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I wanted to share my progress on this and see if you had any comments on it.

Zero-One Episodes - S1-S3 (Currently)

Season 1

S1E1 - The Heartbeat and Soul of Awakening - 覚醒の鼓動と魂

01 - Rising Hopper

S1E2 - Noise, Dissonance, and Ai - 雑音と不協和音と藍色

Vulcan - Shooting Wolf /Valkyrie - Rushing Cheetah / Naki - Japanese Wolf / 01 - Freezing Bear

S1E3 - Passing in the Night - 夜にすれ違う

S1E4 - Shedding Tears and Emerald Feathers - 落涙とエメラルドの羽毛

Slipstream - Soaring Eagle / 01 - Flaming Tiger

S1E5 - From The Bottom of Scorching Depths - 灼熱の底の底から

Slipstream - Scorching Phoenix / Jin - Flying Falcon / 01 - Biting Shark

S1E6 - Where Omens Lead - 兆しの行方は

Vulcan - Punching Kong

S1E7 - Under Fire and Unceasing Doom - 撃ちてし止まぬ運命のもとに

Horobi - Sting Scorpion

S1E8 - Wolf in The Shade of The Shine - 輝きの陰にオオカミ

Vulcan - Assault Wolf / 01 - Shining Hopper / Slipstream - Dynamiting Lion

S1E9 - Our Protector's Song - 防人の歌

Valkyrie - Lightning Hornet

S1E10 - What Only Clasped Hands Can Create - 繋いだ手だけが紡ぐもの

Ikazuchi - Dodo

S1E11 - Jump Over The Moon - 月を飛び越え

S1E12 - Symphogear and Kamen Rider - シンフォギアと仮面ライダー

S1E13 - Meteoroids Falling, Burning, Disappearing, and Then... - 流れ星、堕ちて燃えて尽きて、そして—

Season 2

S2E1 - The Gungnir Girl & Rider Boy - ガングニールの少女&ライダーボーイ

S2E2 - The Power and Lies in Her Heart - 胸に力と闇を秘めて

0 - Dark Hopper / Scatter - Sniping Wolf / Majikku - Magical Fox / Rinjuu - Reaping Mantis

S2E3 - Those Who Long For The End, Those Who Are The End - 終わりを望む者、終わりである者

S2E4 - The Place I Call Home - あたしの帰る場所

0 - Chasing Hammerhead / Slipstream - Salvo Wasp

S2E5 - Bloodstained Nightmare - 血塗られた悪夢

0 - Glistening Hopper / Scatter - Storming Penguin / Majikku - Dystopian Cat / Rinjuu - Crashing Rhino

S2E6 - A Miracle is a Cruel Thing - 奇跡ーーそれは残酷な軌跡

S2E7 - When You Stop Being You - 君でいられなくなるキミに

S2E8 - Hand In Hand For me, As I Waver... - 繋ぐ手と手...戸惑うわたしのため...

0 - Eroding Centipede

S2E9 - Origins of a Villain - 悪役の原点

S2E10 - Countdown to Loss - 喪失までのカウントダウン

S2E11 - Destiny Ark - ディスティニーアーク

S2E12 - Shooting Spear & Hybrid Power - 撃槍&雑種パワー

01 - Shining Assault Hopper / Scatter - Caliber Wolf / Slipstream - Vector Eagle

S2E13 - In The Distance, That Day... When The Star Became Music - 遥か彼方、星が音楽となった...かの日

Season 3

S3E1 - The Murderer of Miracles - 奇跡の殺戮者

S3E2 - Before I Destroy The World - 世界を壊す―その前に

S3E3 - Twilight of The Wielders - 奏者たちの黄昏

S3E4 - Gungnir: Once More - ガングニール, 再び

S3E5 - Edge Works

S3E6 - Drawn Secret Blade - 抜剣秘剣

01 - Metalcluster Hopper / 0 - Glistening Caliber Hopper

S3E7 - Carry on The Shining Light, and Stay True To Yourself - 輝きを継ぐ、君らしく

Thouser - Amazing Caucasus

S3E8 - The Courage to Face It Head-On - 真正面から向き合う勇気

Jin - Burning Falcon

S3E9 - The Middle Of a Dream, Desperation of Reality - 夢の中、現実の絶望

Horobi - Emperor Scorpion

S3E10 - It's so cruel, but... - こんなにも、残酷だけど

S3E11 - It's All Right, Everything Is Just Fine Now - へいき、へっちゃら

01 - Metalcluster Hopper (Controlled)

S3E12 - GX

S3E13 - Believe In Justice and Hold a Determination To Fist - 正義を信じて、握り締めて

Zero-One Movies

Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider Zero & Shenshoujing

1 - Relic Hopper / Miku - Shenshoujing/Aegis / King - First Horsemen

Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider Vulcan & Valkyrie

Vulcan - Dire Wolf / Valkyrie - Serval Tiger / Chris - Nehushtan / Bloodshed - Second Horsemen

Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider Slipstream & Igalima

Slipstream - Cyclone Eagle / Kirika - Silver Bullet/Igalima / Chozits - Third Horsemen

Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai New Wings

MetsubouJinrai - Vier Wing / Thouser - Zaia / Tsubasa - Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi/Ame no Habakiri / Maria - Hermes's Sword/Airgetlam / Shirabe - Tsukuyomi/Shul Shagana / Kamen Rider Demise - Fourth Horsemen / Abaddon Riders

Kamen Rider Zero-One x Symphogear: RealizeXSymphony

01 Another - Hellrising Hopper, Crimson Hopper / Hibiki Another - Elekid, Elekid Symphonic Drive / Hibiki - Mjolnir/Gungnir

ReviceXBuild Episodes

E1 - Family! Contract! Best Match!

[Revi Rex Genome, Vice Rex Genome, RabbitTank, HedgehogTank, RabbitDiamond]

{Rex Deadman, Mammoth Deadman, Gem Smash, Strong Smash}

E2 - Is The Innocent Runaway a Bad Guy?

[Revi Eagle Genome, Vice Eagle Genome, Revice Eagle Remix, Revice Rex Remix, RabbitSoujiki, Gorillamond]

{Kamikiri Deadman, Megalodon Deadman, Burn Smash}

E3 - Hostage Troubles, The Borderline of Justice

[Revi Mammoth Genome, Vice Mammoth Genome, Revice Mammoth Remix, Hawkgatling, GorillaSoujiki]

{Kong Deadman, Mirage Smash, Flying Smash}

E4 - Testimony of Love! Dangers of Demons and Smash!

[Revi Ptera Genome, Vice Ptera Genome, Revice Ptera Remix, RabbitGatling, NinninComic, Blood Stalk (Without Transformation)]

{Kong Phase-2 Deadman, Square Smash, Scale Smash}

E5 - The World Reforming Rider! The Dangerous Identity!

[Revi Lion Genome, Vice Lion Genome, Revice Lion Remix, LionCleaner, Evil Bat Genome(Without Transformation)]

{Lion Deadman, Press Smash}

E6 - Evil's True Identity and Build's Moonsault of Anger!

[Revi Megalodon Genome, Vice Megalodon Genome, NinjyaTank]

{Kangaroo Deadman}

E7 - Kagero!? Devil Scientist!? I'm Demons!

[Revi Jackal Genome, Vice Jackal Genome, Revice Jackal Remix, Evil Kajiki Genome, Demons Spider Genome, PandaGatling, RocketPanda, Night Rogue (Transformation)]

{Cheetah Deadman, Ice Smash}

E8 - Family Rest, Our Memory Together!

[Revi Kong Genome, Vice Kong Genome, Revice Kong Remix, Evil Bat Genome (Transformation), Evil Jackal Genome, Demons Batta Genomix, GorillaRocket, FireHedgehog]

{Strong Smash Hazard}

E9 - The Trap of Project Build! The Brothers' Collapse!

[Revi Kamakiri Genome, Vice Kamakiri Genome, Revice Kamakiri Remix, Demons Mogura Genomix]

{Metal Smash, Brachio Deadman}

E10 - Technology of Destruction! Heart That Believes!

[Revi Brachio Genome, Vice Brachio Genome, Live Bat Genome, KeyDragon]

{Press Smash Hazard, Metal Smash}

E11 - Invincible Astral, Mechanical Power

[Revice Brachio Remix, Demons Condor Genomix, Grease Robot]

{Planarian Deadman}

E12 - Weakness is Power!? The Burning Feeling!

[Jeanne, Cross-Z Dragon]

{Stretch Smash, Planarian Phase-2 Deadman}

E13 - Theory of Conspiracy! Demon's Acupuncture!

[Revi Hedgehog Genome, Vice Hedgehog Genome, Revice Hedgehog Remix, KaizokuRessya]

E14 - The Veil's Removal! Vice's Wake Up Call!

[Revi Niwatori Genome, Vice Niwatori Genome, Niwatori Remix, OctopusLight]

{Chalk Smash, Komodo Dragon Deadman}

E15 - The False Rider! Fenix's Close Call!

[Revi Barid Rex Genome, LoveKov Kujaku Genome, RabbitTank Sparkling, Blood Stalk (Transformation)]

E16 - The Commander Is... a Smashed Deadman!?

[Live Kajiki Genome]

{Chameleon Bind Smashed Deadman, Saber Tiger Phase-2 Deadman, Planarian Phase-2 Deadman}

E17 - Judgement! Showdown! Deadmans and Faust!

[Lovekov Turtle Genome, Demons Scorpion Genomix, LionComic, StampDemon] 

E18 - The Desire to Protect! The Weaponry Hero!

