40 ~ Nandani Tried to Sneak Out of the Palace

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Nandani POV

"Every woman is special, Rudra,"

I said and looked at his expression changing. His face got blank, mouth out of words and we just stared intensely at each other.

I saw the anger still bubbling up on his face and his eyes turning red and I tried to say.

"Rudra, your fath-,"


He cut me off and pushed me slowly off his lap. I stood up staring blankly at him. He stood up from the chair and took a few steps away.

I saw him silently walking away. My heart suddenly started beating faster, telling me to call him. But, my brain battles my heart to let him go.

I gulped and blinked trying to control my bubbling-up mixed emotions. The anger, the hate, the care, the sadness, the love and most importantly a sense of standing on the right side.

He left me there alone and I turned to look at myself in the mirror.

I closed my eyes and thought why just everything could not be simple. Why the hell it was becoming complicated day by day?

When the hell would he realise that he was trusting the wrong people?

Opening my eyes, I looked at myself and quickly tied my open hair in a braid.

Finishing my look by adding pieces of jewellery, I came out of the chamber.

Inhaling a breath, I called.

"Suman, Reva,"

All the attendees came running to me and I asked.

"Is the lunch for the guests ready?"

Reva nodded.

"Ji, Ranisa,"

"And, all the guest's chambers are cleaned?"

She nodded again.

"Ji, Ranisa,"


I muttered and looked at Suman.

"Suman, go find Ranaji and tell him that a few drafts of amendments are waiting for him in the library. Ask him to look upon them whenever he will get free and is there any news about our agent,"


She nodded and I continued.

"And, tell Prince Agastya that I want to meet him whenever he will get free,"

She nodded and left.

After that, I went out for a regular tour of the Kingdom but today I chose the outskirts of the Kingdom.

Basically, the people who could not afford a living and earning in the Kingdom's region resided in the kingdom's outskirts until they become capable of earning a living, their responsibilities were handled by the kingdom itself.

But, surprisingly when I went there, I could not see even a single person. Leave person there was not even a tree or a bird. It was all empty and abandoned as if nobody has even visited there for decades.


I was startled by the voice and immediately turned to look at Agastya standing behind me.

"Devarsa, You scared me,"

I said and a little smile appeared on my face.

"Aap yaha kya kar rahi hai?"

"What are you doing here?"

He asked and I turned to look at the abandoned place again. The dried trees, the broken quarters and the pin-drop silence.

"Hum to bass yaha ka Daura karne aaye the? Kintu yaha to koi bhi nahi hai. Kya Suryagarh me koi ghar esa nahi jisko Kile ki Aavashyakta hai?"

"I just came to pay a visit to this place. But there is no one here. Is there not a single one in the Suryagarh Kingdom who needs shelter under the kingdom's roof?"

He looked at me and lowered his gaze down to the earth while inhaling deeply.

My eyebrows furrowed a little with the silence and he lifted his gaze back to me.

"Bhabhisa, Suryagarh sirf dikhta Aalishan hai. Iski chamak, Shan-e-shaukat hamare Dadasa ke jamane me bahut unchaiyon par thi. parantu jabse kakasa ne rajpath sambhala, iski chamka dheere dheere feeki padti gayi, logo ko to ab Suryagarh par vishwas bhi nahi hai,"

"Bhabhisa, Suryagarh just looks elegant. Its spark, greatness and power screamed louder at the time of our Grandfather. And, ever since our Uncle took the throne, its shine started to decline, and now the situation is worse. People no longer trust the Kingdom and its laws,"

He said and I listened to him carefully.

"But, this is wrong. They need us. Is there anyone who knows what is happening outside the Kingdom?"

I asked and he inhaled deeply.

"Bhabhisa, Bhaisa has just taken the throne. And, his possession means that soon the winds will change their direction. Before getting to the people, we must strengthen our own backs, we must fill our finances with resources and wealth,"

He said and I immediately asked.

"Are we out of wealth?"

He looked at me and blinked nervously.

"Indeed, we are out of wealth because, for the past many decades, the King only warmth his comfort on the throne and his pillars just filled their own pockets. But, the counting is still on. Bhaisa has already asked to recount all the resources and maintain proper records. Only after the counting finishes, we will know how much we have and then only we will be able to outline a reconstruction plan of the Suryagarh territory,"

He said and I nodded feeling convinced immediately.

But, still, a part of me wanted to know about the people immediately. Because all things would definitely take time and I wanted to know the situation of the people right now.

"But, I want to meet people,"

I said and he looked at me with confusion.

