Chapter 14.

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As we pulled up to the museum, I wiped my sweaty palms on the pants of my suit with a nervous breath escaping past my lips.

"I've never been here before," I stated as Jungkook pulled into a parking spot, putting the car in park.

"It's been many years for me. The reason I brought you here though is because of the theme of the month." Jungkook climbed out of the Prius, walking to my side of the car to let me out.

"What's the theme of the month?" I questioned, only for Jungkook to smile as the sound of string instruments filled my ears.

"The museum is showcasing the history of music and musical instruments. They're supposed to even have one of the models of the first Stradivarius violin!" I could hear the excitement in Jungkook's voice as he spoke.

We entered through the doors, the music surrounding us at more of a mezzo-forte dynamic, making my shoulders relax, the lessened tension easing the pain between the shoulder blades.

Jungkook handed the entrance worker two tickets, motioning for me to enter through security first. The cellist quickly followed before taking my hand in his.

"Shall we start with the Foundations of Music section?" Jungkook asked, looking at me through his lashes.

"Sounds amazing!" A smile was permanently etched on my face as we walked into the large space.

The conductor squeezed my hand as we perused through the Foundations of Music. I could feel my nerves dissipating the longer we explored, reading all the plaques of information, and observing every inch of each display.

It's amazing how it felt so domestic, like we were designed to be walking through a museum with each other, hand in hand. It was like everything made sense again.

"This is so cool," I whispered as we examined the model of how the violin as we know it was created.

"I'm glad you like it," Jungkook responded with a smile.


"I can't believe they had an original, handwritten score from Bach's Cello Suites!" I exclaimed, still in shock, as I cut into my steak.

Jungkook chuckled. "Tae, your nerd is showing."

"Pft, as if I care. That shit was so damn cool!" I took a bite of the steak, feeling my shoulders shimmy slightly. "And this steak is delicious."

"Well, I'm glad our first date was so enjoyable for you," the male across from me stated, popping a bite of lettuce in his mouth.

"The best first date I've ever been on, if I'm being honest."

Jungkook smiled, bunny teeth on display as he picked up his wine glass, motioning for a toast. "Mine too. Here is a toast to our beginnings, and to whatever our future together may hold."

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