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Have you ever felt like the protagonist of a one sided love story ? Have you ever felt the ache and turmoil of unrequited love ? And have you ever tried your level best to get rid of that invisible thread of attachment that keeps pulling you back towards that person , no matter how far you try to run away physically ? and then miserably failing at cutting that off , no matter how hard you tried .

Most of us have experienced this phenomenon once in our life . As hard as the phase is for the person experiencing it , its harder for their friends who have to come up with new ideas and suggestions every other day to help the person get through this as unscathed as possible. But nobody actually knows what the sure shot cure of this inexplicable pain is though . Or what are the sequence of steps to be followed to help move the slow process of healing in the correct direction.

This was what Tanya's problem was too. She knew she needed to somehow starve this attachment she had formed, to death before the pain from it killed her . But neither she nor did her best friends knew how to . Every person that she reluctantly told her story to ,shared with her their "valuable" suggestion. Being the inexperienced person that she was, she took all their advices but nothing seemed to help. That's when she realized maybe she wasn't doing it right or maybe she wasn't doing it in the correct sequence and that is why the results kept eluding her.

She had had enough of suffering in the dark pits of uncertainty and undeserving pain. So she decided to take things in her own hands and was determined to get definitive results no matter what. Being a student of science , she had to device a systemic approach to solve the problem at hand. It needed to have a stepwise approach , a flowchart to the next step if the previous one didn't yield results and it have to had just one end be able to get over him.

And thus began the project "Rules of detachment". Everything would go through a tried and tested phase and the end results would be noted down in the fresh pages of her locked diary. Hoping that this experiment will lead to unlocking her heart which had locked itself in with the most precious memories with the most unattainable desire and had found its solace dwelling in the memories of something that would never be a reality. She was determined to make it this experiment a success and let her heart feel lighter again.                                                

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