"I mean, this is important. What if they are in a problem, what if women need us? What if there is something happening that is not reaching our ears?"

I tried to say and he nodded lightly.

"Yes, you might be correct but Bhaisa will never allow it,"

He said and I immediately questioned.

"Why? Does being a Queen and Prince mean, staying behind?"

He looked at me sharply and nodded lightly.

"Bhabhisa, it's just been a week since Bhaisa possessed the throne of Suryagarh and that too through a revolt. People might be angry with us, many soldiers have died, and many families have lost their close ones,"


I said nodding strongly.

"Yes! that is why they need us right now. We should start reconstructing the outskirts of Kingdoms first and relocate the people here who are below the poverty line and need immediate support,"

He inhaled a sharp breath and shook his head.

"Bhabhisa, we do not have that many resources plus we cannot win people's trust immediately. It will take time,"

He said and I shook my head.

"We need to go out and meet people. That way we can build trust in them again,"

"Bhaisa will never allow it,"

He stated and I replied.

"Then do not tell him,"

He immediately turned shocked and looked at me with confused, shocked and out of words eyes.

"No, he will get so mad,"

He said after a short pause and I gulped.

"He always stays mad. And, I cannot stop myself just because he will get mad,"

I said and he took a step back.

"This is a hell of a risky task. You know the people can get angry seeing us,"

I shook my head.

"I will try to talk to them. I am sure they will listen to me,"

He shook his head.

"People like the old king are just waiting for this kind of moment only. If our enemies get to know about this, Bhaisa will be finished,"

He said and I took a step forward.

"Then you come with me, Devarsa,"

And, he immediately shook his head.

"Bhaisa will kill me,"

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him for a moment.

"Are you a child? Devarsa,"

I asked and he looked at me sharply.

"Bhabhisa, I am way taller than you, I am way healthy than you. You cannot call me a child,"

He said and I could see a little aggression in his voice.

"Then, why are you scared of Rudra this much?"

I said and he immediately looked at me with utter shock.


I immediately shut my mouth and corrected myself.


He thinned his eyebrows and looked at me.

"Bhaisa ne aapko bahut choot de rakhi hai,"

"Bhaisa has given you too much liberty,"

I smirked and folded my arms over my chest.

"You will not give your wife this liberty?"

I asked and he shook his head.

"No way. I will tell her to speak mannerly with me, obey me, ask me, and do whatever I will say,"

He said and I immediately burst into laughter.


He looked at me sharply and I laughed even more.

"Hahahaha, Devarsa,"

"Ese to aapko koi bhi ladki milne see rahi,"

"This way it will be difficult for you to find a girl,"

He looked at me and copied me dramatically.


I immediately shut up and said.

"I am sorry, devarsa,"

He looked at me and said.

"I will tell Bhaisa to punish you for laughing on me,"

I smiled and said.

"You can ask your Bhaisa to do anything to me but please come with me to the village tour,"

He crossed his arms over his chest and blinked a little calculative.

"You want me to cut my own head and wholeheartedly give it to you?"

He asked dramatically and I nodded.


He looked at me for a moment.

"Ok! fine. But, in return, you will have to do something for me,"

I furrowed my eyebrows and he said coming closer.

"You have to help me in making someone jealous,"

He said and I immediately looked at him in his eyes.


He smirked and said in a very slow voice.

"There is a girl,"

And, My mouth opened wider with the information.

"A girl?"

I asked and he nodded.

"May I know who is the unfortunate one?"

I asked and he looked at me with the most serious and dramatic eyes.


I laughed.


He smiled.

"Who is she?"

I asked.

He inhaled a sharp breath and said.

"I will tell you at the right time, but first agree to it,"

He said and I nodded.

"Now, you are asking me to cut my head and give it to you wholeheartedly. If Ranaji would know about it, he will kill me for sure,"

I said and he smiled devilishly.

"That's a good negotiation then,"

I smiled.

"Okay, done!"

I said and he said.

"Okay! Done, then, we will leave when all the guests and Bhaisa will go for lunch,"

He said and I nodded.

"Good idea,"

"Okay then,"

He said and I immediately asked.

"Will we ride the horse or palanquin?"

He looked at me with the widest smile and muttered in a slow voice.

"Bhabhisa, there is a new thing in the market. You know it is super comfortable and fast and even helps us maintain our weight too. It's like two sticks,"

He said and I looked sharply into his eyes wondering what it could be that was not introduced to me yet.

"Really! Do we have that in Suryagarh?"

I asked with amusement.

"Yessssss! we all have it... our legs,"

He said and I looked at him.


And, he smiled.

