82 ~ The Need of Seduction

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Nandani POV


I heard him calling my name as he walked into the chamber behind me too. I looked at him lazily looking at me and walked closer to me in nothing but my dupatta wrapped around his waist.

"How dare you leave me alone like that?"

He said like a baby and hugged me from behind.

"I am getting late and I have to get ready, Rudra,"

I said and he pressed his chin on my shoulder while shaking his head.

"For what?"

He questioned and I smiled.

"For the crowning ceremony,"

I said and he inhaled a deep breath.

"Oh... yes,"

He said and stepped back from me.

I turned to look at him and said.

"Let's take a bath together,"

He smiled and immediately lifted me up in his arms.

"Why not,"

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck when he walked towards the bathing room.

He put me down and took the comforter away from me and put it on the table from where the attendees collect the clothing for washing.

He removed my dupatta from his waist too and we both looked at each other naked.

He held my hand and we both stepped into the pool. He made me sit on his lap and I inhaled a deep breath feeling the cold water tickling against me.

He touched my waist and I giggled.


I said with a smile and laughter.

He leaned in to kiss my neck and I gasped.

He smiled and I gently placed my back against his chest. He pushed my hair aside and I felt his lips gently brushing against my neck.

"Did I hurt you?"

He asked slowly and I felt his fingers gently touching my hair.

"I bet you cannot help,"

He chuckled and I smiled.

"You know me well,"

He said and I looked at him from the corner of my eyes.

"Can I ask you something? Nandani,"

He asked and I nodded.

"Of course,"

I said.

He leaned in closer and kissed my cheek lovingly.

"Why did you learn seduction?"

He asked and I smiled.

"For you,"

I answered.

I could feel him smiling and he asked further.

"Why for me? You are beautiful, lovely, and charismatic, you have an energy, an attractive aura and a personality for which anyone could fall easily then why learn seduction?"

I smiled at his question and looked at him holding my hand.

I gulped and lowered my eyes.

"Do you know Suman?"

I asked and he nodded.

"Yes, she is your maid,"

I shook my head.

"No, she is my best friend,"


He said.

I nodded.

"Four years ago, she got married to a man,"

I started and looked at his fingers gently touching my fingers.


He asked.

"She went through a hard time understanding his husband. He would come late at night to her, have sex with her and then in the morning just leave her. The only contact they were having was sexual and she was not able to satisfy him. Neither was he trying to understand her. We are lucky that we have a love for each other. Not every women and men marry for love. Bonds are made for status, money, alliances or just for survival. And, when that happens, the first thing that comes around is physical relations. No man would wait for two to three to get indulge with a woman. He would not wait to understand her mentally, emotionally or spiritually before getting physical with her. That is the harsh truth of relationships, Rudra. That when two people are tied together be it in a wedding, a loving relationship or something similar. The first thing they explore is their physicality. And, a majority of women do not know how to handle that, how to understand that. The reason could be the young age, lack of education or conversations about it. Even the couples do not talk much about it. She lived with a joined family. They hardly used to talk but still, the family wanted a child. Her husband and her were just talking sexually and when it too was not going well they started falling apart. The man found that chemistry somewhere else and eventually their relationship broke,"

"He cheated on her,"

He immediately said that.


I agreed.

"It is not her fault,"

He added and I nodded.

"Yes, absolutely correct,"

"Then it does not make any sense,"

He said further.

I shook my head and looked at him.

"It does Rudra, it does. Thousands of women do not talk about their needs and let alone talk they would never understand their needs. Men being contrary to them are very vocal and outgoing when it comes to their needs. They have it visible on their face that now they want to be satisfied. While women are always told to be covered in a fabric of timidness and shame for the sake of well-being. They do not know about their needs, they do not understand those and eventually, they would never know how it feels to be satisfied deeply. It would be very unrealistic if someone tell me like love stories are not like that. Sex is not everything and it should not be talked about like this, it affects young girls. But, do you believe me or not once in a lifetime every man and woman gets depressed or feels low because of an unhealthy physical relationship. We human have animal instincts in us and it is necessary for survival. It is necessary for reproductions and the world to keep going. But, doing it without enjoyment or satisfaction is nothing but a traumatic experience. I have learnt seduction because I wanted to give you all. I wanted to give you everything so that you would never even think about feeling not being satisfied. It is like hunger. You crave food when you are hungry. But, if you know how to satisfy your hunger with healthy food, it gives you a different pleasure. But, not understanding your hunger and eating anything can only make you unhealthy leading to disastrous things. Suman did not know anything about it. Her marriage broke because of this and thousands of relations struggle because of that,"

I said and he thinned his brows.

