30 ~ Rudra and Nandani's fight

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You guys cannot even guess how stuck up I am write now in middle of something. There is a patient in my close relative. I am at my relative's home, taking care of my pregnant bhabhi. After finishing the work, I started writing. And, this update is for my loyal readers only. Who were literally waiting for the update. And, silent readers keep your one second with yourself, who cannot even vote. You can never understand anyone's hard work!

Rudra POV

After talking to Nandani, I felt a little upset. I knew she was a princess, her upbringing was different and my mother was a slave to my father. The way she called Maasi-ma, her father's mistress with the emotion of hate on her face made me feel a little upset about it.

I mean, we were married and so close to each other but still, there was a kind of distance between us. It could be because of our status, upbringing, different childhood and different challenges.

But, she had to understand that my Maasi-ma was like a mother figure to me. She was the one who brought me up. She was the one who raised me along with my siblings. I did not know but somewhere in my heart, I could feel that she would not be able to make peace with her. And, I was not expecting her to do that because her scenarios were different and maybe she was right at her place because my Maasi-ma was her father's mistress. And, she had spent a lot of time with her father. That was how she knew about him, her parents and all.

I was walking towards the meeting area and suddenly a voice of an attendee caught my attention.


I turned to look at him and he bent forward to wish me.


I questioned and he replied.

"Ranaji, Prince Agastya and Prince Ranvijay have arrived in the palace,"

Hearing him a slight peace and smile washed over my face and I said.

"Ask them to wait for me in the meeting hall,"

He nodded and I continued taking steps towards the meeting hall but before I thought of meeting the wounded soldiers first as I needed to keep a check on them too.

I went to the hospitable hall to meet the soldiers and after checking on them, I turned towards the meeting hall.

I entered the meeting hall and looked at them sitting on the couches.

"Ranvijay, Agastya,"

I said looking at my younger brothers and they smiled looking at me while standing up from the couches.

I took quick steps towards them and spread my arms to hug both of them.


Ranvijay said and looked at me from top to bottom.

"Ranaji... I must say now,"

He said and Agastya added.

"I hope you will not send us to jail after becoming the King,"

I smiled looking at my little brother and pulled him closer into a tight hug.

"No way, but I called you because now I have something important for both of you,"

I said and Agastya said with a slightly devilish smile.

"No way, I am not going to listen to anything before meeting Bhabhisa. I have heard about her beauty and the way she made you run after her head over heels,"

He laughed a little at the end and I looked at Ranvijay who looked a little seriously at him.

Alright, so Ranvijay was a serious man type while the youngest brother among us three, Agastya was a little fun-loving and childish. My mother passed giving him birth and he never knew what mother's love actually means, and that was why our Maasi-ma was important to us. Because she brought up all of us.

"Agastya, Listen to what Bhaisa is saying,"

Ranvijay said and he gave him looks.

"No, you two rude brothers with rude attitudes cannot overcome my excitement. I want to meet Bhabhisa first. That's it,"

I gulped and put my hand on his shoulder, making him look at me.

"Alright, Agastya, she is busy right now. I will surely let you meet her before lunch,"

He smiled immediately and looked at Ranvijay with a winning smile.


Ranvijay said and I looked at Ranvijay.

"Okay, Ranvijay, we need to rebuild the committee of high ranks in the main court. And, I am proposing you become my chief advisor,"

I said and kept my hand on his shoulder to show how much trust I had in him.

He looked at me and asked.

"Me, Bhaisa, do you think I can do it?"

He asked and I nodded.

"Yes, you are perfect for this. You are so much into politics, you are well-knowledgeable and well-read. You can help me with your valuable suggestions,"

I said and he nodded.

"Alright, Bhaisa. If you think so, I am in. I will be glad to take the responsibility of the chief advisor,"

He said and Agastya interrupted.

"And, me Bhaisa. What will I do?"

I looked at him and put my hand on his shoulder saying.

"You are intelligent with numbers and sharp memory. I want you to handle the responsibilities of the revenue as a chief accountant,"

I said and he nodded.

