Halloween special

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Your pov
I was in the kitchen getting everything ready for my first Halloween with my boys tonight "Mama we got costumes on" I grab my phone "Okay come on out I want to take pictures" they walk out and my heart melts

"Aww you boys look adorable and scary" they smile and laugh "What about you're costume Mama" Boomer tilts his head "I'm about to go change into it if any rings the doorbell look the peephole and if trick-or-treaters give them some candy from the bowl the three of you can have one each" they smile "Yes ma'am" I go to my room and put on my costume

(Chose which ever one you want) after I get my costume on I walk out my room "Wow Mama you look pretty" my boys say together "Aww thank you my little bears now who wants to go get candy" they throw there arms up "WE DO" I laugh I grab my keys and we head out "You boys ready" they nod their heads "Yeah this gonna be awesome" I smile we pull up at the first house the boys run out before I could even unbuckle "Boys wait a minute" I laugh going after them I catch up as the ring the doorbell a old lady answers it "Trick or treat" the boys say jumping up and down "Aww aren't you three the cutest" she gives them candy and we go to more house one with a hey ride and one with a spook trail "Uh boys you sure you want to go in hear" the laugh "You scared mama" Brick smirks "No it's just the last time you threw watch Goosebumps you had nightmares for a week" I heard a guy laugh the boys blush "But we can handle this it's not real" I flood my arms "Okay" we walk in and Boomer holds my hand in smile and pick him up and carry him "I got you my devil" Brick and Butch we're okay with the little jump scares like fake spiders and skeletons popping up but then came the big scares "See mama we told you we could handle this" Butch smile "Okay okay i wa-" I was cut off by a chainsaw noises I look beside and saw Texas chain saw "Uh hi" he look around then waves at me Brick and Butch scream and run "You told them" Boomer said I laugh and I go threw the trail and find Brick and Butch hiding from Michael Myers saying "Come out come out wherever you are" he sees me and runs to me I just stand there as Boomer hides his face in my neck "Really dude that's best you got plus Michael don't talk" and folds his arms and sulks "I'm 17 I've never seen the movies but my parents insisted I dressed as him" I laugh "Next time don't talk just stare at people them chase them it's creepy" he nods then sneaks to his right when he sees two teen girls I get Brick and Butch and we leave the trail "Please never let us do that again Mama" Brick and Butch hug my legs "I won't" I set Boomer down and we go to the next house the boys run up to get candy with some other kids I was gonna move a little closer when someone covered my eyes "Guess who little lady" said a male voice I felt like I wanted to hit the guy "I have a knife" they uncover my eyes I turn to see my best friend

"WHOA WHOA EASY DEMON"I punch him in the arm "Seriously and a prince costume" he points at me "You're wearing one" I smirk "I'm taking my babies to get candy" he smiles "I'm taking my little sister Mandy she wanted to match she's a princess" I laugh "Of course she's the boss" Marcus looks at me "Says the woman who spoils her kids" he look down and sees the boys and jumps "AHH" I laugh "I'm related to that" I see Mandy beside my in a blue princess dress she hugs me "Hey Y/N" I hug her back "Hey Mandy you look so beautiful" she smiles "So do you so are these you're sons" I nod "This is Brick he's a vampire Butch he's a werewolf and Boomer he's a devil" she smiles and waves at them "You guys are lucky to have her I always wish she was siblings and not him" she points at Marcus "Hey meanie" I roll my eyes "Okay I'm gonna take the man child before gets pouty"Marcus looks follows her "I don't get pouty I get depressed" I laugh and take the another house but stop when I see the power puff girls and their dad in matching costumes professed was Willy Wanna and the girl were Oompa Loompas "Nope were going to a different house" the boys groan "But Mama" I frown "What are you three doing here" I look see the three "hero's" "They're trick-or-treating is that a problem" I glare at Blossom since she's the one who thinks she can control everything thing "Yes they are villains" my eyes widen "Listen to me young ladies my boys have done their part now it's time for you to do the same get off you're high horse and realize the six of are the same I actually used to be fan of you're but now you're nothing but Princess Morbucks" the girls gasps and my boys laughs soon Utonium walks over "Girls there you are I was won-" his eyes land on me and his widen "Y/N is that you" I smirk "WOW so you do remember me I thought when that huge explosion happened no eles matter to you" Buttercup laughs "Aww sad because he broke up with you" her sisters laugh my boys growl "Oh please man in their 40s are not my type I was his assistant when I was in college but that was a huge mistake come one let's get the house then go home I have chili on the crock pot" i walk past the Utoniums then stops "One more thing teach you're daughters how to be better people my boys did their part when will you're family do theirs" I with the boys to last house I ring the doorbell and girl in a pink unicorn onesie answers "Hey guessing you scary little boys want candy" the boys nod their heads she gives them full size candy bars she even gives me one "Thank you happy Halloween" the four of us say we go back to the car and go home they boys go straight to bed I turn the chili off and put it in the fridge I got my room take off my costume slip a old baggy shirt on the go to bed "I remember Halloween being this hard"I look at my clock "10 we've been since six I'm not getting up tomorrow nope you can't make me" I fall asleep and I sleep hard holidays are gonna be ruff

Hims pov (DUN DUN DUNNN)
My blood boils in anger "How could she change  my perfectly evil little boys into good boys" I groan "Who does she think she is" I lift my hand and I pull my seeing eyes spying on her I smirk "She has one thing going for her she sure is beautiful but that won't stop me from getting boys back" I giggle "Better watch you're pretty little face Y/N I'm coming for you" I laugh

Your pov
I sit up in sweat panting "Wh-what the heck" my door burst open "Mama are you okay" I look at my boys and smile "Yeah just a bad dream that's all you boys wanna sleep with me" they close the door and climb up in my bed and lay with me I kiss them on their heads then wrap my arm around them and go sleep my arm glows a f/c light around the boys and me "I'll always protect you my baby bears" I smile and go back to sleep

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