"We will go with the help of our legs. That is safe and can help us hide our identity,"

I nodded.

"Alright! That means we will have to change to hide our identity?"

He nodded.

"Yes, make sure no one can recognize us while we leave, while we roam in the village and while we come back. There is strict checking going on over the main entrance because of guests. Every person is checked before leaving the palace and coming inside,"

He said and I nodded.

"Okay! I will take care of it,"

"Now, we should leave and I will wait for you outside in some time. There is not much time in the lunch,"

I nodded.

"Okay, see you later then,"

I said and we both walked away from there.

My heart was beating faster thinking of the adventure we were about to witness. I came back to my chamber and called in a slow voice.


I did not want anyone to see me leaving the chamber.

She came to me and asked.

"Yes, Nandani,"

I looked at her and said.

"Can I borrow another pair of your clothes?"

I asked and she tinned her brows.

"What? Why?"

She asked and I said.

"Just give me a pair,"

I said and she nodded looking sharply at me.


I waited until she came back holding a simple grey and red pair of lehenga.

I took it from her and went to the changing area. 

After changing into it, I removed my extra jewellery too.

I came out and Suman looked at me.

"What are you doing? Are you going somewhere?"

She asked and the thought of her telling Ranaji everything true when he would ask came to my mind.


I said immediately.

"It's so hot today. I am feeling suffocated in my own clothes,"

I tried to say and she looked sharply at me.

"Nandani, you know you are a terrible liar. Why are you even practising?"

She said and I inhaled a sharp breath trying to cover up my embarrassment.

"I am thinking of surprising Ranaji,"

I said and a wide smile appeared on her face.

"Wow! really? Is it some kind of fantasy like making out in a cottage or in the forest?"

She said and I felt like someone pierced a knife in my heart. 

My husband was in a controlling period. He could not even jerk off and there this girl was telling me new fantasies.


But, I agreed to stop her asking further questions.

She smiled with a blush and said.

"I would love to know the details,"

And, I inhaled a sharp breath.

"Why not? I will publish a book about it,"

And, her face fell a little.

"Okay, if anyone asks where I am. Just say, you do not know,"

I said and she nodded confusingly.

I walked past her and called.


She came running and looked at me.

"Ji, Ranisa,"

"Where is Ranaji?"

I asked and she said.

"I think he has just left for the dining room with all the guests for the lunch,"

I nodded.

"Okay, thank you!"

She left and I covered my head with the dupatta to my nose and started walking toward the outside of my chamber.

My steps were fast and I was trying to reach the outside of the area of the chamber.

When I reached there my sight fell on a man standing in the corner wearing a white loincloth and a simple red kurta, having a plain, simple turban over his head and a moustache above his lips. My eyebrows thinned looking at him and I recognized him immediately with his physique and eyes.


I walked towards him and stood beside him.

"Shall we go now?"

I asked in a slow voice and he nodded.

"Yes. If anyone asks just say we are husband and wife and we are leaving because my Guruji is sick,"

He said and I chuckled deeply.

"Ranaji will kill you if he would know that you sickened his Guruji,"

I said and he immediately looked at me.

"Bhabhisa, volume,"

I immediately shut my mouth and he said.


We both silently walked towards the main entrance and stood in the queue of people who were going out of the palace. From the corner of my eyes, I could see guards checking on the people.

We silently waited for our turn and I did not know but my heartbeats were running insanely fast the moment guards started checking him.

"What is your name?"

One of them asked and he said in a completely changed voice.


He said and asked.

"And, who is she?"

They asked.

"My wife, Kalavati,"

He said and I lowered my dupatta even low.

I did not know but my cheeks were suddenly feeling warmer than before, my heart beats almost audible and suddenly.

"And, where are you going?"

My whole body shivered the moment I heard his voice.

What the hell is he doing here?

From the corner of my eyes, I saw his half body till midriff, standing in front of us in his overcoat and I just wanted to run back.

My fingers trembled insanely and Agastya slowly replied.

"Pranam Ranaji, We are going to our village. Actually, my Guruji has gone,"

He said and I could feel the hurt and sadness in his voice.

What a master of drama he is.

"Oh, that is so sad,"

He said and looked at the guards.

"Let them go,"

I inhaled a breath of peace and Agastya said.

"Thank you, Ranaji,"

He walked and I silently followed him.

But, the moment I took my next few further steps I noticed the noise of my anklet bells.


I forgot to take them off. 

My fingers now started shaking madly with the fear and if I would stop he would sense that something was fishy.

I just kept going, fisting my hand and suddenly.


Another Update!!!

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Love you all ️♥️♥️

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