"Alright. I will be glad to do that,"

He said and I added.

"Now, you two have two days to give me a one-year plan to start everything fresh. I want you to collect information about the resources we have, recalculate the resources and then tell me how can we implement the new taxation rules that can bring peace to the Kingdom,"

I said and they nodded.

"Of course, Bhaisa,"


Suddenly, an attendee interrupted and I turned to look at him.


"Ranaji, Badi Ranisa is asking for you in the Rani Mehal,"

He informed and I nodded.


I said and looked at Agastya and Ranvijay.

"You also want to come and meet Badima?"

Agastya nodded but Ranvijay said.

"I want to meet Maasima first,"

I nodded and said.

"I am going to see Badi Ma, you also come there at Rani Mahel to meet Badi Ma and your Bhabhisa,"

I said the last thing looking at Agastya and they nodded.

I turned my steps towards the chamber and saw her holding Hridhaan in her arms.

I sat with her and tickled Hridhaan a little.

She proposed to give the responsibility of Hridhaan to Bhabhisa.

"If Bhabhi Maa would like to take responsibility for him. I do not see any problem. You? Nandani,"

I said and looked at her.

I knew Bhabhi Maa and honestly, she was the one who could take the best care of Hridhaan. Nandani could also take care of her but honestly, she was young for the baby. Also, I did not want anything less for Hridhaan. He was like my own child. I saw him coming into this life. If Bhabhi Maa would be ready to take responsibility for him, I would be much more relieved.

"No, no problem. I am sure, she will be able to take better care of than me,"

Nandani added and looking at her I could see that she was trusting me in this.


Badi Ma said and added after a short pause.

"Also, Nandani, you can ask Rudra to give you a child of your own, he is also getting old,"

She said and smiled looking at Nandani.

Nandani awkwardly looked at her and then at me and I tried to control my smile and lifted my eyebrows saying.

"I am already old, Badi Ma,"

Nandani chuckled a little and Badi Maa looked at her and laughed a little.

And, suddenly while looking at me she said.

"What happened to your neck? Rudra,"

She asked and I looked at her looking at my neck closely with furrowed eyebrows.

I immediately tried to correct the collar over my neck and tried to make a story.

"Ummm, Badi Maa, I scratched it on my neck,"

Nandani awkwardly lowered her gaze and Badi ma looked at me with concern.

"Never do that, it harms your skin,"

I nodded and smiled.

"Badi Masa,"

Suddenly Ranvijay's and Agastya's voices caught our attention and she immediately bubbled up with smiles and happiness looking at them.

"Ranvijay, Agastya,"

I took Hridhaan from her hand and they both came close to her, bending down to her feet and collecting her blessings.

I was silently watching Nandani, who stood up to look at them and corrected her dupatta over her head.

"How are you? Badi Ma,"

Ranvijay asked and she said touching his cheeks.

"Now, my children are here, I am more than delighted,"

And, Agastya suddenly looked at Nandani.


He met her with his adjoined hands and she also met him with adjoined hands and he suddenly said.

"Bhabhisa, Do not you think you are a little short for Bhaisa?"

He said and I looked at Nandani not able to reply anything. She abruptly looked at me and I smiled lightly signalling her to feel comfortable.

"I think I am perfect for your Bhaisa, Devarjisa,"

He chuckled listening to her and she smiled a little.


Ranvijay also stepped forward to meet her with adjoined hands and she also met him with the same gestures.

I also stepped forward and said.

"Ranisa, this is Prince Ranvijay and this is Prince Agastya,"

Although she already knew that I had two younger brothers but to break the ice, I introduced them.

She silently stood with her gaze low and Ranvijay said.

"Welcome to our life, Bhabhisa,"

She lifted her gaze and looked at him with a polite answer.

"Thank you so much, Devarjisa,"

And, suddenly Agastya stepped forward and asked with a wide smile.

"So, Bhabhisa, when are you planning to give us the title of Uncles,"

She abruptly smiled and I could see her cheeks blushing up, I looked at Agastya with eyes having the warning to not tease her like that.

