Chapter 11.

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"He WHAT?" Jin exclaimed, hands tightening around the banana he was peeling, the now-smashed banana guts dripping out of his hands. "Shit."

I sighed, running a hand down my face. "I know. And I am just so damn conflicted. I don't really know what to do."

Namjoon set down the knife he was using to chop onions with a sigh. "I wish we had advice for you, Tae, but this is going to just be something you and Jeon will have to figure out, hmm?"

Jin gasped. "Hell no! We need to figure out what to do! Do you like him? Did you want him to keep going? Do you want to date him? Are you scared of him? Are you-"

"Jin!" I shouted, hands clenching by my face. "I'm sorry, but I just... I honestly don't know how I'm feeling. I don't know whether I wanted him to continue or stop. I just... have no clue."

Jin's face softened as he wiped his smushed-banana-covered hands on a towel before giving me a small hug. "I'm sorry. It's just been a while for you, and I got excited. I only want you to be happy and healthy."

"I know, hyung." I felt Jin kiss my temple before walking back around the kitchen island, next to Namjoon.

"Joonie, honey, please watch your fingers. We don't need another emergency room visit," the eldest of the group warned before grabbing another banana, peeling it and slicing it on a cutting board.

My phone buzzed against the marble countertop as I plopped down on a barstool. Tossing a strawberry into my mouth, I ignored the vibrations, trying to focus on my two best friends bickering in front of me as Namjoon had nicked his finger slightly and was currently rinsing it under the water from the faucet.

"I swear we need a paramedic on-call at all times, Joonie." Jin sighed, grabbing the bandaids that are stored throughout the apartment.

"It's not that bad this time, Jinnie! Basically like a paper cut."

I snickered, shaking my head at their squabbling, until my phone vibrated again, and the same name appeared on my screen.

I left the couple and stepped into the bedroom, dialing the number after letting out a deep breath.

"Taehyung? Thank you for calling."

"What do you want?"

"To apologize."

I pursed my lips. "Yoongi, you've waited three days to apologize."

"I know!" Yoongi was quick to continue. "I'm not great at admitting I did something wrong, okay? Apologizing is very difficult for me."

"Well it has always been very difficult making friends and I thought I was making them at your hangout until your true plan became apparent."

Yoongi huffed on the other end of the call. "Taehyung, believe me when I say I am sorry. I have my reasonings, and it's not anything you did. It was stupid, and selfish, and I really did enjoy hanging out with you. I can see why Jungkook talks so fondly of you."

"Wait, he does?"

The other male released a breathy chuckle. "I love how that's the one thing you got from that paragraph."

"Sorry, um, I appreciate the apology, Yoongi."

"Okay..." His voice trailed off as he finished the word.

I sighed. "That doesn't mean I will trust you to any amount of the same extent I did before."

"And that is very understandable. Anyway, I need to get back to my DJ work. Sorry again, Taehyung." With that, Yoongi hung up, leaving me in silence until a shriek erupted from Jin in the kitchen.

"Joon! Stop touching sharp objects!"

"It's a paper cut, am I not able to touch paper?"

"Clearly not!" Jin responded, making me chuckle.

I smiled to myself as I thought over Yoongi's words about Jungkook. He was fond of me. Hearing it from someone else made my heart thump against my rib cage.

"I'm fond of you too, Jungkookie," I whispered before walking back out to the kitchen, where Jin was applying another bandaid to Namjoon's hand, as the injured wore an embarrassed look on his face.

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