another marvel oc I guess can be x-men oc

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Name: Marina/
Middle name: Evangelina
Last name: Garcia
Nicknames: Mari, Nana, Eve, and freak
Age: 19
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: They/she
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship status: single (for now)
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Powers: telekinesis and energy manipulation
Dominant hand: right but they can use both

Piercing(s): Eyebrow, tongue, and septum


Upper arm:

Scar(s): on their chin
Weight: 120
Height: 5'9
Personality: emotionally sensitive, gracious, and emotionally aware.
Likes: reading, writing, music, baking, frogs,art, animals, mushrooms, jewelry, plants,outdoors, painting, playing guitar, and smoothies
Dislikes: bullies, being in the room to long by themselves, and using their powers (they don't know how to use them quiet yet)
Crush: loki, doc ock, young professor x, or wolverine (depends on rp)
Fears: being abandoned by the ones they love
Backstory: they were found by professor x and he basically raised them since their parents kicked them out since the were a "monster", So they went to the professors school and tried to control their powers but it hasn't been working well. Now they spend most time with professor x because they become so close.

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