Valentina's backstory

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so um yeah


A girl. Left to fend for herself in this cruel world we all call 'earth'. Day and night she was covered in the blood of the given person named to kill by her master. But no of course it wasnt ALWAYS like this.
She lived in an almost perfect world in her eyes. She had a family. They loved her and she held them very dear to her heart. There was her mother. Her father. And of course her sister. Her father was a brute man who would always care for the family and make sure harm never came their way. But in this world there are just some things we can't fight off. One day a scientist had made something. It was supposed to cure a deathly illness. The girl read it on a newspaper that the scientist will pay a large amount of money for someone to come in test the shot out while they recorder your behavior for the next few days. The reward was a lot of money, so the girl decided to go off and do it. She lied to her parents and went out of the house to go and try out the shot.
Once the bus arrived at the place where the shot would be taken she hurrily went inside and greeted the men who would do the expiriment on her. The men told her that she would receive her money at the end of the experiment. They also told her that everyday she would have to come in and get tested everyday for the next 3 days after the shot. She agreed and they gave her the shot. She left with a big wad of money in her hands as she waited for the bus to come. Once she arrived home she quickly hid the money and greeted her parents for dinner. The spot where the shot was taken became very itchy and it agitated her very much. She decided not to itch it because she knew it might've become worse. It was time for bed. She got ready and once she got in her bed she couldn't sleep. Her eyes wouldn't let her rest. They stood open. That night she didnt sleep one bit. When she got out of bed she felt weak. She was really hungry for some reason. More than usual. She ate a lot and sat down and watched the news. They were talking about a mass murder. People's kidneys were harvested from their bodies, Kids were gutted and candy were stuffed into them. Others had smiles carved into there faces. The girl always had a thing for horror, so she was interested in the news. Once the broadcast was finished she headed out again back to the place for the scientist to study her for the first day.
Whenever she arrived she told the scientist of her recent activities and they jotted it down on there pads of paper. They tried a few things on her body and then they told her she was allowed to leave. Day one for the studies were over. When she went home, dinner was completely ready, except this time the girl wasn't hungry. Not one bit. But she ate anyways. When it was time for bed she got ready as usual. That night she barely slept. Horrifying images appeared in her head of men and women slaughtered with there organs ripped out and there eyes ripped out of there sockets. The girl had no clue how she could just come up with horrifying images in her head, and she was also confused as to why she kinda liked it...
The morning she got up and again she wasn't hungry at all, so she skipped breakfast. This morning she wasn't in the mood for Tv. So, she headed to the washroom and took a nice, warm shower. After at least 40 minutes of showering and reading her favorite book, she realized it was time to go back to that scientist's lab for her second shot. Once she arrived she entered the clinic and met with the scientist. For some reason she felt agrivated when they tried asking her about her recent activity. She mumbled the answers and once they allowed her to leave she left with a grumpy attitude. She had no clue why. Once she got home her parents greeted her with frowns. They held up a wad of cash. It had been the cash she earned from the scientists. "What is this?" Her parents asked. The girl began freaking out. "It um... I-" She was cut off by her parents "Are you selling drugs!" The girl was shocked by her parents words. "We'll keep this until you tell us wha-" "No give it back damn it!" her parents were even more surprised. Never had the girl cussed at them. The girl pushed her parents to the floor and grabbed the money. Her parents quickly got back and her mom grabbed the girl by the arm. The girl quickly bit her mothers arm to the point of breaking skin. Her mother's reaction was priceless to the girl. She began to laugh as her mother looked at her in horror. Her sister then came into the room. "W-what so funny?" The girl looked over at her sister then at her parents. The girl began to cry. She had no clue why she was doing this or why she was crying. Her mother began to comfort her. "No... No!" The girl shoved her mother to the side and quickly grabbed a hammer from her fathers tool area. She swung the hammer at her mothers head and watched her lifeless body fall to the floor. Terrified the girl began the cry harder. Her father tumbled the girl to the floor almost knocking the air out of her lungs. She quickly became very hostile and grabbed the hammer and swung aimlessly at her father. Before she knew it, her fathers head had been knocked off his body. The girl looked over at her sister who was now shaking with fear. She slowly walked over and pat her on the head, then left the home carrying the hammer with her. She went far away where mankind was not to be seen. She was soon greeted by a man. Except this wasn't a man... He was tall and slender and seemed to have no face. The girl quickly swung her hammer in fear as the man moved dodging the swings. "Woah, woah, calm down now." The man said calmly to the girl. "Wh-who are you... And why should I not kill you right now!?" The man stepped forward to the girl and quietly told her "I'd like to make a deal with you." The girl flinched at first, but then calmly asked "Alright... What is it..." The man stepped back a bit and told her "If you work for me, aimlessly killing people I order you to murder, I wont have you dead." The girl frowned but then smiled "And what makes you think I'd agree to something like that?" The man sighed and said "I watched how you murdered your parents, I saw the bloodlust in your eyes." the girl looked at the floor then back at the man. "Alright. I'll join. But first, what's your name?" The man seemed to beam with happiness and told her "You may call me 'Slenderman', and if you don't mind me asking, what is your name-" "Valentina." The man was interrupted quickly. "Well alright, now just come with me." Valentina followed the man and wondered what was in store for her. She arrived at a mansion with the man. Curious about what was inside, she opened the huge doors herself, entering a new place, starting her new life.

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