00 - Gifts...and First Contact

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They say when you love someone, it means you care for them. You want to be with them. You want to help them and be a part of their lives. You cherish them. This is what Oneechan Dia said to me long ago. When I think about it, I am reminded of how much of a lovable person I am! I love my friends. I love my sister and my parents! I love Aqours! I wanna

But I don't understand it well when they say "romantic love". Uhhh...love between two people apparantly. The kind of love I always see on TV and something older people do. I don't see the difference between that and the love I give to everybody. At least for a while...

But then I met another girl. A girl whom I treated differently from others. A girl who had no relation to Aqours, my family, or my circle of friends. In other words, a stranger. She lives in a far and different place. She is someone I have never met until recently. She is....someone I realised to be similar to me - she is a loving sister too...

At first, she was my friend. Later she became my best friend since Hanamaru and Yoshiko. But I failed to realise later that I friendship became deeper....and only then did I realise what romantic love probably meant...

I would like to talk about how we got together....how we met and all....before I get to the days where my feelings grew deeper...

Date: December 24 (2017?)

'Twas the night before Xmas....a celebration of love according to some people. A day where you give presents and stuff.

This was when we stayed at the Kazuma household at Hakodate...uhhh....and developed a connection after we realised each other's fondness for our oneechans. To be more specific, it was immediately after we made a concert for our elder sisters.

"Here....merry Xmas...", Leah said as she held out something in her hands towards me. She looked a bit shy about it.

"Oh?! You have a gift for me? I thought....", I replied.

"I owe you for giving me the idea to hold a concert for my sister. Consider this as my payment....and...errr....a token of our new friendship...."

"Whoa! A diary?", I exclaimed when I opened it.

"Sorry, that is the only thing I thought I could buy. Especially since we know very little about each other and all. I know its a bit cheap for a Xmas present, but this is all I can afford.", she said in a very shy way.

"I LOVE IT!! ARIGATO!!", I gave an overjoyed expression.

"Eh?", Leah replied. She was surprised.

"I love it! You see, I prefer to read and write in books than to read and write in phones and all! Thank you!"

That was how I got a present from her. Leah's first present! Afterwards, we said a few things before we left. I was happy. And so was she.

"Jackpot!", she whispered as she turned away. I didn't hear about it though.

Afterwards, I returned back home. At my room, I opened the diary Leah gave to me. I am excited to write something! I know what diaries are and how they work.

I wondered what I should write about in the first page of this book. I recalled my memories for recent events.

Today, I made a new friend! Her name is Leah Kazuma. She is tough on the outside but when you go pass that, she is actually shy, sensitive, and a bit awkward. Together we made a concert for our sisters!

That is what I wrote. But is this enough? It is not that I should be pressuring myself to write a very complicated page, but it feels too short.

Then I remembered....it is one week before the year ends. It will be New Year soon....and not just a simple New Year. It will be the last New Year before Aqours ends. It will be the last year I get to see my elder sister again - she said she will attend a college and live in the dorms.

And also....New Year happens to be....Onee-chan's birthday....thinking about all this is making me a bit emotional.

But then I shook my head and told myself "No, Ruby. Don't think about that yet! Get over it!". I know it will happen but it's fruitless if I cry about it right now. I have to face it in a new year without tears. I have to be braver!

That's when I thought, and wrote:

Today, I have thought of a New Year's resolution. I will celebrate my older sister's birthday in the most special way I can! I will face the new year bravely no matter what it takes! Next year, I will grow strong for myself and everyone! Ganbaruby!

Then I felt relieved.

"Ruby, time to go to bed. Merry Xmas by the way.", Onee-chan said with her sweet and caring voice as she popped out at the door of my room.

"Ahh! Okey, sis!", I said as I got ready to go to bed. I will write on this diary again tomorrow.

Before I closed my eyes, I had a random thought:

"Oh right! Onee-chan's birthday! Gotta think of something special for it! Perhaps Leah-san can help out?"



I dreamed only what happened yesterday and the days before. Nothing else. Then I heard a voice.

"Leah, wake up. Merry Xmas."


"Merry Xmas, Leah!"

