44 ~ The Punishment

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Nandani POV

"Widen your legs for me, little wife,"

He said and I could feel my heartbeats racing insanely fast and wild right now.

Suman had just seen us in a very uncomfortable position, him having me on his shoulders wearing a night dress that was ending just a little below my mid-thighs. My legs were available for the spectator and I did not know but it twisted my stomach in hundreds of ways.

I could feel the strong sensations building up in my stomach and I could see him climbing over the bed.

He kept his knees on the edge one by one and my eyes gulped at seeing his abs and muscular body that was no longer covered with a cloth now.

"Widen your legs, love,"

He said and I shifted a little back seeing him coming closer to me. A part of me was feeling really hungry, demanding and intense right now and another was slightly afraid that what we were about to do now would lead to many possibilities.

And, the possibilities were making my heart do backflips and dance.

He leaned in closer and I could feel his fingertips featherly touching my knees and thighs. I leaned backwards seeing him coming closer to me. His fingertips were making me feel uneven breathing and the delicate yet firm touch was making me feel sensations and chills down my spine.

He leaned into my midriff and kissed me softly over the thin fabric of my night dress. I could feel his weight shifting over me and his elbow on the side of my midriff while his face close to mine. 

He held my thigh lightly yet firmly and pulled my legs aside widening it. 

I inhaled a deep breath and looked into his eyes which were looking into mine intensely.

"Part your legs, little seductress,"

He said in a slow voice and I felt him pulling a pillow to place under my head.

I placed my head on it and inhaled a deep breath parting my legs wide for him. He leaned in closer and I could feel his waist between my legs that eventually spread my legs even wider.

"You are so beautiful you know inside and outside,"

He said and I gulped. His gaze was fixed on my face and was often looking into my eyes, at my lips, at my forehead and nose. I felt his fingers slowly rubbing my cheeks and I tilted my face a little to feel it even more.


I asked and inhaled a deep breath. I did not know but my mind was slowly oozing with the beautiful, butterfly sensations he was sending through his light touches.

The best lovemaking need not start with intense attraction and hunger but with the slow and tender touches that erupt butterflies in you, that lets you dive deep into each other's eyes and that make you both feel the same level of arousal and passion.

I remembered this line from my master and realised that it was what he was doing exactly with me right now.

I was in the neediest and most demanding state right into the moment. The wetness was bubbling up in my core and my stomach had now started hurting with the arches and sensations that were happening in the lower abdomen.

But, still, he was taking it slow.


He hummed and pressed his lips softly against my cheeks. I could feel the tender yet firm touch of his soft lips against my cheeks. It felt warm, smooth and comforting. My lashes were forced closed and I could feel his weight partly over my body now. His wide and strong chest covered my upper body under him, blocking all the views except his face. His deep, intense, passionate eyes, his dark pink, demanding and sexy lips. His jawline that had never let me take a moment alone when I had not gawked at him.

My legs were wide, touching the side of his waist and the noise of a handful of bangles created a noise when I moved my hand from the bed to the bicep in anticipation.

I inhaled a deep breath and I pulled my knee up in the air when he moved his fingers from my knee to the inside of my thigh.

I felt a slight shiver and he moved his lips from my cheek to my ear.

He kissed my ear softly and took the upper part of my ear in his mouth teasingly. 

I moaned.


Inhaled a deep breath.


And, arched my body a little in anticipation

I had removed my all jewellery except the wedding bangles that I wore again after removing my green ones and my anklets that my mother had gifted me with love and the toerings.

But, now I was feeling as If I should have removed my anklets as it was noisy with the heavy bells and when he feathered my inner thigh with his fingertips, I shivered and my toes rolled over the mattress.

"You have such a sensitive body, little seductress,"

He muttered in my ear and I could feel his hot and wild breath fanning over my ear that sent shivers down my spine.

"Ahhhhhhh, I am loving your touch,"

I inhaled a deep breath and the teasing touch of his fingers on my sensitive spots was making me feel even more aroused yet demanding. 

He nibbled my ear softly and I brought my lower lip under my teeth when I felt his finger moving from my inner thighs to the skin of my core.

The touch felt soft yet slightly rough and I felt him lifting his face up to look at me. I opened my eyes too to look into his. His long locks were falling over his forehead which was turning a little sweaty in this blooming summer night and the heat that was building between us.

