Chapter Two

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*One foot leaning off the edge, another staying on the ledge.*

An explosion of music catches Tyler in her sleep, leaving her dazed and worn out as it ends. "Wha...?" She mumbles, caught in the last remains of slumber. For a brief second, darkness rules, and her eyes begin to close. Soft, tender sleep. Then the music starts up again. 'You change your mind like a girl changes clothes. Yeah, you, PMS like a bitch,' The beginning to Hot N Coldplays. Tyler reaches for her phone with a sigh. "Who is it this early?" she asks with a grunt, annoyed to be woken up before her alarm clock. Tyler puts in her combination twice, too tired to fully remember what it is. After a couple more seconds of confusion, she sees Kyle's name on her screen, flashing with the beginning of a text.

Kyle, an old family friend, basically her uncle.

'Tyler, are you ok' She reads before turning off her phone again. There's more to the message, but Tyler doesn't want to read it, instead wanting to sleep until it's time to get up. Though she usually answers her messages, lately she's felt too worn out to talk to anyone. Her parents have made her go out and do things with them after school, and the past three days of trying to get her grades up enough to pass high school have left her wishing the end would hold itself off a bit longer, just enough for her to understand. As she's getting back to sleep another burst of music awakens her, this one the beginning to Pain.

'Pain, without love. Pain, I can't get enough..'This time Tyler groans, picking up her phone to answer it. "Mm? What is it, Kyle?" she mutters, rubbing at her eyes. "It's too early to be calling me..."

"I needed to talk to you without your brother being up. And it's only six, Jeez, Tyler. I get up at this time every day. Besides the point," Kyle starts, sounding rushed, "Tyler, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Did you seriously call me to ask that?" she asks, rubbing at her throat with her left hand. It still feels sore from the other day when Don had her make a video on showing girls how to swallow a cucumber without coughing. It had taken a few tries, but she got it right eventually. The camera lies next to her on the desk, and she reaches over it to turn on her lamp, squinting in the dark.

"No, I want to know how you're really doing. I know you don't want to do this Tyler. I've known for a long time, but I had no facts to say anything. I've...noticed something between you and Don," he tells her, voice serious.

Tyler frowns, not understanding what he's talking about. "No facts? What don't I want to do? Kyle, what are you talking about?" For a moment, Tyler waits for him to respond. Then it dawns on her what he means, "Wait, are you threatening to blow this? You're no nark, you wouldn't!"

She hears him sigh loudly, and can picture him running his hands through his hair like he always does. "Tyler, I'm going to have to. I need you to help me though, this isn't good. You're only a young girl-"

"It's Marcus, isn't it?" she asks, standing up and starting to walk across her floor. Closing her cracked door, she walks back, not knowing what she's doing. I'm standing up for Don?Tyler can't let her brother get in trouble, not for something so stupid. Yet her heart races at the thought of getting to quit. "He's making you do this, isn't he?"

"Look now, Tyler, that isn't what's happening-"

"What is it? Kyle, I've known you since I was fifteen. You've always known that I do what I want to do. It's not Don forcing me or something, if that's what it looks like...sometimes we don't get along. I love him though, and I like doing this," Tyler tells him, partially forcing our her last words. While she does love her brother, doing what she does still sickens her at times.

"Tyler, I've seen you after 'hanging out' with him at Suzy's. You look dead, girl. And he's touched you-"

"Not like that! He's been friendly, that's all," Tyler shoots back, careful to keep her voice lowered. Her nightgown catches on the floor, and she pulls it up. It's a white, thin robe, with her underclothing on underneath. "Jeez, you make it sound like he molests me or something. There's nothing extra going on here, okay? Just a few little insignificant videos."

Kyle sighs again, his voice starting to get harder. He sounds almost pained. "And what will you do whenever it gets more than that? I've seen him around you, he gets more than personal. You know it'll happen. Marcus has told me of several cases like this-"

"Look, I don't care what the crap your boyfriend says. I trust my brother, okay? If it gets personal, I'll stop. He loves me and I love him, this is something for a bit of money. Besides, it's good for my acting," she snaps, irritation lining her voice. She tugs at her robe again, annoyed at all the jagged portions of her floor. They haven't been able to renovate the house since before her Mother started getting sick, and after that every bit of money went to her cancer. Sighing, Tyler takes off her night-robe, tossing it into the clothing pile that's at the foot of her bed.

Stretching her arms over her head, she can only hear part of what Kyle is saying. While she trusts him, and knows that he's a great guy, sometimes he gets too annoying for her to bear. "I know you care, Tyler. I know. But you've got to understand the position you've been put in. This isn't good for you..."

