32 ~ Nandani Knows About Rudra's Control

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There will be weekly updates till May mid now, because many of the audience is busy with exams... Studies are important and entertainment 15 minutes a week will do no harm. So, I will update at Thursday 7 PM IST

Rudra POV

"Is there anything I should know about you?"

She asked and I inhaled a deep breath pulling her closer into my embrace. I snaked my arm around her waist and she looked at me confusingly, with a little fright and calculative.

"I do not think so,"

I said and she blinked as if not able to digest what I just said.

She gulped and lifted her gaze back to me and asked in a slow voice.

"Then, why did you stop?"

I looked into his deep, sensual and intoxicating eyes and asked.

"You did not want me to stop?"

She blushed and lowered her gaze.

She did not answer and said.

"But, I did not ask you to stop, then why?"

She questioned and I closed my eyes for a moment.

"Because you are so tiny,"

I chuckled after saying it a little and she gritted her teeth.

"Do not say that,"

She said.

"But, you are so tiny,"

I said again and she turned her face to the opposite side.

"So, call me so tiny because you think I am not capable of you,"

She gritted and I held her palm against mine and said.

"See, how small your hands are in front of mine,"

She looked at our fingers, her fingers were slim, even half of the size of my fingers but cute.

She inhaled a sharp breath and said.

"But, waiting will not make me big,"

I laughed a little and closed my eyes to feel her warmth against my naked chest. 

"I liked the mole you have on your bosom, it's kind of sensual,"

I said and she closed her eyes, blushing deeply.

"You also have one on your back,"

She said and I feathered her fingers with mine a little.


I hummed, turning a little sleepy. I could sleep the moment after laying in the place where I sleep.

I dozed off into sleep and woke up early in the morning.

Lifting my eyelids lazily, I looked at her sleeping beside me.

Her hair fell over her cheek and her beautiful eyes closed. Her eyelashes were long and thick, which was the first thing that attracted me towards her.

I pushed the hair strand aside of her hand and she inhaled a deep breath, lifting her eyelids.

She looked at me and sleepily kept looking at my face.

I brushed her cheek lightly and said.

"Good morning, Rani-sa,"

She smiled lightly and muttered back.

"Good morning, Ranaji,"

I noticed her staring at my lips and slowly she brought her thumb close to my lower lip, feathering it lightly. She timidly inhaled a sharp breath and I asked.

"What happened?"

She lifted her gaze to my eyes from my lips and muttered.

"You are a King now, you should not go down on a girl,"

She said and I pulled her even closer to me. I smirked a little remembering how I was forbidden to do so many things because I had to become a King and now even after becoming a King, I was forbidden to do those things too.

"I know I am forbidden to take pleasures, but I am not forbidden to give pleasure to my little wife,"

I said in a slow voice and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Forbidden to take pleasures? What does that mean?"

She asked and looked deep into my eyes.

I stared blankly into her eyes realising what just had slipped through my tongue. In no case, I could tell her about my forbidden pleasures because she would get insane and mad knowing these.


I tried to say and she straightened herself to sit up. She locked her hair behind her ear and looked at me.

"No, tell me, Who forbid you to take pleasures? And why? And what kind of pleasures you are forbidden to take?"

She asked and I shifted to place my head in her lap, trying to divert her mind from that thing.

"Rudra, look at me,"

She said and touched my head, trying to look into my eyes.

"Nandani, it's nothing. I am sure,"

I tried to say and she started slipping beneath the weight of my head in her lap.

"No, no, no, you take me as a fool. Tell me, who forbid you and who told you these things? Wait...,"

She said and sat frozen for some moments.

"You stopped last night... because... you are forb...,"

Tears collected in her eyes and I looked into her eyes trying to shake my head in a 'No'.

She looked into my eyes and her breathing raced up.

"Rudra, please tell me it's not what I am thinking. You are not into controlling period till crowning?"

She asked looking into my eyes and I just stared blankly into her eyes.

"Oh, wait... wa... wait! That is why you do not sleep in bed, you do not eat the royal food, you do not stay in the chamber, you do not let anyone does your things, you do not smoke, you do not drink, you do not hunt, you did not..."

She said and tears fell from her eyes. I closed my eyes and pulled her into a hug.


I tried to say and she broke into silent cries.

"Rudra, do I even know you?"

She asked and stood up from there. I held her hand and she looked at me.

"Does this wedding mean anything to you?"

She asked and took her hand away.

"Do I mean anything to you?"

She asked and I stood from the place.

"You do not even have any feelings for me,"

She said and took a step back.

"Nandani, it is not like that,"

"Even, I am forbidden for you,"

She blabbered and pressed her palm against her forehead.

"I thought... I thought you have feelings for me, some emotions at least,"

She broke into cries.


I tried to call and was about to touch her cheek but she showed me her palm to stop me.

"Do not forget that you are forbidden to touch me, Ranaji,"

She said and took a few steps back from there. 

"Such a fool I am, I fell for this,"

She blabbered and walked away from there.

