ii. inclement weather

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inclement weather; ❛ RULES ❜
↷ the hundred
❝ they listen to us, not the council ❞

Walking into the newly named Camp Jaha, made an unsettling feeling appear in Gabriella's stomach. She always considered The Ark her home. A twisted and miserable home but still a home. That was until she got sent down to Earth and the hundred became her family and their camp her new home.

Camp Jaha did not seem right to her and the sight of Alpha Station on the ground made her internaly cringe.

Marcus made a couple of guards escort Gabriella and Bellamy inside, leaving them locked up in a room on their own.

"You doing alright?" Gabriella heard Bellamy question and opened her eyes, turning around to connect their gaze, seeing a concern expression on his face.

"About which part exactly? Seeing John's annoying face after everything he did, seeing my dad for the first time in what feels like years after I thought he was dead or having no idea where our friends are?" The blonde asked, the last words leaving a bitter feeling on her tongue.

Before she got sent to the ground, the only people she had considered friends were Murphy, Jasper, Monty and Raven despite the fact that she was more of a co-worker. After landing in Earth, it felt like she had eighty kids that were her responsibility.

"All of it, I guess." Bellamy shrugged as if it was not a big deal, but Gabriella could still see genuine worry on his face.

And yet another surprising thing that happened, she considered a guard turned janitor turned fake guard turned rebel and friend. Not a close one, but still a friend. He was her co-leader and a big part of keeping the delinquents alive. They shared the same priorities now and kept the hundred alive together for this long they knew they needed each other if they were gonna keep doing so.

"Well I'm feeling kinda overwhelmed with emotions right now." Gabriella admitted, shrugging as best as she could with her hands tied behind her back "I feel betrayed and a bit...sad, I guess. But I'm mostly pissed."

Bellamy let out a breathy chuckle. "You can only feel one emotion at a time, Bambi. Otherwise you'll most likely explode."

"If I do explode, I'd prefer to do so straight in my father's face, thank you very much." Gabriella joked, throwing a small grin over her shoulder at her co-leader.

He cracked a small smile and muttered under his breath, "Cute."

After a few moments of silence, Gabriella frowned at the sight of Bellamy's free wrists and pointed out, "Why am I the only one that gets handcuffed?"

"Because you don't think before you act." Bellamy stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Gabriella scoffed instantly. "Oh, you're the one to--"

Her words were cut off by the doors opening and her father stepping into the room with a rifle in his hands. A from immediately settled on both Gabriella and Bellamy's faces.

"How long are you gonna keep us locked up in here?" Bellamg asked with an annoyed scowl, a complete contrast to his amused expression from a moment ago.

"Until I'm confident you're no longer a threat to others." Marcus stated coldy, his words making Gabriella scoff.

"The only person I'm a threat to is John Murphy and I'm pretty sure I'd be doing you a favor by kicking his ass out of camp." She sneered, her piercing blue eyes narrowed into a glare and cutting through her father's soul like a knife.

Marcus simply ignored his daughter's words and took a hold of a chair, sitting on it a moment after. "Let's continue. Now you said there were hundreds of grounders attacking. Two hundred? Three hundred?"

"We didn't count." Bellamy snapped, his frustrated tone mirroring Gabriella's frustrated expression perfectly.

"Why do you think they attacked? What provoked them?"

Gabriella rolled her eyes at her father's words and replied in a snarky tone, "What do you think made them attack? The fact that your exodus ship didn't land where it was supposed to and instead of landing in Mount Weather where there was supposed to be supplies, we landed on someone else's territory."

Bellamy nodded in agreement, adding, "We were here. That was enough. We're wasting time. The others didn't just vanish into thin air. They were taken, and we need to go after them."

"Yeah, I second that."

"Search team is preparing to leave but not before we've gotten the untel we need from you." Marcus said, trying to keep his tone stoic but Gabriella still noticed a hint of amusement that just pissed her off even more.

"We need to be on that team." She exclaimed, almost desperately.

"That's out of the question." The new chancellor instantly declined. "You're not trained. It's too dangerous."

