moar hamilhecc

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Scenario 1- Recently, you moved to America ((If you already live there or are from there, tHen you just moved to New York. If you already live there, I don't know what to tell you.)) One cold, autumn day, you decided to head to the bar ((UNLESS YOU ARE UNDERAGE!1!1!)) where you met Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, Hercules Mulligan, John Laurens, Marquis de Lafayette, and Gabby de Leroy, who introduced you to (Crush) //unless she/he is already there//
Oof, great.

Scenario 2- //this takes place in the present// You and (Crush) were together in history class. It was your senior year in high school. Your teacher assigned you two as partners.
What will happen?

Scenario 3- dont know, make it up yAll

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