I inhaled a sharp breath and fisted my fingers trying to calm down my anger.

I closed my eyes and sat back on the carpet not knowing what would I do now. I knew she would get mad knowing it. I knew she would not like it, I knew she would never get married to me if she knew it before.


Suddenly, an attendee came and I looked at him.


I asked trying to calm myself down.

"Ranaji, the Kings from the small princely states have started arriving in the Empire,"

He informed and I inhaled a sharp breath.

"Ask Prince Ranvijay and Prince Agastya to look after the welcome and arrangements of their stay in the Empire. I will meet them in the meeting,"

He bent a little.

"Ji, Ranaji,"

And, went away from there.

I stood up from there and walked out to get ready first. Today was the big day for the Empire as I had to sign the peace treaty and trade contracts with the states for the welfare of the people.

I got ready and chose the simple white kurta and red overcoat to wear. 

After getting ready, I went to meet Nandani once before going to the meeting.

I walked into her bedroom and called.


She was not there and I walked into the dressing area.


She was not even there.

I came out and asked the attendee standing outside the chamber.

"Where is Ranisa?"

He bent forward a little and answered without meeting the gaze.

"She might be in the Royal Kitchen, Ranaji,"

I nodded and walked towards the royal kitchen to meet her for once. 

The moment I entered in the kitchen, my sight noticed the chaos in the kitchen. Women working on the flour grinder, some crushing the dry spices and others peeling the raw vegetables. I raked my eyes on all the ladies but was not able to spot my queen.

When I still could not find her there, I ordered and collected their attention.


Everyone stood up and started moving out except one girl sitting close to the flour grinder.

I walked towards her and looked at her still grinding the flour with her hands.

I sat down in front of her. She did not even lift her eyes to look at me.

She was not wearing any of her jewellery. She even removed her handful of bangles and wore a few green bangles in her hand. She was in simple, plain clothes and I called.

"Nandani, do not overwork in anger. You will fall sick,"

Her hands moved even faster and the other hand filled the grains into the hole.

She did not answer anything and was ignoring me like I was not even there.

"Aeeee, Nandani,"

I held the handle of the grinder and stopped it to catch her attention.

She gulped angrily and stood up from there.

"Suman, Reva, Jayanti..."

She called in loud voice and I looked at the attendees entering the kitchen again.

"Keep working, the guest needs to taste the best food,"

She said and walked towards the big pounder to crush the dry spices. I walked after her and now felt really nervous to talk to her. Also, attendees were around again and I said in a slow voice.

"Nandani, please,"

I tried to say and she pounded the dry chillies even more strongly. Chillies spiked in the air and the moment I inhaled the air to breathe, I started coughing and felt chillies in my throat. She purposely did that.

She also coughed a little and I looked at her.

The attendees around looked at us from the corner of their eyes and I tried to say in a slow voice.

"Nandani, please, do not be ang-,"


She called in the loud voice to cut off me and walked towards the flour grinder again. Sitting down, she started grinding again and I sat in front of her again.

"Nandani, you know everyone is waiting for me in the meeting hall. I do not want to meet them leaving you angry like this,"

I tried to say and she lifted her gaze to look at me.

"I am not angry, Ranaji,"

She said and I asked.

"Then, why are you doing this? There are so many attendees, leave all that on them. They can do,"

She inhaled a sharp breath and lowered her gaze.

"No, I am also on controlling period with you till you are,"

She said and I immediately held her wrist to stop her.

"Are you mad?"

I tried to keep my voice low and she jerked my hand away.

"No, but you are not allowed to touch me now,"

She said and I inhaled a sharp breath.

"Nandani, what the hell are you doing?"

I asked and she tried to ignore me even more.

"Reva, warm up the water and come here to help me knead the dough,"

She said and stood up dusting the excess flour off her hands right in front of my face.


I said in my breath and stood up from there.

She was really pissed off, mad, angry and whatnot.

I looked at the women attendees working and It was better, I just leave from there.

I came out and walked towards the meeting hall where everyone was waiting for me.

The announcer announced my presence by screaming in a loud voice.

"Attention!!! Rana Rudra Dev Singh is entering the Royal Meeting Hall...,"

His voice was so loud that it brought a little shiver and energy to my body.

The moment I stepped into, the whisperings and gossip turned silent. Everyone stood up and I wished my greetings with the adjoined hands.

"Welcome to the Suryagarh,"

I said and walked towards the throne.

I sat there and said.

"Please, sit down,"

I looked at my Guruji who had also arrived. I immediately stepped down from the throne to take his blessings.

And, then sat back again.

Ranvijay stood up and caught my attention.

"Ranaji, this meeting is about the establishment of the new peace treaty and making amendments to the percentage of taxes and duties in the current trade zones,"

I listened carefully and asked him.

"Please propose the new contracts,"

I said and suddenly looked at Badi Ma entering the meeting hall.

Another Update!!!

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Love you all ♥️♥️♥️

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