Making a Decision

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Oh look a rare update has appeared! Sorry for the wait everyone , I was still on 'laziness' mode for the past week and forgot to do updates. Whoops..

I begin to wonder how all of you are so patient when it comes to these things. I am impressed.




"You two are insane!" Richard hissed. "Wally how could you do that?" His harsh whisperers hinted to a slight tone of amusement as his two friends told him the story of revenge they planned. He rested into the bed, sighing a little bit. "What am I going to do with you two."

"Awe common Dick, you know you love us." Wally nudged, in a teasing manner.

"Did you you really say 'fuck you' to the entire class?" Dick rose an eyebrow, unable to help the smile forming on his face.

"He sure did, you should have seen their faces." Artemis grinned. "And I honestly think one of them pissed themselves when we pretended to play Batman for a night."

" The bat-a-rang looks incredibly well made for--" Richard's eyes narrowed. "It's not a it?"

Wally grinned. "Nope. It's the real thing" He almost burst into hysterics when he saw Richard's shocked face. "Man I wish I had a mirror to show you how shocked you look!" Wally paused and looked around. "Wait, where is the rich dude?"

"You mean Bruce Wayne." Artemis noted, before doing the same. "Not that we are not grateful for him keeping an eye on you while we were in class...but why did he even offer in the first place?"

"I don't think you will believe me if I told you." Dick sighed, his body beginning to ache from all the bruises.

" I think unbelivable is part of the business, Dick." Wally smiled and grabbed a chair to sit next to his friend, Artemis doing the same.

"The playboy billionaire wants to adopt me of all people." Dick shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"DUDE!! REALLY!?" Wally stood up quickly "That's crazy!"

Artemis smacked Wally in the back of his head. "Keep it down, Baywatch. We are still in a hospital."

"Sorry.." the speedster mumbled, sitting back down in his chair like a scolded child.

Dick let out a small laugh. He really did miss the two's constant banter. In a way, he felt as if they were the closest thing to family he has had in a very long time. " Yeah, he sprung it on me basically the second I was awake enough to comprehend the situation. At first I thought I slugged his kid or something. I was totally freaked out."

" Did he give you a reason why?" Artemis asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

"Apparently he has been looking for me for quite some time. He was just looking in the wrong place I guess." Dick mumbled, once again wondering why his past has been coming up a lot recently. "As for where he went, I believe he went to talk to the doctors. He left seconds before you guys came here. You did not bump into him on the way?" Dick asked curiously.

"Nope, But then again, we had our minds set on seeing your ugly mug." Artemis laughed. "Wally almost knocked over three separate doctors on the way here.

"Artemis, I thought we agreed that he did not need to know that!" Wally complained but then sighed shaking his head. "Well If that's how it's gonna be, Artemis here almost cried on the way here!" Artemis punched the speedster in the arm. "Ow!"

Dick smiled again, forgetting about the heavy situation he was in for a moment. It really was nice seeing the other's again. Their fight before this almost felt completely stupid. He saw now that these two would do anything for him, and he was beginning to feel the same way. " Can I see it by the way?" Dick pointed to the bat-a-rang.

"Dude, you can keep it." Wally smiled, placing it on Dick's lap gently. "Just don't...y'know mess too much with it."

" Genius over here thought it would be a good idea to pull it out of a wall bare handed." Artemis added. "Cut his palm pretty good."

"Really?" Dick rose an eyebrow, just realizing his friend's bandaged hand.

"Well it was either pull it out of a wall before the cops came or try to personally steal one off of Batman." Wally said defensively. "Which I think I would be in worse condition than Dick if I tried. Speaking of which, when are you getting out of here?"

"Not sure... Even if I did know, I am not even sure where I will be going after I am released."

"Right... the adoption thing. Well... Hopefully you do not have to go back to that correction facility..If that's the case, you won't have to sneak out at night anymore to--" wally looked around again to see if anyone was around. "Do your nighttime hero activities."

Dick groaned. "Well i will be out of commision for awhile...but something tells me it might get harder to sneak out..instead of hundreds of delinquents to look after, there will just be me. Hard to stay under the radar..."

Wally nodded "Well that's true..maybe come up with an excuse--"

"Will you quit it, what is important is for Dick to heal, not plan on how he will get future injuries." Artemis whispered harshly

"Ye of little faith Art, who says I will get injured? I am pretty good at my 'job' you know." Dick smirked.

"Says the one who took a bullet for this idiot." Art pointed to Wally.

Dick huffed. "Well other than that--"

"Do you see the scars on your body? You are luck the doctor's assume it is from where you reside and not question what a lunatic you are."

" was a good coverup... I have seen some of the kids that go in that place, they are totally insane."

"Well, at least that is one less question I have to answer..."

"You did say yes to Bruce, right?" Wally asked. "I know the convenience of sneaking out will go away, but you deserve so much better than that place."

"I did not give him an answer yet." Dick said admittingly "I was in too much of a shock to reply...and then you guys came in..."

"Accept the offer. I can't believe I am saying this, but I agree with Wally. You deserve a better life."

"Someone please tell me that they recorded Artemis saying that she agreed with me. That was like history in the making." Wally joked, earning another slap upside the head "Oww!"

Dick shook his head laughing. "Get married already you two, I swear you are already like an old married couple!"

"WE ARE NOT!" the two said in unison making Dick laugh even more. BUt the two were right, he felt this encounter happened for a reason, and he would be foolish not to seize the opportunity. He now only hoped that the playboy billionaire did not have a change of heart during his absense. 

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