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Look I finally wrote an update..I have like only 6 more stories to write this week XD Tomorrow I have the day off so I will try to get more updates in

See you on the flip side! Enjoy the update,



Wally stood there wide eyed at Dick, still unable to believe that the one he was looking for was under his nose the whole time! "Dude..when.."

"We don't have time to discuss this." Dick grabbed his backpack, dusting off the ruble before grabbing an all too familiar mask out of it. "I expect this explosion has something to do with you and Artemis, so why did you REALLY show up at this school Kid Flash?"

"Well I was here because Artemis--" Wally froze. "ARTEMIS!"

Dick simply gave a nod. "Oh so she was the one with assassins after her..should have known." Dick leisurely unbuttoned his shirt revealing a suit underneath, though he seemed in no rush to get ready to help. He was still upset with their last conversation. A childish action, he knew, but he had his days. "She is a hero too correct, She can hold them off for a bit."

"Are you seriously still upset with her!?" Wally gawked. "Come on! We need to go help her!"

"Oh I am just getting ready" Dick smirked slightly. "Can't go kicking assassin butt with my civilian face. Thats would be a disaster, heavy on the dis. " Dick put on his mask with a sigh. "Oh, and after all this is over, you better not go spilling this out to everyone, I do not need that attention on me."

"I will keep your secret only if after this we head to the mountain and you NOT disappear this time." Wally grins holding out his hand. "Deal?"

Dick hesitated for a moment, his arm raising slightly, but stopping. "Will...Batman be there?..."

Wally shrugged, knowing that Dick would probably back out if he said yes. Come to think of it, the Bat coming is what startled him the first time. "Who knows, I think he was on a mission with the league. Common Rue, a lot of people would like to meet you." He stretched out his hand a bit more. ""

Dick grabbed his hand. "Fine, Deal."


Dick held out his hand to Artemis. The surprised blonde looking at the wake of unconscious bodies in his wake. "Who are..."

"Remember Rue? Guess who I found 'in the neighborhood'?" Wally grinned patting Dicks back.

"Don't touch me." Dick warned, a hint of irritation in his voice.

"So you are saying that..This is Rue?" Artemis grabbed Rue's hand and pulled herself up to her feet. "Kid Flash here has quite the man crush on you lately."

"Art! Don't make this weird! She is joking D--Rue!" Wally rose his hands defensively. "I was looking for you sure but--"

"I think the term is stalking." Artemis teased, but paused looking back up at Rue. "So this is the elusive Rue. Maybe I should get a camera and get that reward money."

Dick smirked slightly behind his mask. "Now that is not very 'hero-like"

Artemis shrugged but then froze. "Kid..aren't you going to.." He went to go talk to Dick after their argument.The explosion right where they were! Horror struck. "Dick..." She whispered, guilt kicking in. If the fight never happened, he would have been in the cafeteria still, where everyone remained safe.

"All civilians are safe." Dick noted, not that Dick Grayson, or rather himself, was really a 'civilian'. But, of course he was not going to say that to Artemis. He saw wally give an uneasy look. It looked like he REALLY wanted to tell what happened, he could see him vibrating from over here.

"Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure!?" Artemis spoke, wanting to clarify.

Dick glanced at Wally and then sighed. Why was he doing this, why was he doing any of this." He glanced around before his hands go up to his mask, removing it and turning towards Artemis. "Yeah, I'm sure,"

Artemis stood there in a brief moment of shock but quickly recovered. "I should have known. You were always too collective for a NORMAL teen."

"Should I be insulted at that?" Dick grinned a bit, folding his arms. "Well You two were more obvious. I never met someone as hyper and energetic as Wally here. The second I saw him I knew."

Artemis laughed.

"Dude, not cool!" Wally groaned, and watching as Dick put back on his mask.

"What? It is true." He chuckled. "Anyways, this was fun and all, but I have to head back before people suspect my disappearance. You lead all the civilians to safety, right KF?"

"Yeah but..WAIT! You promised we would head back to MT Justice after all of this."

"I did didn't I?" Dick mused for a bit but then shrugged. "Later tonight then, after everything dies down a bit. Besides..." Dick kicked an unconscious body "You have things to deal with as well, and I don't want to be here when the media arrives. Y'know how the paparazzi is wanting this beautiful face over every billboard."

"Beautiful? Whatever helps you sleep at night, Dick."

"Heh..but wait, how are you going to get in?" Wally frowned.

"Please, I'm a hacker, getting in will be easy, it's the dreaded socializing that will be the problem." Dick joked.

" made look like I was crazy last time! You still owe me for that!"

"I got nervous okay?" Dick admitted. "I did not expect Batman would really be there.."

"You really look up to him, don't you?" Artemis sighed, shaking her head.

"Well of course..he is the hero of my city..THIS city."

"You know you could be too, right dude?" Wally asked.

Dick laughed a bit. "We have been over this Walls..I am not a hero."

"Yeah, its not like you saved a whole school of civilians like a HERO would do." Artemis sarcastically said, rolling her eyes. "Come on quit denying it already. You are not fooling anyone!"

"Yeah! Artemis is right! You are TOTALLY a hero!" Wally grinned

Dick groaned. "Yeah whatever, see you tonight." Dick rolled his eyes and started to walk off. Leaving Wally and Artemis alone.

"You are going to make sure Batman is there, aren't you?" Wally questioned


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