Chapter Eight

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*Lock my body away, let my mind come out to play*

"Twelve grades, twelve years, and seventy two students. Throughout these days, we've learned, we've cried, we've made friendships and enemies. We've won, we've failed, we've tried. We've done it all. And now?

"Now, we're just beginning. The years before served us well, forming us and creating us. We're who we are, and nothing can change us now. The prologue is finished, now we're treading on chapter one, eager yet hesitant. What's going to become of us? Well, some of us will be doctors. Some teachers, others forever students.

"Some of us will be active, others lazy. Some of us will even be actors! Some of us will be in the moment, police and swat, firefighters...and others in the future, leading businesses and creating new things! Some of us will be average, and we'll be amazing just the same. Some if us will roam the streets, but we'll all have a place. And right now? Well, we're lining up. With our diplomas in our hands, clinched, as we know that this, this is our moment. We're going and claiming our place. So, have at it, Ridgeford High! Let's claim our place, start our journey, and hope we don't need anymore proofreading!" Alise finishes her speech by switching her tassele on her hat and waving her hat in the air before setting it back onto her head. Everyone jumps to their feet, cheering with her, caught up in the moment. "Thank you!"

"Thank you, Alise!" The principal smiles, patting her back as she exits the stage. Mrs. Wendy gives everyone a wave, cheering and hooting like everyone else. After a moment, she clears her throat, "I've never been more proud of this school. Each year we lose and gain students, but you guys left your mark. Four years in a row you guys got tops in all sports, all school spirit awards, and had a hundred percent participation!"

Tyler gives a hoot while they cheer, grinning up at her as she continues listing their achievements. All day she's worn a grin, ecstatic about not only graduating, but her birthday party later this evening.

Alise sits down next to her, grinning just as proudly. "Can you believe it?" She whispers happily, giggling a bit. Tyler shakes her head, taking Alise's hand and squeezing it tight before letting her go. "Tyler, I'm glad we're friends."

"Me too. I can't imagine having passed without you." She chuckles, halfway listening as the kids who've gotten awards go up to receive theirs. "I wish I could've talked to you more before this past month. Really, you're so much more than that smart girl."

Alise nods, blushing a bit, "And you're more than Don's sister. You're an amazing girl."

"As are you."

Suddenly everyone's screaming, and both girls turn their attention back to the stage, where the principal is talking about the end of school. She picks up her diploma off the ground next to her, gripping it tightly as she listens.

"This is it! This is where you start your journey!" She cheers, and suddenly everyone's tossing their hats into the air. Grinning and laughing, both girls toss up their hats. Everyone cheers, shouting in disbelief and happiness.

The band begins playing and everyone begins to leave, changing and taking final pictures. Tyler's Dad takes one of her and Alise, arms strung around each other and a priceless smile on both their faces. His eyes are glistening slightly, and he looks like his smile is going to war with his face. "Tyler, honey, me and your mom have never been prouder." He puts his right arm around his wife's waist, giving her a kiss on the cheek before turning back to the girls. "You too, Alise. Both you girls are amazing, and I know you two will go far in life."

"Thanks." Both girls reply, blushing happily at the complements. Alise gives Tyler a high five, "I gotta go find my parents! I'll meet back up with you guys later at the restaurant, okay?"

Don gives her a wink, stretching his arm over her, "Alright, I'll see you there!" He lets go of her, and Alise gives Tyler a pitiful look before running off quickly. Crap, Don, just stay away.

"Okay! See you there!" Tyler grins at her family, who begin walking the long distance to their vehicle. She hangs back a bit, watching classmates go and waving to different people. Don's up with her parents, actively describing them something about his new job. This is it, isn't it?

"Hey, slut." A guy laughs, passing by her and bumping her hard enough to cause her to stumble back. Tyler bites her lip, trying not to get angry with anyone.

"Have a good time, Tyler!" Chel calls to her, walking next to her for a bit. "I'm sure we all know who Alise was talking about, walking the streets? Wow, doesn't she make it sound so nice?" Chel smirks, blowing her a fake kiss. "Well, none of my business, bye bye!"

