Chapter Twenty-one

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*Tell you everything you see, this is all that's left of me*

Around four Tyler gets hungry. While she knows all the talk about awful hospital food, she also personally knows which foods that are good. It only takes a minute or so for her to make it down there, and only a minute or two more for her to get a plate. Mashed potatoes, salad, and chicken nuggets.

Comfort food, of course.

Tyler lets her mind wander as she eats, closing her eyes and just taking in everything. This week has been messed up, hell, this month has. Graduation, Don, moving out, getting a job...and all these people. All my friends, all my sorta friends, and all those I tolerate.

Allowing her mind to wander, Tyler watches as people fill in one by one. Two by two. Singles, couples, trios, and parties, they all are there. Some are sad, some bored, some happy, and some just oblivious. The cafeteria, there's nothing else she could ever view it as, slowly gets more filled as it draws closer to five. Tearful family members, stressed parents, worn out boyfriends and girlfriends, people of all shapes and sizes. There's no predetermined seating charts, no divisions here. Just people. Just existing. We all just exist here, there's no reason to try and see if anything can be changed or will move. All of her melancholy thoughts always come out here, ever since she was a little girl Tyler's always thought her deepest in the heart of a crowd.

When Jake finds his way to her table she's not even surprised. "What's wrong?" Tyler asks, plastic fork twirling in her food. It's such a simple question, yet she knows nothing is ever simple.

Jake sits down, placing a soda bottle next to him. "My sister." She dimly notes that he chose Pepsi. Good choice.

"Is she okay?" Of course she's not.

"No." He's not spiteful or rude, just plainly stating facts. Tyler gives him a sad smile. It's the smile that everyone seems to wear here, one that says "I care" while also saying "I hate hearing about this". "But she's not dead, so it's not that bad."

Tyler nods, understanding what he means. There's no need for her to ask what's wrong, either he'll say it eventually or not. She takes another bite of food, wondering if she should continue the conversation. After a moment of thought she talks again, "My mom's gotten worse. She had a stroke...something about her medicine and her blood pressure. I'll pray for your sister, I hope she's okay."

"Ever wonder why these things happen?"

"All the time."

He chuckles, a little sour chuckle that almost sounds forced. "Ever come up with a solution?"

"My guess is either the universe wants us to become stronger, more independent, and to teach others lessons...or we got hit with the bad luck stick." She breathes out, feeling happier now that she can talk to someone. A smile dots her face, "Or maybe it's just how life needs to go."

He nods, "Those are all pretty good thoughts."

"Not that I'd want to believe any of those, though." Tyler sighs, forcing herself to finishing eating the food on her plate. It warms her stomach and makes her feel a little better, no matter how much she just wants to never eat again.

While most people eat and eat when they're sad, Tyler's always found herself comforted by the solitude of an empty stomach and an empty mind. I can't do that anymore. I've got a life now, I have to work and I have to live. "I want to believe that the world is perfect. I want to believe that no one gets hurt, and that when people seem bad...they're not. I want to believe that you can trust everyone. I want to believe that family doesn't hurt you, friends don't, and that no one ever dies..."

Jake nods once more, taking a drink. His hands made its way over to hers without her noticing, and he gives it a little squeeze. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Cheer up, all right?"

Such a simple thing, yet just like her words, it's enough to make her heart flip a small bit.

"All right." She gives him a small smile.

"I've gotta get back to work...I'll see you later tonight?" The question hangs in the air, and Tyler finds herself really smiling as she considers it. He looks at her, almost begging, and even bats his eyes a little bit. She chuckles.

"Yeah. See you tonight."

Knowing that she has something more than an awful family talk to look forward to gives Tyler a little extra courage. While she waits for her Dad to get off of work she finds herself back at the ICU waiting room. The little girl is gone, in her place lies a stoic teenage boy clutching a book in one hand and a purse in the other. Just by the way he looks at it, holds it, and seems with it she can tell it must be his girlfriends or mothers. She gives him a nod before moving past him to sit next to the windows.

The rain has finally stopped, though the clouds keep the world outside drab and dreary. It's perfect conditions for something bad. Somewhere, out there, is Don. Somewhere he's doing something, manipulating someone, just...doing something. She can feel it like the air conditioner, blowing past her arms and into her chest, a cold barrage of ice.

A shiver runs down her body. She knows she shouldn't think about him, but he's always there, no matter how happy she gets. It'll be like this for the rest of my life, won't it? She tries to keep the thoughts away, but the longer she waits the worse it gets. Whenever her Dad finally does show up, she doesn't know how to respond. Do I hug him?

"Tyler." He's not cold, just...not warm.

She looks at him, unable to smile. "Hey, Daddy."