He rubbed his finger gently over my skin and I blinked inhaling deeply.

My lips parted and I could feel my lower body moving with the slow movements.


I moaned slowly feeling the sensations building up, my hip unknowingly wanted to move in sync so that I could feel the heights of that sensations.

He lowered his face and pressed his lips against mine, my parted lips were grabbed by his and he slowly, teasingly and intensely started sucking my lips.

My breathing almost stopped.

My lashes were forced closed and I felt his fingers of other hand cupping my nape, his long fingers reaching my jawline and I could feel his finger slowly slipping inside.

I gasped and body arched a little.


He sucked on my lips softly and muttered.

"Look at me, Nandani,"

I did not know but suddenly my name from his mouth sound so beautiful, perfect and caring. I did, I opened my eyes and looked into his. My fingers slowly turned into fist on his bicep. The uneasiness started taking over the sensations but his deep and intense eyes not letting me drive uncomfortable with it.

"Inhale, do not stress yourself,"

He said in a slow voice and I abruptly bit on my lower lip when I felt almost half of his finger inside me. The uneasiness building up, my legs felt tightened, toes rolled a little and I saw him inhaling a deep breath with the blinking eyes.

"Calm down, little bird,"

He said in a slow voice and I felt him slowly taking out his finger. The feeling of removal of touch made me even more uneasy, my body arched and he leaned in to press his lips against mine. Kissing me softly, intensely and deeply, he muttered in my mouth.

"Now, I am going to go deeper, let me know if you feel any pain or discomfort,"

I blinked nervously with the word deeper, the image of his long finger and veiny fingers unknowingly blurring up my vision.


He questioned in a slow voice.

And, I nodded blinking nervously.

He pecked my lips for once before looking into my eyes again.

He slowly started pushing in again, this time it was even slower than before, stronger sensations building up and I opened my eyes to look into his.

My eyes blinked nervously a little, his face had turned red and he slowly muttered against my cheek.

"You are so tight, little deathbed,"

A shiver ran down my spine hearing it. The uneasiness was still there, pinning all my focus there and I felt him gulping. His adam's apple moved when he gulped.

Suddenly, I felt him tighten his hold on my neck, he spread his legs a little which eventually spread mine even more.

I moaned deeply feeling his finger inside me, I lost all control over myself. My nails slowly dug into the flesh of his bicep when he pushed further inside.


I could not stop myself from moaning loudly. The sensations now turning uncomfortable yet pleasuring. A hint of pain was present there too but it was making me even more aroused.

"Lose yourself,"

He said and I blinked with the thinned eyebrows and parted lips.

It took me a few good moments to comprehend what he was demanding.

I inhaled a deep breath and exhaled shakily. Closing my eyes nervous, I let my all tensed muscles calm down a little to  relax my body.

Trusting your partner was one of the essential things of lovemaking and I was loving how he was slowly building it between us.


"Good girl,"

He muttered and pressed his lips against my cheek. Kissing me slowly, deeply and hungrily he tried to divert my attention from the pain that had now started building when his finger dived deep into me completely.


I moaned and blinked my eyes feeling the intense sensations building up with a uneasy, stingy sense of pain. I could see the round roof above us but my vision was blurred with the shivers running down my spine.

"Calm down, Nandani,"

He said and I moved my hand from his bicep to beside my face, on the bedsheet. My fingers fisted over it and I tried to lift my body a little up to ease up myself.

He continued kissing me slowly, beautifully and lovingly on my cheek. My lips were parted open inhaling deeply. My heartbeats were racing faster than ever before. 

"Calm down, Nandani. Let yourself feel it, is not it beautiful,"

He muttered in my ear and took my earbud between his lips. It sent even more shivers down my body. I could literally feel goosebumps now. Then, I felt him slowly pushing his other hand which was under my neck, forward and my head shifted over his arm. His fingers held mine leaving the bedsheet and now fisting his fingers.


I moaned deeply closing my eyes, my head falling backwards when I felt him moving his finger a little. The movements were slow but it was making me sync my lower body with it. His fingertip touching the sensitive spot inside me and every time it was hitting there I felt like exploding.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, Rudra,"

I moaned even louder and he bit on my earlobe teasingly.

"Feel it, Nandani. Hold it back until I ask you to relax,"

He said and I fisted my fingers even tighter on his hand. I tightened the muscles of my legs, lower abdomen and core, trying to not move in sync with his fingers.