"Bye." Tyler grumbles, shaking her head slightly. She's just jealous. Alise would never do that to me...right?

"Was that Chel?" Don asks, apparently done with his conversation and back to walking next to her. "Damn, she's looking fine."

"You're dating Alise," she reminds him. A drumline starts playing in her head, pounding against her temples.

"And? Who gives a shit who I'm dating? Stay out of my lovelife, Tyler. You have no right to tell me what to do." He shoves past her, throwing on a smile to once again talk to their parents.

As they reach the vehicle she finds herself forcing a smile to her face, her diploma clenched between her fingers tightly.


"I'm so proud of you, babygirl!"

"You guys will be amazing actresses one day!"

"You're amazing, Tyler!"

"Great job, girls! You two are so smart!"

Family members come and hug her, both from hers and Alise's as they sit together at the restaurant. She gives each one a hug, grinning happily at the compliments. "Thanks." She blushes as she talks, trying to catch every word all at once. But half of them blow right past her ears, with so many people gathered around, talking and eating and greeting one another.

There's four different types of pizza set out on the table before them, and each has a different drink. Tyler and Alise have Mountain Dew, her parents a glass of wine, their uncles and aunts have different sodas and lemon waters, and Don has rootbeer. Everyone's drinking and laughing, telling happy stories, yet she can't grasp the words.

Every detail stands out to her, and she wants to remember it. I never want to forget this moment...when we're all together, happy and smiling...She feels the sudden urge to cry, and though she bites it back, Tyler knows that eventually it'll come and take her over, as all emotions do. Why can't I ever just decide which emotions come and which ones go? It's never fair, I never just get the chance to do anything. I can't just be happy without thinking of something sad. I can't just be sad without wanting to be happy. There's no winning, no losing, not even a game.

"You okay?" Alise asks, giving her a soft smile. "It's pretty loud in here, isn't it?"

"Yeah...Alise, what's going to happen to us?" She whispers, looking at her shoulders. Like her, there are tiny little red spots occasionally. It makes Tyler feel good to know that they're both not perfect, that they both have those little blimishes, the little flaws that make them who they are. Hardly no longer teenagers.

She looks confused, "What do you mean?"

"I'm eighteen now. You've been eighteen for a month or two now. What's going to happen to us when we leave? Will we always be like this? With you always dating Don, and me always working for him?" Tyler asks, her voice low but at the same time dangerously loud. She wants to be loud, to have the ability to just shout it out to everyone who she is, what she does, and why she does it. Ever since talking to Kyle and Marcus, and being told everything she can do to protect herself she's wanted to shout. But she knows that with her mother going back to the hospital soon, her father having a more stressful time at work, and school just ending that she can't say anything, at least not yet. If I screw it up and tell everyone now, I'll put stress on their shoulders. I can't do that to them.

Alise sighs the slightest bit, brushing back the lone strands that refuse to go into her carefully done up bun, "I don't know, Tyler. I just don't know anymore. I do know that this won't be forever though. We'll be out of this before school starts back up. We just gotta...wait. At least for now, anyways." She smiles hopefully, play-shoving Tyler's shoulder before taking a long drink of her Mountain Dew. "You know what, Tyler?"

"What?" She asks, smiling a bit and taking a bite out of the four cheese and pepperoni pizza set out before her.

"Our families have a lot of things in common." She takes a bite out of her own pizza, "I firmly believe that the main thing we have in common though, is our love for amazing foods that are probably really bad for us."

Snorting, Tyler takes a long drink of her soda, feeling slightly giddy. "True, true. You know, whenever we start really acting, for like, movies and stuff...we're going to have to eat real food. And go on diets." Alise groans, holding her hand up like a gun and mock shooting herself. Tyler grins slightly, "And we'll have to work out at least once a day, make sure our skin is smooth as silk..."

"Ugh! Can you just, like, maybe not? I don't even want to think about that! I'll just play the average looking girl, how's that sound?"

"Oh, yes, because you look so average with your beautifulness."

Alise shrugs, raising her eyebrows, "Every girl is beautiful in her own way. And if every girl is like the average girl, wouldn't that make beauty average?"