Though he looks like he just got off of work, he doesn't sit down. Instead, he motions for her to stand. "Let's go for a walk, it'll be good for the both of us to stretch our legs." Not knowing what to say still, she gives him a feeble nod. She barely whispers okay as she stands, following him as he walks through the hospital to get to the outside again. The air is cool and moist, a nice relief from how hot it's gotten recently. After awhile he looks at her, "How've you been?"

Small talk. Simple. "Good."

He gives her the tiniest incline of the head, looking up at the sky. "Your job?"

"A...lot better than I expected." Tyler follows his gaze, noting the way the clouds seem to overlap each other. It's not pretty, it's actually a big ugly, she thinks to herself. They're overlapped, heavy, filled with rain and going to burst several more times. Yet her Dad doesn't seem to care.



They walk in silence for a bit, rounding the corner to the parking lot. It's crowded, nothing unusual, though there's not a single person outside. Thunder roars in the distance, and there's a slight pitter-patter as the rain starts to fall again. It's just sprinkling, so they continue to walk, neither looking like they know how to start the conversation. They pass the wet flowers, graceful even when being pelted by the rain. Big, fat drops fall, the petals bending and snapping up again.

"It's always so beautiful," he tells her quietly, a small smile on his face. His eyes seem to shine a little bit, "the rain. Your Mom and I met in the rain, you know that?" A tiny memory pops into her head.

Mom had been watching the rain fall. She'd just came out of the hospital, but she wasn't looking so bad. Don was driving somewhere, and Dad was in the kitchen cooking something. It was just the two of them, and she was still somewhat innocent then, only eleven. The flowers were wilting, but somehow, it wasn't that ugly. "Your Dad and I met in the rain."

"Oh?" She didn't pay much attention, or didn't show it, but she really loved listening to her Mom talk.

"I was crying, my boyfriend had just broke my heart in the rain. I didn't know what to do...and then he came by. He had an umbrella, and he let me borrow it. He asked why I was crying, and we got to was romantic. He's such a sweetheart." She had sighed, "I hope you find love like that one day."

Tyler remembers having scrunched up her nose, "One that breaks my heart?"

That made her laugh, and a happy smile was on her face. Tyler had grinned, enjoying the moment. "Oh, Tyler. You'll figure it out one day."

Now, as she walks inside with her father, she wonders how he remembers the events. Her voice cracks a bit, "Yeah. You said you gave her your umbrella, right?"

He smiles brighter, and she watches as he seems to remember more. "She's always been so beautiful in the rain." A sigh takes away his words, saving them from crying. "This would kill her, Tyler."

Trying not to cry, she merely nods her head.

"Tell me...what's really going on? I spoke to Don the other day, he says it was all a lie. I just...don't understand. What's a lie?"

A thousand senses failing at once, she tries to figure a way to word it. To tell what really happened without distorting it, but to make him not...too mad at Don. He's still my brother. "Don...did things to me."

"Like?" His teeth grit, hands starting to stiffen. Part of her wants to hug him, knowing he'll protect her, but another part wants to run far away before he has to.

"He made me...strip. Make porn." As they enter through the hospital doors she starts to whisper. "I tried to say no, but I couldn't. He's Don. My brother. I tried...I thought it'd be all right. I didn't understand...didn't realize it was so..."

He stops walking, putting an arm around her shoulder. His voice is even lower than hers, "Tyler..."

She holds back tears, "I'm sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Again she whispers, I didn't understand. It's the only thing she can still say.

"I..." He shakes his head, "I don't want to know. But I do believe you." She leans into him, smiling as tears slip from her eyes. He kisses her forehead, hugging her.

Tyler looks up at him as they start walking again. His hair, while washed, is messed up, and there are bags under his olive eyes. He's been here, worried about Mom...and I haven't even called. "Mom...she'll be...okay, right? I didn't know she'd gotten so bad. If I did..."

"You're here now." They make for the ICU waiting room. "Your Mom...she's...I don't know, Honey. God...Tyler, He has put us through hard tests. She lies in his hands. We don't know what's going to happen...but we can pray for the best. You have to trust that He knows what He's doing."

She nods, leaning into him again. "I love you, Daddy." They walk into the waiting room again, and she sits a few seats away from the others there. Her Dad sits next to her, the black fake-leather-like chair bending and groaning a bit. "We'll figure this out."

"We will." His nod says the world, all in one simple movement. Determination, and she's happy to put to name where she got that from. That stiff movement that says "We can get through anything."

Minutes pass in silence, the two of them watching Iron Man. Eventually he coughs, looking at his watch. Is it already seven? "I'm going to pick up your cousins from Arkansas in a few days. Will you be okay while I'm gone?"

"Yeah. I've got Kitty."

"You got a cat?"

Tyler can't help it, she bursts out in laughter. "A roommate." Nearly doubled over, she tries to calm herself down, not wanting to make a scene. "Basically the same thing. Tonight we're having a 'festival night', so we each bring food. Would you like to meet her?"

