Moving day

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As I was packing my stuff to move with Ruby my mom walks in giving me something.

Me: mom what is it.

Mom/Gwen: I something your father had when he first told me he was Spider-Man so i want you to have it.

As I take the suit i look back at my bag that has the other suit."Thanks mom."as i thank my mom i take my stuff and i took it to the car. All my neighbors and aunts including uncles came to say bye to me and safe travels. As i started the car i drove to the address Ruby gave me.

Time Skip

As i arrived at the location i see the rest of team RWBY and JNPR. As i get my stuff out the others helped me out on getting my stuff to the apartment room which i was shocked that we were at the top of the apartment with the best rooms.

Me: Holy crap how did you get the money for this place.

Ruby: well lets say i had help from family.

After we all got settled we all went to our rooms which luckily i got a room to myself. After we all unpacked and i place my family photo next to my bed after that Ruby knocks on the door.

Ruby: hey can i come in.

Me: sure. After i said that she walks in looking around and sees the other suit.

Ruby: huh is this your dads suit.

Me: yup it is.

Ruby: well dinner is almost ready you coming.

Me: yeah. Ieave the room and a black substance crawls out of your dads suit and hides under your bed.

As we all got to the dinning table Jaune turns on the tv having it on the news as i turned to look to see they were still talking about Spider-Man during the Event with the lizard and the death of Harry Osborn.

As i sighed Ruby hugs me to comfort me as i hugged her back and saying thank you. After that we started dinner.

Meanwhile somewhere else.

As a bandit was trying to rob a place a shadow appears infront of him.

Bandit: Huh who the hell are you?

???: The Superior Spider-Man your worst nightmare.

After he said that he beat the bandit until he was about to be killed. After he was done he webbed him and the cops appears.

Cop: um chief you may want to see this.

(There you guys go chapter 2 of the series now soon ill be publishing a certain question that i need your help.) Hope you enjoyed the story cya.

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