A long dream (unfinished old shite)

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Bright, so bright.

He blinked against the unbearable brightness enveloping him together with a soft warmth. A soft groan escaped his lips as his vision began to clear and he sat up, groaning before even daring to look around. Warm morning light flooded through his room's windows was dazzling his eyes and he squeezed them shut. Familiar voices sounded from the living room next door, voices he thought he had forgotten, so long he hadn't heard them.

"Have you prepared everything for the broadcast, love ?"

"Of course, Ephraim."


Suddenly realization hit him like a rock. The grey walls and the bunk bed beneath him had disappeared together with the loud snoring coming from Zeb below. He wasn't on board of the Ghost, he was in his room. In his house.

With my parents.

Abruptly Ezra jumped out of his bed. With bare feet he burst through the door into the living room and skid a few steps before coming to a stop. Two surprised faces stared at him with their incredible blue eyes, mirroring his own.

"Ezra, dear, is everything okay ?", she asked and stood up to approach the teen who was not believing his eyes. At his lack of answer the man stood up as well, shooting Ezra a concerned look. A moment passed until the boy found his words again.

This can't be...

"Mum, Dad?"
Those words felt so foreign rolling over his lips, tentatively, unbelievingly.
"Is... Is that really you...?"

She raised an eyebrow at his question and answered in a voice softer and sweeter than any cotton candy could ever be.
"Of course, dear?"

He blinked at her. No, this couldn't be real. It never was.

I must be dreaming...

"But you're--!"
His voice broke at the mere thought of it. He choked, struggling for breath while furiously trying to blink away the tears rising into his eyes.


The couple exchanged confused glances before he laid a hand on the young one's shoulder.
"Look son, how about if we go have breakfast? You seem a little shaken."

With an arm being laid around him Ezra was lead to the other end of the living room past the sofa and the carpet he knew was hiding the entrance to a secret room that had been the end of the Bridgers. When the door parted his eyes met with the familiar image of the kitchen that still looked like old times. He took a small whiff and blinked incredulously at the window on the wall. The aromatic scent of freshly brewed coffee hung in the air, making this place feel like the home he'd once known as a child.
As if nothing had ever happened. No trace of the Empire or the Specters, just the bright summer sunlight peeking inside in playful rays, adding to the peaceful atmosphere. It felt like he had woken up from a long dream. Yet, could this truly be reality?

Mira was humming a quiet melody as she placed tea, juice and coffee on the table along with a plate of warm waffles. The sweet scent tickled his senses and ignited a small spark of happiness in Ezra's ocean blue eyes. How long had it been since he had eaten his mother's house made treats? Too long, it felt.

"Ezra dear, would you help me set the table please?"

His mother offered him a warm smile and the teen nodded, a little slow in reaction, yet slightly reflecting her expression.

"Yes, mom."

The word rolled over his lips with ease as his body moved on its own, opening the right drawers and picking every plate and dish like it was a daily routine. His mind remembered on its own which mug was his father's favorite even though he couldn't remember how it looked before he held it in his hands. When he put it down on the table Ephraim gestured for both his son and wife to sit down.

"Have you already thought what you'd like to have for your birthday, Ezra?", he asked, deep voice resonating within the room. His birthday? Ezra's expression darkened slightly at the mention of the date. Whenever he could add a year to his life the empire would throw their parades and parties in every city, setting a constant reminder of their presence with a tight grip on Lothal and the galaxy. How could they possibly think of celebrating his birthday if there was a tyranny right in front of their house celebrating their own?

"What about the empire?", he asked, facing Ephraim, unable to hide the grim expression edging itself into his face along with confusion. The dark-haired man rose an eyebrow in response.
"What empire?"

His mother looked at him, eyes reflecting his own confusion and adding concern to it. "Ezra", he could hear her speak, "are you sure you are alright?"

The boy opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again when nothing came out.

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