Gabriella felt her eye twitch slightly as she raised her voice, "Bellamy was a literal cadet! We both know how to shoot a gun well. Those are our people out there!" A bitter scoff escaped her lips. "You may be the chancellor now, but you are not in control. Not completely. I mean, do you really think the hundred will listen to you if you find them? News flash, they won't. You sent them down here to die but Bellamy, Clarke and I were the ones that kept them alive. They listen to us, not the council."

"Those are our people out there. We are the ones who are supposed to keep them safe." Bellamy added, running a hand over his wounded face.

"They're my people too. You want to help them? Tell me what we're up against...grounder tactics, their numbers, what kind of weapons they used..." Marcus said, trying to sound unbothered by Gabriella snapping at him.

Bellamy hesitated, his eyes briefly flickering to Gabriella's before he sighed and answered "Arrows and spears, axes, swords...their teeth."

"No guns?"

When both delinquents shook their heads, Marcus tilted his head curiously. "You had guns."

"Yeah." Gabriella sighed, making the messy hair move from her eyes a little. "We found those at the aid depot. It leveled the playing field but more of us would survived if we had more bullets--"

"There were more bullets." Her father cut her off. "Search team just returned from the bunker, they found two more barrels full of rifles and a third filled with bullets."

"Shit." Gabriella muttered, resting her tied hands on her knees and burrowing her face in the palms of her hands.

"We should have looked harder." She heard Bellamy mutter with a mix of regret and guilt.

"Keep walking."

Both Gabriella and Bellamy scowled simultaneously at the sight of two guards bringing Murphy into the room.

"What's he doing here?" Bellamy demanded, glaring at the boy.

"Excuse me, Sir. Dr. Griffin cleared Mr. Murphy out of medical." Major Byrne explained.

Marcus tilted his head, as if thinking out his options in his head, before he got up and looked from his daughter and Bellamy to Murphy. He sighed and pointed to a corner. "Put him over there, Major Byrne."

The blonde woman motioned for two guards that carried Murphy in to tie him up while another tied Bellamy down to a metal column by his wrists. In the meantime, Major Byrne grabbed Gabriella by her forearms and did the same thing with her, but on another column.

"Wow." Gabriella scoffed in disbelief. "If you're gonna start locking us up with the biggest psychopaths of the hundred maybe you should go look for Dax's body in the woods, I'm sure he'd really appreciate that "

Murphy gave her a puzzled look while Bellamy briefly rolled his eyes at her poor attempt to lighten up the mood.

"Well, this should be fun."


Gabriella squinted, biting her bottom lip in frustration as she tried to hear what the commotion outside camp was about, but could not make out anything: just her father and some people yelling. When the arguing stopped, Gabriella tried to listen for a few more moments until she realized she was not going to pick up on anything and let her head fall against the metal column she was leaning on with a loud thud.

Only ten minutes later, when she was finally starting to enjoy the peace and quiet, a loud scream of pain echoed through camp and made her eyes snap open. Raven.

Now that Abby was there, she was able to perform surgery on her from the bullet wound but she did not think Raven would be in this much pain, or even awake during the surgery.  Gabriella screwed her eyes shut, desperately trying to block out the sound of her friend's desperate screams of pain.

"Yeah. That was me at the grounder camp." Murphy said, his voice sounding as bored as it could get as he rambled. "You know, I did everything I could not to scream, but eventually--"

"But eventually, you broke and you told them everything." Bellamy cut him off, his voice dripping in venom.

"And you wouldn't have because you're better than me." Murphy drawled out sarcastically.

"Damn right. I'm not a traitor. I didn't tell them where they could find us." The Blake responded, not even looking at the younger boy.

Murphy grinned without humor. "And I did." Hia face suddenly turned serious as he let his gaze settle on Gabriella. "Yeah, I did. After they tortured me in their prison camp for three days," he looked back at Bellamy with a glare "but go ahead. You just keep believing, even if you are both in here just like me." When he did not receive an answer he turned his head to stare at Gabriella pleadingly. "Come on, Ellie. You must have stuff to say to me. Scream, yell at me, insult me just say something."

"I really don't have anything else to say to you." The blonde said, refusing to let her walls down in front of him again. "You had two choices, you chose wrong and now you have to deal with the consequences."


Gabriella could see the night sky through the small windows in the room they were locked in, a sign the sun has set and that they've been there for almost eight hours, without any food or water.

