behind as the male fry the beef and then goes back to stirring the stew because jeon jungkook can't cook. when he sliced the tofu earlier he almost squashed the soft thing. jungkook's heart bursts with warmth at the domesticity displayed currently and wouldn't be able to imagine losing this a few years down the road. sometimes he recalls the bitter moments where jimin insisted on a promise of divorce after two years while also blaming himself for saying that in two years he might not take his place as king therefore they can be divorced which will allow jimin to go back to his own, normal life. but looking at the picture now, can jungkook really live without jimin by his side?

"kook, baby hey" jimin waves a hand in front of his face, snapping him out of his trance, "whats's wrong?" jungkook can't bring himself to worry about those thoughts now when jimin just called him 'baby'again, eyes widening and he thinks if he looks at himself in the mirror, there might be a burst of hearts around his irises.

"you just called me baby, again" he can't contain his grin and jimin coughs, "i won't call you that if you don't want me too"

"i would love to hear you calling me that for the rest of my life, love" jimin punches his chest weakly before pulling the male to the stove and brings up the spoon filled with soup, asking the male to taste it. "is it okay?" jungkook hums and jimin stirs for a while more before turning it off and scoops some onto a bowl, jungkook moving away to set up the table.

jungkook complements on jimin's cooking as they eat, the older just smiling happily as he takes a bite of the meat. "jungkook ah, can i ask you something?" jungkook nods his head, pouring some soup on his rice. "did you really bring me here to see the sunrise? i mean, it's not really normal of you to do that"

"is it a farewell trip?" jungkook put down his chopsticks and his gaze hardens, "what? why do you think of it that way?" jimin shrugs, putting down his spoon as well. "it's just that you said it last time, and yugyeom-"

"i don't want to talk about yugyeom, and this is not a farewell trip. i just wanted you to trust me a little more by doing this, i'm sorry if you took it that way" jimin instantly feels regretful  for ruining the mood but jungkook asks him to eat so he does silently, when jungkook speaks up, "hey, what do you think of us staying together forever?"

jimin chokes on his rice and jungkook panics, sitting next to him as he hands him water and rubs his back softly, "you okay? sorry love, i didn't mean to bring it up to you like that"

"it's alright. but why did you ask that?" jungkook crosses his legs in front of him and looks into honey brown orbs, falling deeper each time he looks at them. "sometimes, i want to let you go, but other times i don't. so, before that happens, growing up together doesn't sound so bad does it?" jimin turns to fully face him, "why? so you wouldn't be bored again?" the male sighs and looks away which makes jungkook stare at him fondly, "no, it's because i can feel happiness when i'm with you" jimin's heart stutters at his words and he looks at jungkook disbelievingly before a small smile painted his face when he sees jungkook ducking his head down to cover his pink cheeks.

they continued eating in silence and wash up after, jungkook asking jimin to go and take a shower first and does the rest of the dishes before going back into the living room. he takes his turn to wash up after jimin and settles in next to the male once he's done, the silver haired turning to face him sleepily. "come here" jungkook whispers softly and cradles the male into his arms, cuddling up together with jimin hands on his chest while he buries his head into jungkook's neck, placing a soft kiss there and feels arms tightening around his waist.

"goodnight, love"

"stop! stop jungkook please! i'm sorry, i'm sorry" laughters filled the morning breeze as jungkook and jimin ran around the cost of the sea. the palace had set up decorations and ornaments on the sand and both males enjoyed their time while waiting for the sun to rise as the day gets brighter.

jungkook keeps on taking shots after shots of jimin till the male ask for the camera to take pictures of jungkook but the younger objects, wanting to keep on snapping pictures of the other. jimin looks the happiest here, calm and relaxed compared to when he was in the royal palace, always following by the book and in proper manner. jungkook feels proud that he is able to let jimin breathe even if it's only for a while.

"jimin come on, lets go. the sun's rising soon" jimin takes the hand offered to him and they slowly trudges over to the seashore, and jimin gasps softly as he sees the sun slowly rising beautifully, completety entranced and he turns to jungkook who is already looking at him and laughs breathlessly. "thank you, for bringing me here" he breathes out and shoots the other a beautiful smile.

jungkook takes his face in his hands and softly meshes their lips together, pulling back after a few seconds but jimin looks at him dazedly for a few moments before looping his arms around jungkook's neck and placing his lips onto the younger's, slowly moving together. he's like a sunflower opening up and his eyes flutter shut as jungkook brings his hands to his waist while deepening the kiss, softly biting on his bottom lip that made him gasp, allowing jungkook's tongue to enter and taste him sweetly. they break apart when their lungs protest, heaving as their foreheads touched, trying to minimise the space between them. jungkook opens his eyes first, breath catching in his throat at the beauty in front of him, still breathless no matter how many times he looks at jimin. jimin slowly opens his eyes and they crinkle up to form crescent moons; jungkook's favourite smile.

"so beautiful, i can't believe you're mine"

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