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╭─━ forename
Benjamin Garth

╭─━ nickname(s)

╭─━ surname

╭─━ gender

╭─━ age

╭─━ height

╭─━ weight

Birthday: 13 August

╭─━ personality
A goof and hermit.He is 100% book nerd but also a partier on which he is an expert at throwing.He has almost zero level of seriousness and will take almost everything with a smile although has an hidden edge.His weapon of choice is sarcasm hating any moment of uncomfortable situations.He loves getting lost in drink and music.He has a fun time in the sheets with male or female or both at once.Laughter and humour he values.He is quite vain and attention seeking in his ways but he feels his adorable personality makes up for it.He loves beautiful old style mixed with the new finding the best way to find solutions and beauty.

╭─━ weaknesses
He has the tendency to forget things such as his keys or sunglasses and phone constantly misplacing them. He is not very good at being confrontational although his constant honesty gets him into trouble.He can't sing and is clumsy.

╭─━ strengths
He is amazing at horse riding due to riding from a young age and plays piano really well but can't sing to save his life as his brother constantly points out. He loves sports but isn't very talented but spends a lot of time playing with his friends.
He is an avid reader and retains the information easily and is able to read people easily.

╭─━ likes
He enjoys playing sports due to his family's encouragement and the social aspect of it.He enjoys eating food for the flavours and the constant travel allows him to try different foods around the world.He enjoys a social life constantly going to parties and events he has been invited to.
He adores animals as they are unconditionally loving and children for thier cute innocence that attracts him as it is a high contrast to the high profile fake friends he has. He loves to read aswell when he is away from family or travelling having a habit of listening to music in his earphones when reading aswell finding it relaxing and an escape.

╭─━ dislikes
He dislikes being compared to his older brother which is a constant.He dislikes anger and conflict within himself.He doesn't like being ignored or hated.He dislikes pop music that lacks deeper meaning than just a good beat unless it is to dance in a club to a good dj's art made with music of others making it a rhythm to match a heartbeat.

╭─━ fears
He fears being ignored and forgotten.He fears failure and it motivates him to be better than before.He also fears his sexuality being found out.

╭─━ family
His father is Frank Prince and is the head of a large modelling company within Paris France and New York USA that he hopes to sell soon.He is distant with his son Benbut very close to his older son Tristan Price who he is mentoring and hoping to give the money of the company to him once sold.He is quite the homophobe.
Ben's mother is loving to both her sons but seems to forget about them without them being in the room having her affair with Tristans girlfriend (which is a secret).She is a housewife that enjoys parties loving to brag about her husband and children when it gains her something. She loves Ben and Tristan as a mother deep down but barely shows it being very materialistic.
Tristan and Ben have a goodish relationship being friendly and having a healthy competitive rivalry between them now and then.Tristan was a good big brother until he went to collage and became distant with work and a girlfriend.He is suspicious of his brothers sexuality.

╭─━ backstory
Ben has always been in his brothers shadow wanting to stand out without his father or brother being mentioned. He worked hard at school and was focused until he got to high school going to a public high school in America which was very different to his French primary school in France. He was the rich french student letting his ego being blown up to match his dick.He got deflated though as he fell in love for the first time at the age of 16 to the only friend that wasn't fake..Jackson Waters who was the on the school football team and captain while Ben was just the average academic that enjoyed playing piano and horse riding.
Jackson didn't like boys so Ben had to get over it..and he tried so hard to but in the process being brought back to earth by getting help and becoming humble with Jacksons help .He was taught piano and horse riding privately at his very large and fancy home that he threw parties in and was enjoying himself immensely.When it came to choosing careers he chose to play piano in hotels and various restraunts.He would play for famous musicians and he chose to study Media arts getting his degree and continues to do music while advising companies on thier use of social media and other mediums of reaching customs in creative ways.He doesn't entirely enjoy it but it pays the bills excessively. He is a high end person with a recognisable face as he was a model at one point aswell once leaving high school..but quit once he saw that his father was manipulating his photos to look better than he was.He is taking a break from his day job for now and romantically stays away from men usually not wanting the complication.

╭─━ sexuality

╭─━ theme song
" Out Loud"Gabbie Hanna
"Always you" Maroon Five
"Last Friday night" Katy Perry
"You don't own me" Lesley Gore


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