Bonus Chapter (#1)

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For some reason or another, this did not happen to fit into the pace of RL. But, given that it's such a cute scene, it obviously must be shared. This is tagged onto the end of chapter twenty-four. Yes, that date scene where Jake and Tyler kiss! So, without further ado, a bonus chapter:

Like the ocean screaming, the world shouts, every single whisper in the dark a million times amplified. Tyler breathes in deep, grasping her wits by their handles, unable to understand why she feels so...broken. Jake holds her close, his arms moving slowly, hands rubbing at her back. Their touch sends shivers down her spine, cold tingles that linger in her mind. Even with all their clothes on, she feels naked, open.

Stop, she thinks against her stubborn mind, trying to get it to stop making her so paranoid. Jake's a good guy. This is okay. Yet even that isn't enough, for she knows that it's not really true. Her mind and heart won't allow it to be.

"Tyler," his voice is soft, too soft, "you're so quiet."

She lifts up her chin, looking into his eyes. A smile creates a path on her lips. "Just thinking."

"A penny for your thoughts?"

It's hard to keep herself from crying at how gentle he sounds. As if he can't hear the sound of her heart beating so fast, her mind whirring, how everything feels so right and so wrong all at once. Without even doing anything, they've done it all. "Just...keeping up the mystery, ya know?" His skin is soft, and she moves her hands up and down his collar bone, touching it ever so slightly.

"Oh?" he asks, his fingers trailing over her spine and moving to her stomach. "Isn't that my line?"

"I'm an improv actor," she whispers. Tyler giggles as he tickles her, hands slipping under her shirt just the slightest. "Jake!"

He chuckles, "What?"

"You were tickling me."

Jake's fingers trail over her belly button now, exploring her skin without care. "Oh? Was I now?"

"Yes, yes you were." She laughs a little bit, leaning her head into his chest. "You're soft, you know that?" He mumbles into her neck, nuzzling her. "What? Jake, don't tickle me!"

Laughing again, he lifts up his head and stares at her. "You're so cute."

A blush works its way up her neck. Tyler ignores it, grabbing his hands with hers and holding them close to her before he can take them out again.

"Look at you. God, I swear..." he trails off, leaning down and meeting her lips. The taste of vanilla explodes into her mouth, coffee and cake blending together. Something changes in the atmosphere around them, the two moving closer together, unable to stop touching.

"God, I swear, Tyler, if you ever move again..." A thin touch, then it's gone. The sound of laughter; her eyes fluttering just enough to see the world around her. "Sh, sh, it's fine. Just trying to change your position here. Can't run a video with ya moving, now, can I?"

She nods, slowing down her breathing until his hands are off of her. Then, another set of hands, touching her and holding her until there's nothing but them. Nothing but the touch.

Tyler shakes her head, trying to get the memory to leave her alone. Jake's hands are playing with her back, going over her bra-line and under it slightly. She knows that he's not them, that he's not doing it because of Don...

But that doesn't change how the memories choose to play tag.

"Tyler?" he asks.

"Nothing,'s okay," she whispers back to him. The darkness that had started out so beautiful now feels like it's strangling her. Man, I'd kill for a hit right now. "It's okay."

He nods, kissing her again. Passionately, deeply, the move closer as she manages to keep the memories at bay for a moment. As he stats to lift up her shirt, she freezes.

"Will this hurt?"

"No, 'course not."

"Are you sure?"

"Would I lie to you?"

His voice breaks through, "Tyler, what's wrong?" Jake sounds worried, so worried, but she can't think enough ask to understand why. Her shirt slips back down as he goes to hold her head, looking at her like she's lost something. "Tyler, what is it? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"What's wrong?"

She shakes her head, trying her hardest to put on a show, to smile. "Nothing's wrong."

"You're crying," he wipes at her tears, kissing where they were. "Hey, it's okay. Whatever it is, it'll be okay."

"Jake...thanks." Tyler drops her head back onto his chest, tears falling harder now, cold and warm all at the same time. "I'm sorry, I just...I can't...I can't..." No matter how many times she tries, the words just won't leave her.

He nods, stroking her hair. "I understand. It's okay, we don't...we don't have to do anything you're not ready for. Okay? Nothing until you're ready."

Tyler nods in return, kissing his collar bone. He's wearing a long sleeved shirt again, and she can't help but feel like she loves that. It's different, slightly unnerving, yet she loves the fact that he's got his own little flaws. Like her, he hides behind something, only his isn't skin.

"A penny for your thoughts?" This time she looks up at him, the tears slowly fading out. She sniffs, calmer.

He chuckles, kissing her cheek. "Now, why would I tell you those?"

"Hm...maybe because sitting here not saying anything is a little bit weird?"

"Oh, but don't we both have to keep up our mysteries, Tyler?"

She kisses him again, short and sweet. Neither respond, yet in that silence they say everything. All their thoughts seem to mirror each other without saying an honest word, neither wanting to talk and neither wanting to remain silent. And at that, she leans into him again, feet tangling with his. A lovers' hold for two, she can't help but love how that sounds, a perfect way to fall asleep.

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