"Agastya seems like you are in a hurry of becoming, Uncle,"

Ranvijay said putting his hand on his shoulder and he chuckled.

"No, Bhaisa, I was asking generally,"

And, he suddenly looked back at her again.

"Bhabhisa, do you know how to combat?"

She nodded.


He smiled widely.

"Perfect, you know I always wanted a Bhabhisa who can combat,"

She giggled.

"When can we have a combat?"

He said and she smiled confusingly



Agastya said and I did not know but I felt something in my chest looking at them. She laughed while listening to him and did not even look at me before replying to him.

"I think, you both should freshen up and have lunch,"

I said looking at Ranvijay and Agastya.

Ranvijay nodded.

"Ji, Bhaisa,"

And, took Agastya with him.

"I am also leaving,"

Badi Ma said handing Hridhaan back to Suman who was listening to everything standing in a corner.

She look him inside and Nandani looked at me when everyone left leaving us alone.

"Rudra, You know I did not mean that,"

I thinned my eyebrows a little and said.

"I know we have differences, but please never try to bring any of my family members into it, Specially my Maasi-ma,"

Her face changed and she said.

"Alright, I will not talk to you about anything about her. You can disrespect my family, you can ruin my dignity. I cannot do that. What is this even coming from?"

She said and I could see the anger bubbling up on her face.

"It is coming from nowhere, Nandani. I hate your family and for that I have reason of my own,"

She crossed her arms over her chest and said.

"I also hate your Maasi-ma and I have a reason of my own. And, now you are my husband. I cannot see you learning or knowing things that does not even exist,"

I inhaled a sharp breath.

"You know nothing, Nandani,"

She also inhaled deeply and muttered back.

"You either,"

I gulped and tried to control myself.

"Your father and mother killed my father. They are responsible for what I suffered because I lost my father,"

I tried to say and she said.

"I am so sorry that you lost your father but my parents did nothing wrong in killing him,"

This was it. The moment she said it and I looked at her and warned her to not say anything further.


She stepped forward.

"You have to see beyond what you are told,"

I also stepped forward and looked into her eyes.

"I was not told anything. I saw it by myself. How your parents killed my father,"

She looked back into my eyes with the same intensity and tension and replied.

"Your father tried to kidnap my mother,"

I gulped and my hand immediately reached to her nape, pulling her closer.

I looked into her eyes and she immediately pushed me back.

"Do not you dare to ever do that again in anger I am no object, Rudra,"

Her eyes filled with tears and she looked at me.

I gritted my teeth.

"And, my life is no joke, Nandani. With which your parents played twenty years ago and now you are trying to play with it,"

I said and she thinned her eyebrows.

"I am playing with your life? You played with mine. You tried to play with my feelings. You came to me to play a love game,"

I inhaled a sharp breath.

"And, it cost me. It cost me everything. You made me do all of this,"

She took a few steps back and said.

"I am sorry, I made you do all of this,"

She started walking away from there and I called.


She kept on walking away and I called again.

"Nandani, do not you dare walk away like that,"

I said and my anger was now bubbling up even more.


She did not listen to me and I inhaled a sharp breath.


I turned back to continue with my work. The whole day, I did not meet her, I did not see her, neither she came to me. I went through some papers and sat with Ranvijay and Agastya to look into the details.

By the time, it turned evening, Bhabhi ma also arrived from her maternal home.

I met her and she showed me a keen interest in adopting Hridhaan. I told her to take a rest for now and meet him after dinner.

I had dinner with Ranvijay and Agastya and after wrapping up all my work and meetings, I started to walk towards our chamber.

Walking inside, I could see that no light lamps were burning. It was a little strange.

It had turned dark now. The moon was heading to the top of the sky and I walked towards the resting area. She was not here or anywhere to be found.

I saw her attendee, Suman coming out of her bedroom and asked.

"Where is Nandani?"

She answered with a low gaze.

"Ranaji, she is in her bedroom,"

"Had she had dinner?"

I asked further and she nodded.