He smiles, clearly amused. "We'll see."

She grabs his hand, batting her eyes, "No, really. She'd love you. Aunt Mary, your sister...she's just like her. Total eccentric, music tastes fully weirder out, and talks like lightning. She's great. Alise will be there too..."

"All, well, I might go. Do I need to bring something?"

She shrugs, "You can bring pizza if you want."

"Do you ever eat anything else?" He laughs, poking her in the stomach. Tyler grins.


"You look just like Tyler!"

Grinning, her Dad shakes Kitty's hand. "I'm glad. You're Kitty, I assume?" Always so polite...

Kitty grins back, "Yes! She told you about me?"

"All the best." He sets down the pizza box on the table, and Tyler sets down the two liter sodas next to it. "Alise! A pleasure to see you again. I hadn't heard from you in so long, I'd started to figure you two had it out."

Shaking her head, Alise gives him a small hug. "'Course not. We had a little falling out, but it's all better now."

" you know..." He glances between his daughter and her friend, and the looks on their faces is enough to tell him all. "You were involved, weren't you?"

The amount of sadness and anger in one sentence is almost scary. Alise looks to the floor, then to Kitty, who saves the day. Like always.

"I brought strawberry chocolate cake! Alise brought the cookies." Kitty runs over to her dresser, turning on her music. Upbeat, somewhat Hispanic music plays. "This, is flamenco."

Laughing, Tyler gets a cup and pours herself a drink. "You were listening to rock when I left you this morning!"

"YouTube and I have an agreement. I'll keep viewing as long as they keep giving me new music." She giggles, taking Alise's hand and dancing with her.

Tyler's Dad is amused by them, and he takes her hands, twirling her. "Come on, Ty. You and I used to dance all the time."

"Fine, fine..."

The enthusiasm is impossible to ignore. When the door rings a few minutes later, they're all dancing full swing, laughing at one another and having a good time. Tyler gets the door, blushing a bit as she recognizes Jake.

"Jake," she starts.

"Hey, how are you?" He leans against the door frame, just smiling at her. "Sorry about how we met was a bit..."

"All hospitals are depressing, it's fine."

"You sure? Because I wasn't really acting myself, and it's been on my mind and-- crap, is it festival night? I forgot to bring anything."

She laughs, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's fine. Come on in. My Dad's here, if you want to meet him."

"Your dad? Is he the gentlemen dancing with Kitty?"

She nods, moving aside so he can walk in. "Yeah. You're so...fluent with words."

He laughs, "Fluent isn't the word I would have chosen. But thank you."

Now, her Dad looks over, giving him a polite smile. "Hello there." He gives Jake a look over, as if dissecting whether or not he's a good guy. Like him, like him, like him-

Jake smiles at him, "It's nice to meet you, Sir. I'm Jake, I'm the manager of these apartments." That's his job? She grins, glad to be right for once.

"You're a bit young, aren't you? Inherit the place?"

His smile widens slightly, "No, sir. Just a handyman who got a good break, is all."

Her Dad matches his smile, holding out his hand now. "Well, Jake, it's a pleasure to meet you. I trust you're the one keeping my daughter in line here?"

He takes his hand happily, "Sure am. Although, I do have to tell you that she's quite the cheat when it comes to arcade games."

"Oh?" He raises his eyebrows at Tyler, who blushes. Kitty and Alise exchange glances before nodding at her father. "I'll have you know, she's quite the cheat at every game. There was once when we were playing charades--"

"Dad! Look, pizza!" Tyler, begging anything to get herself out of the sure to be embarrassment, shoves a slice into his face.

Jake laughs, "Well, it's just one of the many charming aspects of Tyler. If I may be totally honest with you, and since we're embarrassing her anyways, she's probably the most charming girl I know. Not to mention the prettiest." He looks over at Kitty and Alise, "No offense, girls."

Alise giggles, "That's so cute!"

"Alise..." Sighing, Tyler gives him a half-hearted slap. "Oh, Jake."

Her Dad grins like he's just met the light of day. "Tyler, keep this boy. I don't think I'd ever seen you so blush-happy and glowing even once with that Wes-guy."

"Well, I don't plan on losing him." She gives him the smallest peck on the cheek, blushing more. His arm falls around her shoulders, pulling her close to him.

"I'm glad you're happy."

Jake's pocket buzzes, and he pulls away from Tyler to read the message. She doesn't feel the urge to read it, so she doesn't, instead taking another drink of her soda and accepting a dance with Alise. Jake stands there, smiling like always, the five of them happy. There isn't a reason, but there doesn't have to be.

They're safe, at least for the moment.


Hey! Hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter! It's one of the sweeter ones, though you probably know by now that I can't resist adding a little sad. What's your favorite part of the chapter? Thanks so much for reading, it means a lot! :)

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