And, It started hitting me even stronger than before.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Rudra,"

I moaned insanely, my brain oozing with the strong sensation building up. My throat started to run dry. I bit on my lower lip and he muttered slowly in my ear.

"Good girl, hold it like that,"

My eyes shut close, wrinkling up my eyelids, My eyebrows furrowed, and small sweat beads started forming on my neck, and on my forehead.

And, slowly he pressed his lips against my neck softly yet hungrily.

He started sucking on the side of my neck, by parting his lip, suctioning in and leaving stinginess on my flesh.


I moaned and my other hand reached to snake his shoulder.

The sensations suddenly turning intense and dangerous.

His finger was making me insane right now and his biting on my neck drove me insane and crazy. My hold over myself forgot that I even breathe and I dangerously needed to get over this insane sensation that was taking me close to my release.

Never in my whole life, have I felt like this. It was insane, mad, deadly, thrilling yet pleasurable.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Rudra, Please,"

I almost begged.

He knew what he was doing. I needed to get over this. I needed another breath. My nails dug into his flesh and fisted on his skin. I had lost control over my senses.

"Ahhhhnnhhhhhhh, please, I am begging you,"

I moaned getting out of breath.

His fingertip that was continuously hitting that one place was making me crazy, insane and mad right now.

He sucked on my neck even more harshly and I moaned even more loudly.

"Ahhhhhhh, pleaseeeeeeeeee,"

I almost begged.

I had gone crazy.

He moved his lips from my neck to my jawline, sucking me even harsher. 

My body started shaking.

My fingers senselessly dug into my back dying for a release.

My whole focus was fixed on his finger, hitting my sensitive spot, sending chills and sensations all through my body.

I tried to breathe but nothing was working.

The more I was trying to get relax, the more dangerous it was getting.

"Pleaseeeeeeeee, Rudra, I am begging you, pleassseeeeeeee,"

I almost teared up.

He knew how to end this. My body had started shaking, he made me feel all this. My brain was oozing with the deadly sensations running down.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, ple...,"

The last ounce of sanity leaving me. I was insanely flushed and aroused right now. I was on the verge of losing consciousness with the unbearable sensations running down my body.


A slow, deep and intense moan escaped my lips and I felt him lifting his face a little and he demanded.

"Look at me,"

His breathing was also uneven, his voice hoarse and I gulped listening to him. I blinked feeling insanely crazy right now and tried to look into his eyes.

I saw him leaning in closer and he pressed his lips over mine hungrily. And, the moment his lips touched mine, I felt it.


I moaned in his mouth and my body arched insanely.


I felt like a wave of ecstasy hit me, leaving the storms of overwhelming sensations in my body. My lashes forced closed, giving in to the kiss, my lips unknowingly moving in sync with his kissing him back hungrily, bitting him on his lips.

He slowly moved his finger a few last times before taking it out. With a tender and soft kiss, he let me catch on my breath and get the normal pace of heartbeats. 

He pulled his lips back and I looked into his eyes. My eyes blinked rapidly not able to comprehend what the hell just happened.

A slight smile was there on his lips and he brought his other hand close to my cheek.

I sucked on my lips and gulped, lowering my gaze timidly a little. I could feel my knees feeling weak and my lower abdomen aching a little.

He moved his wet finger right on my cheek and I blushed even more feeling his warm and wet finger brushing against my cheek.

He kissed my forehead lovingly and whispered.

"I love you, Nandani,"

A slight, timid smile appeared on my lips and he said further.

"I hope you enjoyed your punishment, little deathbed,"

His words were making me feel flushed even more and I hid my face in his neck muttering slowly.


I gulped.

"It was mind blowing than I ever thought, heard and learnt,"

I said in a slow and timid voice and inhaled his bodily scent mixed up with his slight sweat, which was pure intoxication for me, closing my eyes.

With the upcoming few breathes, I calmed myself down and the silence followed. He kept brushing his lips against the side of my forehead lovingly.

But, an important question was bubbling up in my mind and I blinked nervously before putting it into words.

"Are you sure, you have never done it before?"

And, he chuckled deeply pressing his lips on the side of my cheek.

Another Update!!!

Do not forget to vote, comment and share the book!

Its not 5.5K followers yet. Otherwise, I would have uploaded another chapter.

Love You All ♥️♥️♥️

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