Chapter 4.

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"That's me," I responded into the speaker off the phone.

"It's Jungkook! Sorry, I mean, Dr. Jeon."

My face immediately grew red. He was calling me. "Hey Dr. Jeon. Um, what's up?" God. Why am I so awkward?

He chuckled for a minute before clearing his throat. "I am calling regarding the audition."

"Oh no."

Jungkook sighed. "So, this decision is not coming from me, and I want you to know that. Everyone else decided that they want to promote one of our long-existing players to Concert Master."

"Oh." I couldn't help but feel a tear slip down my cheek.

"But please listen, Tae..." Jungkook continued. "I can still offer you a position in the violin section, just not as Concert Master. I really pushed for the spot to go to you, but I was overruled."

"It's okay." I inhaled sharply, trying to avoid sounding like I was about to break down. "Um, I would really love to work with you and be a part of your orchestra, however, so I'd love to accept the position as a violinist."

I could practically hear Jungkook smiling through the phone.

"I'm so glad you accepted! I will have some paperwork for you to fill out. I will email you some times available for an in-person meeting. This will include completing the paperwork, receiving the music, and also discussing other things that you will need to know. Congratulations on the position."


"You didn't get it? I swear, let me talk some sense into that panel!" Jin squealed, making me giggle and shake my head.

"Hyung, it's alright!"

Namjoon kissed Jin's temple, and I saw the male instantly relax at the touch.

"So you're still in the orchestra?"

I nodded, taking a sip of the coffee in front of me.

"That's still amazing, Tae! I'm so proud of you. You've made it so far." Namjoon gave me a pat on the shoulder, a large smile on his face.

I sighed, feeling at ease after his words. "Thank you, Joonie." I checked the time on my phone, nibbling on my lower lip. "I guess I should head over there."

"Do you want a ride?" Jin asked, already reaching for the keys, but I shook my head.

"I think the walk would be nice to clear my head."

Namjoon stood up, making Jin pout, and he wrapped his arms around me in a quick hug. "Go make that panel regret they didn't give you concert master. Kick some musical ass."

I giggled as I nodded, blowing an air kiss to Jin, watching as he immediately reciprocated.


"Hey Dr. Jeon! Um, I'm outside but the doors are locked."

The man in charge sighed. "Sometimes I work with such idiots. Okay, I'll come let you in!" He hung up, and after a minute the door swung open.

The male, looking great in a dress shirt tucked into his black slacks, gave me a nervous smile as he held the door open.

"Sorry about that, Taehyung. Come on in!"

I gave him a small nod, not trusting my voice.

The slacks elongated his legs, and the dress shirt was fitted, enough to see the tension of the fabric straining against his muscles. I could see faint outlines of eyeliner that accentuated his hazel eyes.

I shook my head slightly at the thoughts erupting through my mind.

Jungkook chuckled. "You alright?"

"Yeah. Just... it was a sudden temperature difference between outside and inside."

"Are you cold? I have a jacket in my office."

"Oh no no, that's not necessary. Um, shall we get started?"

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed slightly before his eyes widened. "Oh, yes! That's why you're here. Right."


After close to two hours of paperwork and a full tour of the facility, Jungkook finished the tour by showing me his office.

It was a decent-sized room with a desk, two bookshelves full of books of varying sizes, and a grand piano. On the piano, there were stacks of sheet music. In front of the large desk were two  chairs. In the corner by the bookshelves was a beautiful cello on a stand, the light reflecting slightly off the polished wood.

"I didn't know you were a cellist," I admitted, sitting down in the chair after Jungkook motioned to it.

The male shrugged. "It never came up in conversation. Normally my viola is on display too, but I had a performance last night so it's at my place."

"A performance?" One of my eyebrows quirked up at the thought of my new conductor performing.

Jungkook smiled, his eyes sparkling. "Yes. I am a solo performer, but I also do a lot of group work too. My friends and I have a quartet, although we have taken time off since our violinist moved on to his boyfriend's quartet."

I sat up straighter in my chair. "I'd be willing to help you out with that, if you need a violinist."

Jungkook leaned back in his chair, rubbing his chin with his fingers. "Have you played in a quartet before?"

I nodded immediately. "Yes! I love small ensemble playing. Working together in such an intimate way to create some of the most beautiful repertoire there is... there is nothing else like it."

Jungkook's smile grew wider, his bunny teeth beginning to show. "I'll talk to the guys and let you know."

"You look like a bunny when you smile," I spoke, instantly covering my mouth after my lips voiced my thoughts.

The conductor snickered. "A bunny?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded. "Yep. It's cute though. A cute little bunny you would make."


"You fucking told him that? Taehyung, hold it in your pants!" Namjoon smacked the side of my head playfully.

"It just came out! I wasn't thinking! He makes it hard to even breathe, much less think about what is coming out of my mouth!"

Seokjin gave me a look, making me glare at him.

"No. Stop that, Jinnie."

My hyung smirked. "Taehyungie has a crushhhhh."

I threw a pillow at his face with all the strength I could muster.


Hi I love this chapter.

Also Jungkook's office is inspired by my old orchestra conductor's office.

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