The Nerd

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Name: "*mumbles* not important.."
Samantha Stark

Gender: "I am of the female sex"

Age: "I'm not that old"

Sexuality: "..."

Species:"Did you know bananas share 50% of their DNA with us?"

Personality: "you couldn't tell?"
Quiet unless talking about something she's passionate about.

Likes: "My rock collection"
Anything she can nerd out over, books, clue.

Dislikes: "Jocks."
Bullies, rude people, getting yelled at, being pushed around, people touching her things/notebook.

Appearance: "not important"
Long blonde hair she keeps in a bun or ponytail, 5'3, pale.

Fears: "nope, this is not good"
Clowns, heights.

Outfits:"anything that will adjust to my needs"
Usually wears jeans and a random t-shirt.

Backstory: "oh, it's not that interesting"
Is the daughter of a famous scientist, and her mother died when she was nine.

Other: "oh, I don't know"
Has glasses, and she usually has her head in a book.

Scenario 1
Your walking through the halls, minding your own business when you hear noises coming from a hallway down. You decide to investigate, only to see Samantha being bullied by a few of the popular girls and their boyfriend's. You?

Scenario 2
You walk into a cafe, and order a drink, looking around. You spot Samantha sitting in the corner. You know her from school, but she always had her head stuck in a book. You?

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