67 ~ The Fight

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Rudra POV

"This is the beginning of your end,"

He said and I inhaled a deep breath listening to him.

"What are you doing? Abhi,"

I tried to ask and he angrily cupped my jaw and squeezed hardly stepping closer and looking into my eye intensely.

"I am not your Abhi or anyone's, understand,"

I could see the fire burning and rage bursting in his eyes. His nostrils flared and the long locks of his curly hair flew with the wave of wind. I held his intense gaze and asked in a slow and impactful voice.

"What do you think Nandani will think after knowing about this?"

He chuckled a little and left my jaw. Taking a few steps away from me and looking around casually he asked.

"Kon Nandani?"

"Nandani, who?"

And, I felt like something broke in my heart.

I took a step further and tried to say.

"Who Nandani? She is your sister,"

He laughed a little and walked closer to me.

"She is not my sister anymore. The day she stoops so low to run after a person like you, she died for me,"

He said and I gritted my teeth. My hand immediately held his neck in my possession and before I could say anything.

"How d-,"

He twisted his hand and punched me hard in my face with his strong knuckles leaving my face all numb for the next few moments. My feet pushed backwards with the effect and I touched the side of my lips only to see that he drew the blood out of them.

Now, my anger was bubbling up to no extent.

First, I found him sleeping with Trisha and now his behaviour was telling me how much he hated both of us.

But, I came here to sort things out.

"Abhinandan, listen to me, please. I love her,"

I tried to say and he immediately stepped forward landing strong punches on my face again and again.



"You love her, hnnn?"



Punch, punch and punch.

My nose started bleeding and I tried to push him away.

But, he pushed me down on the floor and held my neck tightly with his one hand and started punching me hard.

"You used her. You played with her. You proved that you are a bastard like your father. You showed your true blood. Son of a whore,"

He said and this was it.

I pushed him away by punching his face back.

"Mind your language,"

I said with a smile and strong voice and he balanced himself quickly to start punching me again.

"Mind my language? hnnnnnnn... What the hell were you minding while sneaking into her chambers, sleeping with her and then leaving her? I trusted you. I FUCKING TRUSTED YOU and what you did, you used my sister, you used her, you played with her,"

He punched my face and I was starting to feel dizzy.

"I hhhaaaaammmmm, sorrryyyy,"

I tried to say.

And, he landed another punch on my face breaking my nose.

"You just showed me that you are exactly like your father,"

He said and anger rushed into my body like never before.

I immediately grabbed his neck and pushed him down under me. The drops of blood were falling off my nose and mouth and I landed a strong punch on his face.

"I am the son of my father, but where the hell you were when your sister was crying and needed your support the most,"

I said and landed another punch in his face.

"Hnnnn, where were you? Fucking your whores? At least I am better than you when I tried to check on her. I made her stop ruining her life. What did you do? Hnnn, being her brother, what the hell you did do for her?"

I said punching his face again and he pushed me strongly down on the earth and with the heavy chains, I lost my balance easily.

"What I did do for her? What she did do for me? Hnnn, she betrayed me. She never told me about your little affair,"

He punched my face again.

"She ruined everything just for a man. She did not even think of her father and grandfather's reign, their pride and ruined everything to ashes. Even after knowing everything she chose to marry you. She chose a man like you who disgraced her and ruined her and destroyed her,"

He punched me again.


He punched me again.

I tried to push him away and held his neck.

"Listen to me, LISTEN TO ME,"

I made him look into my eyes and inhaled a sharp breath, sucking on my bleeding lips.

He angrily looked at me and I tried to say.

"I know you are angry but listen to me at least,"

I tried to say and he angrily looked at me with burning eyes.

"You can happily draw the last drop of blood from my body but listen to me first,"

His nostrils flared and I gulped a little to keep breathing.

His eyes softened a little and I tried to say.

"Nandani misses you so much. And, whatever she did was to only protect you. Trust me you do not even know what steps she was ready to take to protect --  you. She never said but I know, my heart knows that she loves you more than anyone in this world, I am far behind in the queue,"

He inhaled a deep breath and kept looking at me.

"What did she do?"

He asked.

I gulped.

"She tried to marry Surgami Dev Singh to protect you,"

I said and he chuckled.

"Lies lies and lies,"

I shook my head.

"No, it is true. She did all that to protect you,"

He looked at me angrily and said.

"She did all that to protect you from me,"

And, I just stared blankly at him.

"Aahh, Ummmm, Okay if she did all that to protect me from you, but why? Why she needed to protect me from you,"

He sat down and looked at me.

"Because I am stronger than you and I can kill you right away. But, now you are her husband and so-called love, I cannot do anything to you,"

He said and I sat down in front of him too.

"Yes, you are stronger than me. But, she is your sister. You can hate me all my life but you have to face her. She misses you. The moment she heard that you are at war against us, she got worried for you,"

He lowered his gaze to the earth and I inhaled a deep breath.