"You're not my father, so quit playing over protective. I can handle myself. If I need to, I'll call you and talk about it. But otherwise, I'm fine. Okay? So calm down. I'll see you in a few days, tomorrow's Friday. You're still going out to the movies Saturday, right? Or are you afraid that even going near me is going to taint you?" she asks, narrowing her eyes a bit. Tyler can picture him right in front of her, looking down at her with that stern look he manages so well. Deep down though, he's a big teddy bear who's easy to push around. He cares for her--she knows he does.

A sigh comes from the other end. "Okay, okay. I'll be there, if only to drive some sense into you. Talk to you later, okay?"

Tyler hangs up the phone, sighing a bit to herself. Trying to go back to sleep, she walks over to her bed and lays down, not even bothering to pick up her yellow sheets again. They lie under her, bunched up and halfway hanging off her bed, reminding her of little yellow flowers falling from a tree. It doesn't hurt that the yellow blanket's splotched on in dots, a recreation of a flower in brilliant shades. What now? I can't go back to sleep, I'm too awake.

Unable to do anything, she stares at her walls. White boards, gray splotches and brown cracks look back at her. They laugh silently at her discomfort, she can feel it in her bones. Tyler, they say, you can't sleep! No one thinks you can handle yourself, do they? Such a weak girl,she feels like saying aloud.So, so weak. I can't even have sex without looking worn out, Kyle noticed. Feeling exposed for perhaps the first time in years, she pulls the covers up to her lips, biting them gently.

Her thoughts muddle together for the next hour. Sex. Drugs. School. Boyfriend. Kyle. Marcus. Don, especially Don.By the time her alarm on her phone goes off at Seven twenty-three, she's wide awake and ready for the day. Putting on some black leggings and a loose-fitting low-cut pink top, she thinks about school, what she'll do and how it'll go. Who she'll talk to. Though they never happen, she starts to plan out a conversation in her head, winning an argument against Kyle mentally. It'll never happen though, my conversations never happen. I'm always ready with something to say at moments when there's nothing to counter.

Chuckling at herself, she walks from her bedroom to the bathroom, starting to brush her hair and teeth, hurriedly getting them mostly clean. Tyler makes faces in the mirror when she's done, grinning at her reflection. She's not the prettiest, and she knows it. But she can't ignore the way her body seems to call out, how even her eyes linger at the reflection.

Something about me is eyes? My hair? The way my face shapes? Laughing at how stupid she feels, Tyler walks out, taking one last lingering glance as she walks out, feeling prepared for the day. Her Dad and Mom are already at the table, setting up plates for Tyler and Don.

Smiling, Tyler goes over next to her Mom, "Need any help?"

"Sure! Could you get out the silverware for me? We need a fork and a spoon for everyone. And four cups, could you also fill them up with orange juice while you're at it?" her mother asks, slowly filling up a bowl of oatmeal. Once it's filled she walks over to the table, slow but determined.

Tyler gives her Mom a grin as she does what she's told.

Her father sits in his chair, reading the newspaper and stealing glances at his wife. "You sure you don't need any help with the dishes, Marie?" he asks her gently, setting down the newspaper after a minute passes.

"Oh no, I've got it! I'm all good, thank you, Honey." She gives him a kiss as she sets down his bowl, and Tyler can't help but laugh a bit at them.

"Mom, he's trying to help. You're so stubborn!"

She laughs, "Oh, and you're not? Tyler, from the moment you were born you've always wanted to help out. That's why you're doing that and your father's over here." They all chuckle a bit, and Tyler gives her Mom a hug after she's done placing all the drinks around the table. They sit down, amused and lost in their own thoughts while waiting for Don to get out of the shower.

"Hurry up in there, the food's getting cold!" her father eventually shouts, walking over and pounding on the bathroom door. The water stops after that. "Come on, Don! You'll make Tyler late for school at this rate!"

"It's almost time to go?" Tyler asks, frowning as she reaches into her pocket for her phone.

Her mother beats her to it, glancing at the wall clock, "It's about seven forty-five now, you'll have to eat quick after prayer."

"M'kay. Stupid Don, I wish he'd hurry up in the morning. His work may not start 'till Nine, but school starts at Eight and Ineed to be ready." She sighs, twiddling her thumbs together. As much as Tyler would like to dig into her food, not even waiting on the prayer, she knows that it'd make her dad unhappy. When he's happy, everyone's happy. But when he's not, their mom isn't either, and then everything's plain awful. Can't we skip the rules for once?