[Live Jackal Genome, Grease (Without Transformation), Castle Hard Smash]

{Queen Bee Phase-2 Deadman, Flying Smash Hazard, Chalk Smash Hazard}

E19 - Deepening Betrayal, The Start of The Rider Wars!

[Stag Hard Smash, Owl Hard Smash, Cross-Z Charge, Revi Volcano Genome, Vice Barid Rex Genome]

E20 - A Miracle of Fire, Ice, and Grease! The Golden Warrior!

[Grease, SmartphoWolf, PhoenixRobo]

{Wolf Giftex Deadman Riot}

E21 - Demons' Warning, The Forbidden Item!

[Castle Hard/Hazard Smash, Stag Hard/Hazard Smash, Owl Hard/Hazard Smash, Vail (Voice Only), PhoenixSoujiki]

E22 - The Devil's Price of Transformation, Demon's Trigger

[RabbitTank Hazard]

E23 - The Unstoppable Hazard, Laying Down My Feelings!

[RoseSoujiki, RoseCopter, TurtleWatch]

E24 - Slam-Bang! The Victory of Tears!

[Revi Neo Batta Genome, Vice Neo Batta Genome, Jack Revice, ToraUFO, KujiraJet, KirinCyclone, HawkGatling Hazard]

E25 - Vice Takes Over... The Demon of the West!

[Engine Bro's, Remocon Bro's, Rogue, Chimera]

E26 - Rescue Dr Karizaki! A Man Called Chimera!

[KaizokuRessya Hazard]

E27 - Revive! Vail!? The Idol Awakens!

[KRVail, KujiraSyoubousya, RoseSyoubousya, HellFire]

E28 - The Treacherous Deathmatch! The End Of Light and Darkness!

[Hell Bro's, Holy Live]

E29 - Hero's Counterattack! The Red Blur!


E30 - The Demon on a Tank!


E31 - The Wedding Bell Rings! Tyrant Rampage and The Truth of The Pandora Box!

[HawkHawk, GatlingGatling]

E32 - Beyond Fear, Gale, Thunder, and Magma!

[Thunder Gale, Cross-Z Magma]

{Anomalocaris Deadman}

E33 - Crank In! Memory of Kaosu!


E34 - The Aftermath of Youth! Programmed Tragedy!

{Rafflesia Deadman}

E35 - Illusionary Guidance! Memory of Friendship!


E36 - Lost Whereabouts, Honey Queen's Pride


E37 - Lovekov's Rebellion, The Final Weapon, and The True King!

[CoolerCooler, Hachimarine, Lovekov Hashibirokou Genome, EvolCobra]

{Queen Bee Sharp Smashed Deadman}

E38 - The Demon is Calling, The Severing Best Match!


E39 - Tower of Darkness, The Unknown Threat!

[Over Demons, KeyDragon Hazard]

E40 - Evolto Hunts Humanity's Crossroad

[EvolRabbit, KRAguilera]

E41 - The Ultimate Phase! Demon and Lover Recapturing Mission!

[Great Cross-Z, Evol Blackhole, Over Demons' Mogura Genomix]

E42 - Mad Mad World

[Mad Rogue, Evil Devil]

E43 - Unstoppable Genius and Ultimate Remix! The Final Revolution!

[Build Genius, Ultimate Revi, Ultimate Vice]

E44 - Hope and Despair, The Conflict Between Three Siblings

E45 - Family or The World... Truths of the Best Match!

E46 - Father's Legacy of Doubt!

[Build (Takumi Katsuragi)]

E47 - Crimson Vail, Destream, and The Other Build!

[Crimson Vail, Destream, Destream Komodo Dragon Genomix, Destream Crocodile Genomix, Destream Kong Genomix]

E48 - The End of Evolution and Eternity!

[Over Demons' Conder Genomix]

E49 - Lay Down My Body and Soul, The Scientist of Hope!


E50 - The Never-Ending Nightmare, Protectors and Protected!

E51 - Courage to Face Each Other... What Should You Really Protect?

[Invincible Jeanne]

-Giff's Death-

Movie - Kamen Rider Build x Kamen Rider Revice: Be The Familia

[Daimon, Cross-ZBuild, Igarashi]

E52 - An Oath to Be The One!

[Grease Blizzard]

E53 - Zero Degree Flames! The Price of Transformation!

[King Chimera, Juuga]

-Hiroji's Death-

E54 - Proof of Determination! A World of Love & Peace!

-Taka's Death, Tamaki's Death-

E55 - The Tomorrow Build and Revice Will Create


Movie - Kamen Rider Build x Revice NEW WORLD: Side Cross-Z & Evilive & Demons

[Cross-ZEvol, Killbus, ???, ???, ???]

Movie - Kamen Rider Build x Revice NEW WORLD: Side Build & Revice

[EvolBuild, ???, ???, Barbatos]

-Vice's Death-

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