"I am sorry, Abhi. I did not know about my father. I did not know any of this. I am so sorry, I know I deserve all of this but please she is your sister. Do not do anything that will hurt her,"

I said.

He lifted his gaze and said in a slow voice.

"Like she cared about me,"

I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"She does care for you. She always cares for you. If you do not believe me, just her who she loves more. I bet she would choose you over me,"

He chuckled.

"She did not even try to talk to me,"

I inhaled my breath.

"She was so devastated that moment,"

He smiled weakly.

"Little did she know about my devastation. She is selfish,"

He said and I shook my head.

"She is not selfish,"

He looked at me.

"She is selfish. She chose you over everything else,"

I inhaled deeply.

"She did not choose me. She chose to sacrifice herself in the name of a political alliance with Suryagarh. So that I would not get the throne and never be able to access the army to attack Mahableshgarh. Only she knows how she survived everything. Not everything that seems love is a bed of roses, Abhi,"

He gulped and looked at me.

"So, you love her now?"

He asked and I just stared blankly at him.

"I always did but was stubborn to accept it,"

He lowered his gaze to the ground again and asked in a slow voice.

"Is she okay now?"

I nodded.


I said and I saw a tear rolling down his cheeks.

"I could not see her in that situation. And, I could and never be able to face her again knowing I was the reason that it all happened to her. If I had not trusted you, you would not have come into the Kingdom, if you would not have come, she would not know you, and nothing would have happened,"

He said and I stayed silent for a moment.

"It was not your mistake Abhi. It was mine. I used everything and trust me for that I am utterly ashamed and do not feel like I deserve her at all,"

I said.

"You do not. You do not deserve her. You call it 'love'. You do not love her. She loves you. You hurt her, still, she chose you over everything else. And, you did nothing for her,"

He said and I inhaled a deep breath.

"I know Abhi, I am so sorry but please this hate should be towards me not for her. I am sorry that I came between you brother and sister. I should not have done it,"

He looked at him.

"Yes, you should not and you have to pay for it,"

He said and stood up.

"Before you could hurt her anymore. I want you to be killed. Because once a traitor always a traitor,"

He said and looked at the soldiers standing nearby.

"Hand him a sword,"

I shook my head.

"I am not going to lift my blade against you,"

I said.

He took his sword from the side table and pointed at me.

"Open his chains,"

I looked at the soldiers walking forward to open my chains and I tried to stand up. Inhaling and wiping off my bleeding nose, I shook my head.

"I have promised her that I will not lift my blade against you,"

I said and looked at him.

But he was seeming so much in a fighting mood as he pointed the sword right in the middle of my chest.

"If you cannot fight then just leave and let me save my sister from a bastard like you,"

He said and I gulped.

"I am not going to a war against you,"

I said.

"Then, leave my sister. You have done enough harm to her. Leave her to be happy. A person like you, for whom the grace or disgrace of a woman does not matter. Who does not know the limits of revenge and who does not know the values of relationship does not deserve her or any woman, understand,"

He said and I inhaled a deep breath to ask.

"And, what were you doing? You are lecturing me about the grace or disgrace of a woman. What you were with Trisha were not seeming graceful at all,"

And, suddenly he grabbed my neck in anger and said.

"What I and Trisha was doing was our personal matter, understand,"

I held his wrists and pushed him back by making his hand lose my neck.

"If a girl is a commoner then it is not grace or disgrace but if she is a princess then its grace or disgrace,"

I said and chuckled at the end.

"Do not you dare bring her into all of this,"

He said in a wave of anger and I angrily replied.

"I will because she is like my sister,"

And, suddenly he chuckled and started laughing.

"You are angry for someone who is like your sister but did not even care about a girl who was madly in love with you, wanted you and you bet you loved her too,"

I closed my eyes for a moment.

"I am sorry Abhi. I am so sorry for that. I can apologize daily, day and night about it because it was a sin and I am ready to suffer everything for it. I have already done this. This revenge, this hatred, this rage and everything. I have already tried and see, I lost everyone. I am a loser. It is easy to break someone in just a few moments but it takes more than life to heal someone. Your parents, your sister and even Trisha and people do not expect this from you. Just because I did something bad to you does not mean you will do something bad to them. A person who cared and loved all the women in his life could not do something like that to a woman who means so much to you and for her, you mean so much. This is not you, Abhi. This is not you. Tell me what you want, Do you want us to separate? Do you want to hurt me by separating us? I will do it. Nandani will also be happy to do that too rather than seeing you like this. She would be happy to do that rather than seeing you become the same person you hate,"

I said.

His eyes softened a little and he put his sword down.

"You need to go home. Do not run away from your family. It is not your fault, not your mistake, not your burning home. You were deceived, and your trust got broken. And, you must not deceive yourself, Trisha, Nandani and your parents,"

I said and he inhaled a deep breath looking at me.

"You want me killed?"

Another Update!!!

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Love You All ♥️♥️♥️

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