Tyler, raising her own eyebrows, chuckles slightly. Her nose gets a little bit pink from being so giddy, and she chews the piece of food in her mouth several times before she can respond. "I guess, that's actually a pretty cool thing to think about, Alise. You're right."

"Thank you!" She grins, looking around the table before turning back to Tyler. "Your mom is beautiful. I'm sorry to hear about everything that's going on with her. She'll be gettting better soon though, right? That treatment sounds like it should help her out a whole lot."

She only nods, looking down at her plate. Mom will be good. Ever since her mom first started having to go to the hospital once a month, Tyler's known that one day, sooner or later, her mom will die. But the hope that she'll get better, that one month she won't have to go, always drives Tyler. Mom's getting a lot better. She's eating more too. She'll be fine and healthy in no time.

A soft hand is placed on Tyler's shoulders, "I know you worry about her. It'll be fine, darling." Her Grandma gives her a kiss on the cheek. "I am so proud of both you, and your lovely friend Alise. You're growing up right. Thank you girls for being so caring. I wish I could stay longer, but it's starting to get dark out."

"I love you, Grandma." She gives her Grandma a kiss back on the cheek, her arms wrapping around her tightly. "I'll see you soon, okay? I plan to help you out sometime during the summer. I don't know if Don will come or not, but I'll be there."

"Such a nice girl." Patting her Granddaughters back, she smiles and starts to leave. "Bye girls!"

"Bye!" Both Tyler and Alise call back, smiling at her happily.

Alise gives Tyler a happy look, her face slightly scrunched up like a doll. "Your Grandma is so sweet, Tyler."

"I know. She's a softie, but she can be pretty harsh at times. Ask her any question about history and she'll give you a real lesson." Tyler chuckles, feeling happier than she's felt in a long time. "Your family is awesome too, Alise. I'm so glad everyone seems to get along so well. I don't know where the hell Don went, but everyone else looks pretty happy, don't you think?"

"Yeah." Suddenly, she looks over at the counter, keeping her gaze there and steady. "Tyler, hey, Tyler. Look at the hot guy over there."

"Hm? Who?" She asks, looking to where Alise is pointing. A guy waits, leaning up against the counter slightly, his brown hair pushed around his face slightly. "Him? Oh, yeah, he's pretty hot. I wouldn't waste your time staring though, it's probably no use. Hot guys like him always have an issue, trust me. He looks like the type to do something stupid all the time."

Alise snorts, still looking over at him, "Like I care. That guy would be worth the trouble."

"You're so boy-crazy at times, Alise. I swear, why do we hang out again?" Tyler jokingly asks, shoving her friend before going to take another long drink of her soda.

"Uh, because I'm awesome." Alise replies, shoving Tyler back and causing her drink to spill over onto Tyler's dress. Both girls start laughing, "Oh, man! I'm so sorry! I didn't think--here, let me get you a paper towel or something..."

"I got a napkin," Tyler starts, still laughing while she tries to clean off the now darker blue material, "but I think I'm going to need something a bit more. Come with me to the restroom."

"Alright, let's go."

Both girls stand, Tyler awkwardly holding a napkin to her chest while they start to go clean themselves off. Her mother asks if she's okay, but Tyler gives her a grin and assures her that she's fine, the dress is just a bit wet. Right before they enter the bathroom, the pass by the guy, who gives them both a smug smile. Alise rolls her eyes slightly as they enter the bathroom, watching as Tyler turns on the water and starts trying to clean off her now-sticky-with-soda dress. "Your right, that guy looked all too amused at your dress. I hate when guys are rude like that."

Tyler snorts, sticking out her tongue, "Told you! Ugh, this is everywhere. I hate it whenever I get something I really like stained like this. Luckily, it wasn't anything dark so it should come out in the wash. It'll just be wet all night. But, I mean, working where I work, I probably shouldn't mind so much, should I?"

Alise shakes her head, letting out half of a chuckle, "I don't see how you can make jokes about it so easily. Doesn't it ever make you feel bad, thinking about everything? One day you can be crying your eyes out over this, and the next you act like it's no big deal."

