75(final chapter)

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Momiji would let out a soft sigh while standing in front of her bed, looking at all of her weapons. The kunoichi had decide that today will be the day she'll start looking for her son.

Momiji: *let out another sigh* Alright, today the day, I do'll it. I'll search for my son.

The kunoichi turn around at her door being open by Hanabi.

Hanabi: *would stop at what she was about to say and rise a brow* Where are you about to head out?

Momiji: *would look away from the female shortstack for a bit* Well, I'm about to go look for my son.

The short girl blink a few times at this as Saki, Hilda, and Yamato would peek into the room, hearing what the kunoichi had say.

Hilda: *would let out a small sigh with her closing her eyes for a bit* So today the day, huh.

Momiji: *nods towards the taller female* Yes, I finally decide to search for him.

Saki: *would move over a bit and stood behind Hanabi* Do you have any leads?

Momiji: *shakes her head while wrapping all of her weapons up and put them around her back* No but I won't let that bother me.

Yamato: *would remain silent at hearing this, thinking to herself a bit* Well, I hope that you find him.

The kunoichi would nod with a soft smile to the tall female's words along her smirk lowly towards her.

Kunoichi: *would start towards her window* Thanks Yamato.

She would open her window and was about to jump out but stopped at remembering a few things and back to look at the girls.

Momiji: *would give them a thankful smile* I'm glad I meet you girls. You made more liveable here and more enjoyable as well. *giggles softly*  Do take care of my house while I'm gone.

She would stare at Hanabi for a bit with the small girl looking away from her as the kunoichi holding her arms out, wanting a hug from her or the others girls.

Hanabi: *would take a few steps and put her head in between the Kunoichi's breasts and mumbled lowly but the kunoichi heard her clear* You better back okay?

Momiji: *smile slightly at this and would wrapped her arms around the girl she had saw as a bit of a daughter figure and rubbed her hair motherly* I can't make any promises, Hanabi but I'll try.

The female shortstack would nod and wrapped an arm around the older female before letting go.

Momiji: *stood up to her full height with warm smile* Well, this is goodbye for now. I'll pay a visit few  places there.

The four females would nod at this as the kunoichi would jump out her window, waving goodbye to them while walking away.

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