"Get up." Wells ordered, barging into the room unannounced, Finn right by his side with a backpack in his hand and Monroe staying by the doors to keep guard.

Finn threw the backpack in between Gabriella and Bellamy and announced, "We're going after them."

Gabriella's eyebrows shot up in surprise, almost overwhelmed with Wells' change of morals. A month ago, he would not have dared to go against the chancellor's orders.

Wells must have noticed her surprise and smiled slightly. "You didn't think we'd let you rot in here with Murphy while our friends are out there, did you?"

"Well, it's about damn time." Gabriella grinned back at Wells, before he bent down to untie her from the column she was tied to, while Finn did the same with Bellamy. As soon as her hands were free, Gabriella sighed in relief and rubbed them to get rid of the brief pain. "If I get tied up for this reason one more time this week, I'm going to kill myself."

Bellamy snorted at her insinuation and followed her, Wells and Finn towards the door where Monroe was waiting for them in a hurry, when Murphy called after them, "Wait, wait. What about me?"

Gabriella was quick to shake her head with a humorless chuckle. "As if. You think we would let you loose after everything you did? That's hilarious." Clearly, Bellamy had other plans, as he brushed past his co-leader about to untie Murphy, only to have her stop him with a hand to his firm chest. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Bellamy?"

"He knows where the grounder camp is. He's coming with us." Bellamy simply explained, before shrugging her surprisingly warm hand off of him and untying Murphy.

"No way." Finn shook his head, clearly just as furious about what the boy in question did to his ex-girlfriend.

"Bellamy's right, okay" Murphy said, wincing at the tight grip Bellamy had on his shirt. "I can bring you there."

"Hey, Sterling just signaled. Someone's coming." Monroe called over her shoulder, tapping her foot on the floor impatiently.

"Just a second." Wells told her, before chiming in on the argument. "Finn, stay out of it. They're the leaders here, it's their choice if they let him come with us or not."

Both Gabriella and Finn let out a simultaneous defeated sigh, before helping Bellamy drag Murphy out along with them.

When Wells, Finn, Sterling and Monroe led the three prisoners outside of Camp Jaba and they were sure they were out of sight and earshot, Bellamy finally spoke up, "You don't think anyone saw us?"

"Shh." Finn hissed, lowly. "Keep it down."

Gabriella rolled her eyes and was painfully aware that Bellamy was probably doing the same. Their dislike for Finn did not falter the slightest in the last few weeks. They might be on the same side about the situation at hand, but they both knew the only thing he cared about was finding out what happened to Clarke.

They were just not aware of how far he was willing to go just to find her.

After a couple more minutes of walking further into the woods and farther away from the safety of Camp Jaha, a light blinded Gabriella's vision. She blinked a couple of times and recognised David Miller (Nate's dad) staring at them expectantly.

Gabriella was ready to tell the rest of the delinquents besides her to make a run for it, when the woman behind David revealed herself, coming to the light. She raised her eyebrows at the worried expressions on Gabriella and Bellamy's faces and the slightly shaken up Murphy in Bellamy's hold.

"You're late."

"Bellamy decided to bring company." Finn explained bitterly.

Said male shrugged in slight defence. "He's the only person that's been in their camp."

Gabriella rolled her eyes momentarily and swore she saw the corner of Abby's lips twitch into a small smile at the action, before the female doctor reached into the waistband of her pants to pull out a gun. It was smaller than the rifles Gabriella was so used to using by now, but it was something. The youngest Kane reached for the gun and took it in her hands, letting it rest in the waistband of her own pants with a satisfied look on her face.

Abby pulled out one more gun and passed it over to Finn while David pulled out two rifles and gave them to Bellamy and Wells, the latter still being a bit hesitant in using guns but he still accepted it gratefully.

"Here." David nodded, looking between the two leaders. "Find my son. His name is Nathan Miller."

Gabriella saw recognition flash across Bellamy's bloodied features in the dark and both of them nodded at the older guard in understanding.

"Bring them home."

an early update this week! I got this chapter prewriten and edited last week so I wanted to publish it earlier!

it's also a little shorter since Camp Jaha isn't the main focus of the episode but the next one is supposed to be a lot longer.

also, bellamy and gabi have officially entered the 'we're flirting but we don't realise it yet' phase

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