"It's not a big deal though," Tyler says, starting to pat down the dress with dry paper towels, "I've always done this. Sometimes it gets to me...but the less I think of it, the more I really don't care about it. I know that doesn't make much sense to you, but to me it's crystal clear."

"I guess. It's act like being known as Rugged Lace is what defines you." Tyler raises an eyebrow at Alise's comment, now resting against the sink while they talk. Isn't it? She asks mentally, and Alise seems to understand without her saying a word. "It's not. Being Tyler defines you, and I wish you'd see that. Now, come on, I'm tired of having these deep and heartfelt conversations in places someone could hear us. If you want to talk, we'll talk, but not right now. Right now we're going to go in there, be happy, eat until we feel so fat we can't ever act again, and go home to have our awesome sleepover at my place. That sound good, Birthday girl?"

"Yeah. Oh! I almost forgot! We're going to be getting the cake soon. Better hurry, don't want to miss that. Mom always gets the best cakes, I think this year it's regular vanilla cake with red velvate cupcakes on the sides." Tyler grins cheekily, starting to walk out with Alise beside her.

"Oooh...Come on, let's go!" Alise rushes her, and the girls laugh as they reach the table.

The giddiness lasts, riding out the night as the cake gets pulled out, and the workers come by with two candles--one and eight.

"Are you ready?" One waitress acts, a grin plastered onto her face. After Tyler nods, everyone begins singing. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Special day dear Tyler, so your birthday ensues!" They finish, letting her blow out her candles. The cake is shaped in a T, with little red velvet mini cakes lightly frosted surrounding it. She grins, so caught up in the moment, enjoying everything.

A warm hand covers her eyes, her father's hand. Tyler rests into him before calling out playfully, "Daddy?"

"Yes?" He asks, his hand still covering her eyes.

"Can I see what it is?"

He laughs, "How do you know something's there?"

"Because there's cake you haven't eaten yet." She responds evenly, laughing a little bit. A collective laugh comes from the family members around the table.

"Alright, can look."

As his hands remove Tyler notices a slim, but large box on the table where her plate used to be. A wrapper, with little puppies on it, covers it nicely. "Aw, Mom, it looks great!" She tells her mother.

Tyler's Dad groans a bit, "Actually, I wrapped this one."

"With my help!" Her mother reminds him, smiling playfully.

"With my help..." Tyler's dad grumbles, walking over and kissing her cheek, a grin settled into his fact.

Alise grabs Tyler's hands, "Come on! Stop arguing about who wrapped it, let's see what it is!"

Laughing, Tyler unwraps it carefully. To her surprise, and delight, a large screen tablet box now is in front of her, complete with a charger, stylus, and carrier purse. "Aw, really? Thanks Mom, thanks Dad! I love you guys so much!"

"You're welcome honey, I'm glad you enjoy it." Her mother tells her, reaching a long, thin arm across the table to hold her daughters hand for a moment.

Alise grins at Tyler, "Want to open what I got you?"

"You didn't need to get me anything..." Frowning, Tyler watches as Alise pulls out a tiny silver box. " shouldn't have gotten me anything."

"Aw," Alise pouts, "but I wanted to! Come on, just open it!"

Sighing, but still smiling a bit, Tyler carefully opens this box as well, not allowing the wrapper to break. After taking off the flower covered lid of the box, she sees a locket necklace. A soft smile, a remembering smile, plays against her lips as she picks it up and opens it. A picture of her and Don as child on the left side, one of her parents on the other. Quickly. she throws her arms around Alise, once again wanting to cry. "Thank you, thank you so much, Alise..."

"That's beautiful, Alise." Her mother and Alise's mother both respond, before chuckling a bit.

"I'm so glad you like it." Alise tells her, hugging her back before letting her go.

Tyler just smiles back at her, happy for everything. Nothing bad lingered in her mind, nothing wrong, for once it's just good. It'll always be like day. Even if it takes forever, I'll get there.


(Hey guys! Thanks for keeping up with the story! If you liked it, remember the vote button, but really a comment means the world to me. :)

What do you guys think is in the future for Tyler?

Did you guys like the family bonding moment here?

What moments have you had like this?)

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