"Don't call your brother stupid, it isn't nice," her mom reminds her, politely sitting with her hands in her lap. She smiles at Tyler, "Don't worry, he'll be out in a moment. You get too annoyed over nothing, you know? Calm down a bit."

"I know, Mom, sorry," she tells her, looking down at her lap. It still surprises her how much her parents allow her to get away with. A shirt that shows off most of her chest, yet they haven't even seemed to notice it in the slightest. Pants that show off every aspect of her body, all the positive effects of always staying active and eating light. Yet they're always too preoccupied. I guess they think it's all a stage I'm going through. They stopped noticing years ago.

"Sorry I took too long, had to make sure I was clean for the day!" Don calls out as he walks in, their Dad following behind him. Tyler smiles tensely up at her brother, looking at him. He's all dressed up, a light blue and white shirt that says 'The Boss' on it, and blue jeans that actually looked washed. His hair is even parted and his breath smells like mints, she notices as he sits down next to her that he's wearing cologne as well. "Oh, hey Tyler, mind if I borrow the car today?"

"For what?" she asks as her father sits down, straightening up. They all bow their heads and close their eyes as he starts to pray.

"Oh, Great and Heavenly Father! We come together today offering thanks for everything you've done for us, and asking for forgiveness for the sins we may commit today, oh Father. Help us go not into the devil's lair, and help us to see the light, your light, that you bring to us, dear Lord. Help out my wife in all her needs, let her breath come easily and her feet be light today, our Father. Let this hopefully the be start of a better journey between us," he pauses, letting them collect an amen, "and protect my daughter, as she faces the pressures of High school and all that come with it, oh Lord. She's almost done with this part of her life, and will be moving on. So protect her in these vital last days of her childhood, our Father. Soon, she'll be eighteen, and leaving us to start her own journey. So protect her, protect my Tyler."

Once again he pauses to collect amen, and Tyler hears Don whispering to her.

"I need the vehicle to talk to a guy about doing a more professional shoot. Lot's of money involved. I'll take you to school," he tells her softly, and Tyler looks over to find his eyes open and a grin on his face. "Okay?"

"Okay," she whispers back, knowing that she's probably not going to go to her friend's after school like she wants. Though she normally does, if Don has the car she'll have to walk home. Great.

"And lastly, great father, protect me and my son today. As I head into work, I know that he'll be out once again searching for jobs. Let both of our paths be light and filled with your love. Let him find what he's looking for, and have it help him in what he does. Thank you great Lord. Please, bless this food that we are about to eat, and let your blessings help us. Amen," he finishes up.

All of them say Amen for the last time.

Her food's cold as she spoons it into her mouth. It happens near everyday, the prayer lasting a bit too long, everyone taking up too much time...yet Tyler would never complain in front of them. No, only when their backs are turned and they can't hear her does she speak against them. She finds it funny in an off way, how they all pretend to be so loving in kind. They're all faking it, and the second they're away from one another they go back to sinning and whatever else they do.

She's got no proof, but she's always had her suspicions. If anything, she knows what Don does and what she does. Porn, in the family? It'd break their hearts, wouldn't it? They'd probably hate me if they found out.Part of Tyler wonders if their God even exists. When she was younger, and used to go to church with them weekly, she believed as much as she could. Praying, reading her bible, trying to be a good girl. Then her and Don grew closer, and he showed her the truth, or what she'd like to believe was the truth.

The world wasn't as innocent and rainbows as they'd like her to believe. People don't do the best thing out of love for others. No one does that. They're all doing it because they want some sort of reward. Oh, of course though, they don't want a reward. Not one on Earth. They do it for one in Heaven, because that makes them doing something for others so much more worth it, right? It's not selfish. Ha. And people like me? We're going to burn.

By the time she finishes her food it's already seven-fifty, and she starts to panic a bit. "Don, hurry up! If you want to use my vehicle, you've gotta take me to school. I'm gonna be late, and we need to pick up Chel."

"Calm down, calm down. Wait a bit. I've got it all sorted out, okay? You'll be fine. Sit down, and wait. Get your backpack and sit in the car if you're so impatient," he tells her, scarfing down his food still.

"Okay, okay, sorry," she mumbles, grabbing her backpack and working her way to the door. "Bye Mom, bye Dad!" Tyler gives them a hug and kiss as she passes by.

"Have a good day, Sweetie," her mother tells her before walking back to the table to clean off the plates. "Hurry up, Don. You don't want her to be late."

