The House Adara

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"Full name|Lord Cedric of House Adara


Kingdom nickname|The Black Sheep



House and role|House Adara eldest Son

Ability|Able to make people see strong illusions or hallucinations that stimulate more than just visually but all the senses but only an impression and not actually happening.

He is gregarious, talkative and sociable. He has few friends although he is energized by interaction and solitude.He is approachable and friendly.He is down-to-earth, practical and lives in the moment. He makes decisions with his heart. He can be easily hurt and strongly dislikes conflict. He cares about other people's feelings. He possesses a flexible and relaxed nature.He likes spontaneous and carefree activities. He likes his options open. 


Backstory|He grew up in a diffcult house always the one put forward as the first born and expected to be the best at trickery but seemed to fail making his family rather disappointed.He distanced himself from them.

Thoughts on Royal family/ and or other Houses|
He hopes he can make some friends out of these power hungry royals and nobles

Illnesses or sicknesses|Weak eyesight at night.

Love interest|Open

Other|He is in the closet for being bisexual but thinks he is gay.

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