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In a small city, Emily and Happi would be walking forward, having a small conversation while Happi would glance at her phone a few times.

Happi: *would stop, making her friend stop as well* She should be here.

Emily would nod at this as an female would soon approach them, having a playful and friendly smile towards them, knowing them.

???: *would pull the two into a hug as she would be slightly taller than Momiji and Jessie, standing at 7'2 in height* Aw, I haven't seen you two since high school! How have you two been? *let them go* You two weren't waiting long were you?

Happi: *would have a soft smile* Good to see you too, senpai.

Legna: *would playfully roll her eyes* I told you to just call me Legna, Happi.

Emily: *would grin slightly* Nice to see you again, Legna.

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