"....oh yeah. Merry Xmas.", I replied. I remembered then what is going on. It is December 25, Christmas Day. 8AM, I slept late this time. Before that, I worked on a concert with Ruby and co. She taught me how I should accept our failures and how I should accept Saint Snow's unfortunate end. If it weren't for her, I would have had a bitter Xmas. When I speak to myself, it it always straightforward, serious, and short.

And also, I remembered the gift I gave her. I wonder if she truly appreciated it. I actually hid my joy from her about it.

"Leah, you plan to do anything special today?"

"Ah, no sis. Nothing as of yet."

"Alright. Then let me start cooking breakfast, alright?"

"Sure", I replied before she left. I stayed on my bed to think for a moment.

The only thing on my mind is how I will deal with the future. The new year, and the graduation of my elder sis as well as the non-existence of Saint Snow. I have begun to think about forming my own idol group - Saint Snow is a special thing. So I thought I should follow Ruby's advice and move on. Continue being a school idol and never give up even without my sis. I have yet to tell her about it.

As I turned my side to look at the crystal ball that I treasure, my phone rang. It surprised me a bit - I never had anyone on my contacts before nor do I actually talk with anyone.

"Leah-san, Merry Xmas. I have a request for you though. You see...my sis is having her birthday this New Year. I thought if you want to help out. I hope this message does not bother you."

So it was Ruby who texted! I am glad. I am also surprised that she would request me to help once again. More surprised that her sis is born on New Year, what a sacred birthday.

"Let me think about it.", I texted. I want to help Ruby of course, but I hesitate because of the schedule. I wanna confirm first what will happen today before I pledge my aid.

"Leah! Come down here for a sec!", then my sis called me suddenly whilst I thought about my reply. I dropped the phone and rushed to my sis.

"What?", I said as I saw my sis hanging out by the door. She is smiling at me and without a word opened the door.

"Merry Xmas, Saint Snow!", suddenly voices appeared. The door opened to reveal a crowd of people.

"Huh?!", I gasped. It was everyone at school, our classmates! They came to greet us!?

"Merry Xmas, Leah and Sarah! We loved the concert you pulled off! It was so much fun! Your outfits definitely looked wonderful!"

I see, they want to appreciate our performance in person. Then one of them brought out a present and walked up to me.

"Leah, here's our present. Some of us have been wanting to get to know about you for a long time now. I hope we can finally talk and be friends!"

I am shocked. Nothing like this has ever happened before. People coming at your door to see you....it is so....heartwarming...

"Everyone....I...", I couldn't continue my words when I started crying and covered my eyes with my right arm. I am getting really emotional - for the first time ever I had friends. Beforehand, I was always a loner giving off a tough, silent, and anti-social vibe. To have people who actually were interested in me for a while was very surprising and heartwarming.

"Now now, no crying! Leah, show us what your made of!", said the same student as she gave me a handkerchief. Everyone else is cheering me out too.

"Leah.", my sis called me. She gave me a look telling me to move on and get over it. When I saw it, I immediately rubbed my tears away, dropped my arm, and stood firm.

"I...I am Leah Kazuma! Pleasure to meet you all! Merry Xmas! Now, let's have a fun day!", I said hurriedly without thinking about it entirely. I am actually a bit embarassed when I said it, but at least it helped me to stop crying.

"Yay", everyone exclaimed. I looked at how happy they are. I realised that I can actually make people smile for who I am. Of course, all this is a blessing, perhaps a miracle, made by someone special...

I should give Ruby credit for all this. She changed my life in ways beyond my imagining. She gave me a new life, new friends, new goals, and new agendas. I truly owe her big time.

Ruby, I shall grant you your wish. I will help you out on your sister's birthday.

My first friend would later become someone I could lean on. As the future became more and more dramatic, she became someone very important to me....a new story for myself and her has begun...


A/N: One page for now cuz limited wifi today. Expect next page will be published next week - it will be about Dia's birthday. For now, vote and comment this page so I will know how interesting this story is for anybody. Motivation is my main reason to continue a work.

By the way, to all my followers who are eagerly waiting for my Muse Reacts to Sunshine Season 2 book to update, expect that I will be giving MAJOR UPDATES next week.

Happy New Year and see ya again!

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