"She won't be! Jeez, calm down you guys. She'll be right on time. I've got it all sorted out," he replies, finishing up his food and going to grab his sneakers. Tyler waits in the vehicle, playing with her gray flip-flops. If God exists, how badly does he hate me for what I do? She shakes the thought from her head. If, if, if. I've got nothing solid to believe in, do I? Maybe I should have talked a bit longer to Kyle. I'll call him after school.

Don rushes out to the car, his backpack half-open and looking like it's about to drop everything. Out of luck it doesn't, and he throws it in the backseat before jumping into the driver's side. Pulling out faster than Tyler would have liked, he begins to drive down the road, not bothering to put on his blinkers as he turns left for the school.

"Okay, so about the deal. We'll have to be a bit more direct about it, okay? He said that you're a fine actor, but he's wanting something bigger out of you. More emotion, more yelling. We're going to go for a bit wider of an audience," Don says, glancing over at her occasionally. "No more innocent, okay? Direct, confident, hot. Sexy. More personalized videos for people too, more stripping. We've gotta really up our game. We might even get an erotic movie deal!"

"Really? Sounds pretty good," she says, halfway listening and halfway looking out the window. "Hey! Don't forget to stop at Chel's!"

"Right!" He pulls into her friend's driveway as the clock hits seven-fifty two. "Hurry up, Tyler! We're gonna be late if you keep this up!"

"Sorry!" Unbuckling, she rushes out to the door, knocking right as her friend comes running out. "Chel! Come on, Don's driving us today! Sorry about being late!"

"Oh, whatever!" They both get in, Chel in the back. "Oh, hey Don! Didn't know you were driving!" Her voice turns sickly sweet, and Tyler rolls her eyes. Because I didn't tell you that, did I? "Wow, have you been working out more?"

Don grins in the mirror, glancing down her shirt through it. "Just a bit, ya know? Keeping it real."

"Eyes on the road, Don." Impatient, Tyler starts to get annoyed at her brother's incessant need to flirt with all of her friends. "It's seven-fifty five!"

"I know what time it is, Tyler! Shut the hell up, okay? I'm getting you to school, you should be thankful for damn once!" Though his voice is higher, he remains perfectly calm, this time with eyes on the road and a small smile on his face. "Aren't I helping you out? Aren't I?"

"Yes, Don, I know. Sorry. I'm impatient..." Starting to feel small, Tyler scoots further into her seat, holding her backpack in her hands tightly. "I'll be more quiet." She's jerked around her seat as he makes a few more turns, quicker than before. The car comes to a stop without warning, right at the sidewalk entering the school.

"Alright. See? We're here, and you've got three minutes still. So get the fuck out." Don laughs a bit, his voice joking and kind. Tyler hurries out, not quite knowing what to do with him. She never knows what to do with him. "Bye! Have a good day you two!"

"Bye," Tyler mutters.

"Bye," Chel calls, giggling. She pushes Tyler playfully, "Aw, Ty, what's the problem? I don't see why you have to fight with him so much. He's so hot! And dreamy! Are you on your bitch-of-the-month?"

Tyler frowns, rolling her eyes. "No, I'm not, okay? Not everything is related to that if I'm in a bad mood, okay? Jeez, Chel. I don't see what your problem is, but lately all you've done is accuse me of being bitchy, when all I've done is try to do what I always do. It's not my fault people keep trying to mess me up."

"Gosh, little Diva getting cranky, isn't she?" Chel snorts, giggling a bit more. She playfully hits Tyler on the arm again. "Well, let's get inside. You're only mad because you haven't had your fuck of the day?"

"Oh, of course. And I'm guessing you have?" Tyler asks, the urge to slap her friend growing. She doesn't though, and instead walks inside the school calmly. The cool air hits them like a slap, and she regrets showing off so much of her skin instantly. God, I should have brought a jacket!"Damn, I wish they'd turn it up in here."

"Don't like it cold? Only hot?" Chel giggles again, leaving Tyler at her locker while she goes to get hers. "Oh! And Tyler!"

"Mmm?" Tyler asks, opening up her locker and grabbing out her first and second hour books. She looks back up to Chel right as it closes loudly. Her eyes widen, but she doesn't say anything. Instead she grips her books hard, figuring it would have happened eventually.

Chel and her boyfriend are kissing, holding each other and grinning. "Wes is done with you!"

"Sorry, Babe! You've been so busy, had to have someone, right? You don't mind, do you?" He asks, holding her friend loosely by the waist.

Tyler puts a smile on her face, nodding slightly. "Nah, I don't mind," she forces out, starting to walk to class. "I'm happy for you two!" Tears prick at her eyes but she doesn't even bother crying. It's no use.

"That's great, Babe! I'm happy too! What'd'ya know? I guess we all are."

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