"Ji, Ranaji,"

She left after answering me and now I was feeling a little bad about fighting with her. But, somewhere she needed to understand me. Her mother was promised to my father, and she and her father betrayed my father and later killed him.

Also, it was because of what we suffered because of our father's death.

I walked into her bedroom with slow steps and I looked at her laying on her bed on her stomach. Her long hair was open and scattered on the bed. She was lying on her stomach and her fingers playing with the strand of her hair.

She did not even lift her gaze off the book she was reading to see me.

I tried to clear my throat yet there was no response.

Her feet were high in the air, I could look at her slender fair feet, ankles and legs to the knees. She was moving them swiftly and touching the toe of her feet. The noise of her anklet bells was ringing in the closed chamber and I walked further inside.

She was trying to seduce me.

And, I lifted my kurta up to remove it and walked inside the bedroom to lighten up the few light lamps. When I burnt the candle, I could feel her eyes staring at my half-naked back.

If it was a game she was playing, why not make it a strong competition?

After lighting up a few candles, I sat on the couches, scattering a few papers on the table.

Leaning forward, I tried to look at those papers and from the corner of my eyes, I could see her stealing gazes at me.

She did not say a thing, and neither I said anything until midnight. She kept reading her book and I kept going through the papers.

It was like a war going on between us about who would talk first.

Suddenly, I saw her climbing down the bed. My eyes noticed her small waist and the long hair dancing on her hip when she walked towards the small almirah and kept the book back into it.

Her face was opposite to mine and I saw her running her fingers down her hair and she started making a rough bun of her hair, tying them up.

Something twisted in my chest when my eyes noticed her slender arms for the first time. And, when her arms were up on her head to make a bun, I saw her revealing back highlighting her shoulder bones.

I immediately lowered my gaze and blinked nervously.

I should not be looking at her like that. She was my wife.

But, unknowingly my eyes once again lifted up to see her walking towards the bed.


I called slowly.

But, she did not reply and walked towards the changing area. I gulped and waited for her to come back.

My face immediately heated up seeing her into a white nightwear that was ending in the middle of her thigh. Her bare legs and arms made my gut twist a little and I immediately stood up from my couch.

She was walking towards the bed and I stopped her in the middle, cornering her against the bedpost.

"Do you want anything? Ranaji,"

She said and I could tell that she was still mad at me.

I tried to touch her cheek and she abruptly turned her head to another side.

I stepped closer to her and kept my hand beside her face, on the bedpost.

"I hope you remember what I asked you to do for me,"

She tried to walk from me and I immediately put my other hand beside her waist on the bedpost blocking her way.

"I do not remember anything, sorry,"

She said.

And, I leaned in closer to her ear a little.

"I can refresh your memory, little wife,"

And, she immediately pushed me away.

She looked at me with anger and said.

"You can go from here to your quarters,"

I walked closer to her and tried to cup her cheek again to make her look at me.

"Dare you to tell me that again and I will never come back here,"

She gulped looking at me.

She blinked looking into my eyes and then lowered her gaze.

"I am sorry,"

I said and she closed her eyes, her cheeks had turned red and she kept standing there with her eyes down.

I stepped closer and snaked my other arm around her waist slowly, pulling her into a gentle hug. Her forehead touched my chest and I muttered again.

"I am sorry, Nandani. I will never say that again,"

I said and she blinked before giving in to the hug.

"I hate you,"

She said and I kissed her head.

My hand moved to cup her neck softly and I made her look into my eyes.

"You are not an object, Nandani. If you do not like me touching your neck. I would not do it either in anger or in peace. But, never say that again,"

She gulped and my fingers touched her collar bones that were so fine and sleek that my eyes were often going there.

I took a few steps back and pulled a couch near the bed.

Sitting there comfortably I looked at her and said.

"You were supposed to teach me something,"

She looked at me and shook her head. I could see her blushing hard.

"No, I never did it before,"

I sucked on my lower lip and muttered in a slow voice.

"Lie down,"

Another update!!!

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Love you all ♥️♥️♥️

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