harry potter oc

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Name: Evangelina Weasley
Nicknames: Eva, Angie, Angel, Dork, Weasley
Age: she is rons twin so she is in the same year as the golden trio
Gender: female

Sexuality: Bi

Outfits: school uniform 

Personality: she can be shy when you first meet her but once you get to know her she can be loud, sometimes annoying, a smartass, brave, kind, and sweet
House: Gryffindor

Likes: sweets, books, tea, hanging out with friends,  pranking people with fred and George, and singing
Dislikes: tight spaces, snakes, and being told what to do
Blood status: pure blood
Friends: Luna, Neville, seamus, the golden trio
Enemies: pansy Parkinson
Crush: draco
Family: her 7 siblings and her mum and dad
Backstory: she lives with 7 people? Idk sorry
Pet: a rat named Loki
Scent (for Amortentia) : rain, fresh cut grass, and vanilla
Boggart: snakes

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