final chapter

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After an intense fight, you would be staring in surprise that the quintuplets had manage to defeat Momiji who would be laying in a small crater.

Momiji: *would cough lightly and sat up* You four must be planning to travel?

The quintuplets froze at this but soon nod, surprising you.

Emily: *pants slightly heavily* Ah, we been find out.

Momiji: *giggles softly and held her hand out, healing herself and the girls* Well, Anyone could figure out.

Emblem: *rubs her hairs as cat ears twitched lightly* Well, I do see some other places along with a small adventure.

Momiji: *crossed her arms under her breasts, having a rise brow* You told your grandmother right?

Emma: *nods with a small sheepish chuckle* Yeah...she knows and she told us that we could go if we defeat you.

Momiji: *closed her eyes with a nod* I see.

You and the others heard someone approaching and look to see it was Jessie.

Jessie: *give you a polite wave along with a gentle smile then look at her granddaughters* Well, I'm just here for long last hug.

The omni goddess would held her arms out, wanting one last hug with her granddaughters who quickly hugged her.

Jessie: *squeezed them tightly* You four watch each other back okay? If things gets ugly, just open a portal back here or flare your energy and me or Momiji will be there.

The four girls nodded to their grandmother and let her go as Emily would turn you and walk up towards you with a grin.

Emily: *had put her hands behind her back* Well, Y/N, I guess this is goodbye. *held her hand out* It's been fun, hasn't it?

You would stare at her hand, having a a few of mixed emotions along with not knowing what to say yet until feeling a hand on top of your head and know it was Ema.

Ema: *had a grin with one close eye* Of course they had fun.

Emma: *grabbed your right hand, giving you a soft smile* It's been quite the journey.

Emblem: *lean on your left shoulder as her tail wag around and spoke in a small smug tone* Don't be so upset. *pokes your cheek* You alway masturbate when thinking of us.

You had a small ticked off mark towards the cat girl and be surprised at the pervy female kissing you on the lips, being passion and gentle as she soon pull away.

Emily: *grins towards you with a soft and gentle smile* Until we meet again okay?

Momiji glance over at her friend, smiling lightly at seeing her shoulder shaking and patted her back in comfort as the quintuplets would start hover off the ground.

Jessie: *waves her hands towards them, having a few tears* Have fun.

They smiled at you and their grandmother with a nod and thumbs up before they flow off.

Jessie: *watch them go until she couldn't see nor sense them anymore and already miss her granddaughters* They grow up some more. *wipes her eyes*

Momiji: *was still patting her shoulder* I'm sure they'll come back. *smile warmly at the omni goddess* Who knows, it maybe sooner than you think.

The omni goddess would nod softly at hearing this as you would be looking at the sky.

Jaylen: *would be standing beside you suddenly, having his arms cross with a light smile at seeing the entire thing* You know I'm surprise that they didn't ask you to tag along.

You were about to say something until seeing the dark skin male getting hug tackled by the quintuplets who quickly let him go and flow off again.

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