"But, you know not everyone perceives it the way you look at it. They would call you shameless and immoral,"

He said and I nodded.

"Yes, that is the problem of our society and values that it has brothels and pleasure houses for men who leave their own wives at home and search for pleasure outside. Even men do not want to talk about it, not teach their wives about it. They do not even talk about it. I feel pity for the women because in the end men always have options. Even their cheating is considered good and while women have to suffer it and yet smile with a stiff lip,"

"That is so deep for a girl like you, Nandani,"

He said and I gulped.

"When I saw Suman crying because of it. I questioned myself. It was definitely her husband's mistake that he cheated on her. But a part of me always thinks that it was mainly our society's fault that they did not teach Suman well before preparing her for the marriage. They talk so flowery and lovely about the marriage. Like two people would live together forever and happily and never do they discuss the source of their happiness. When two people get in touch, they first get attracted to the physical attraction. The other aspects like emotion, spirituality and mental come very later when the problem arises. Thousands of relationship breaks at their very first stage because of a lack of understanding, conversations and education. Leave the other person aside but every man and woman should always always always try to understand herself before going into a relationship. Understand what kind of need of yours will be fulfilled by this relationship. Do you even need a relationship? What is your limit? What is your insecurity line? Where is your border? Where is your point that beyond that you cannot submit? Love is not just submitting yourself and letting other person do anything in the name of love. Education about seduction is not just required to fulfil needs but to control, hold and bloom a relationship whether you agree or not but it affects you. Neither the man nor the woman should be too submissive in the name of Love that they would not even notice if their line is getting crossed. Because, it directly affects emotions, mentality and spirituality. Your emotions, mentality and spirituality cannot exist without your physicality. Even they say that God is inside you. Then, how come Love would come from outside?"

"That's true,"

He said and I nodded.

"Yes, it comes from inside and understanding your needs, your desires, your limits, your passion, your insecurity line, your everything is your responsibility first before someone else's,"

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I think I have an idea for you,"

He said and I looked at him with the thinned brows.

"Me? what?"

He smiled looking at me and said.

"I can totally agree with what you are saying. That is why I would like you to discuss this with the women of Suryagarh,"

I thinned my brows.

"Me? How can I discuss it with women? My parents do not even know that I learnt it,"

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"You do not have to, personally. But you can lead that. We can hire masters who can talk about it with the women. We cannot force them to listen to us but taking a step is better than doing nothing about it,"

He said and I smiled. I sucked on my lower lip and I looked at him.

"See, this is the power of seduction. Man is a beast and only an angel can tame him,"

 I said and he chuckled.

He kissed my forehead and said.

"I love you even more, Nandani,"

I closed my eyes and we kept talking while taking the bath.

After we were done taking the bath. We both walked to the dressing room and saw each other getting ready. He chose the white kurta and I chose the same attire that he bought for me.

After getting into my clothes I asked him to tie the knot of my blouse. He happily did.

He sat on the chair of the dressing table after wearing his kurta and loincloth silently watching me getting ready. His lips curved into a smile and his talks were teasing and flirtatious.

"I think sex is suiting you,"

He said and I thinned my brows while wearing my earring.

"What do you mean?"

I asked.

He clicked his tongue and said.

"You are gaining weight and your breast are getting bigger,"

His voice was so slow and I suddenly burst into laughter.

"How dare you say that? You have not noticed my hair if they getting longer or not. But, you care so much about my breast,"

He chuckled and laughed.

"You know it was this before,"

He said animating the size with his hand in an image like holding it.

"Shut up,"

I said.

"And, now it is like this,"

He continued and open his fingers a little.

I jerked his hand down and shook my head.

"You do not like it?"

I asked with a sad face seeing him making fun of me.

He suddenly pulled me closer to him to make me sit on his lap.

"I love every inch of you, Nandani. Every inch,"

He said and I smiled.

I cupped his jaw and kissed his cheek.

"And, I love you so much,"

I said and looked at him in his eyes.

"By the way I have to ask you something,"

I said and he thinned his brows.


He said.

I felt a tint of blush in my cheeks and I lowered my gaze before asking.

"How have you imagined our first time to be before the marriage?"

He suddenly burst into laughter and I felt embarrassed all of sudden.

"You cannot do this,"

I said while standing up and he tightened his hold around me and hugged me tightly while laughing lively.


I said and he lowered his laughter slowly and looked at me.

"You want to know,"

He said and I nodded.

"Please, I want to do something special for you after your crowning ceremony,"

Another Update!!!

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