14, Monkey's

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The day was.. Rather quiet for the straw hat frat. Something you wouldn't normally expect of them. School is keeping them busy at the moment though so I shall explain where some of them are at. Picture this: Sanji is in a lonely corner of the school. The walls are made of bricks and consist of the color brown. There are three tougher looking students surrounding him. He is being harassed, it's easy to tell and you may be thinking why is he not defending himself? Well, that'd only get him into more trouble don't you think? Zoro is wondering through the hallways oblivious to why the cook has been constantly on his mind and even more so oblivious to what is happening to the man that puzzles him so. Ussop is hiding from all the other students in his tall green locker and already has the things for his next class. LUFFY is staring at a statue that he hadn't noticed before, apparently, need I say more on that subject? Now more importantly the grand line's school department seems to be running into financial troubles and needs to put an end to them and quickly at that.

(Madeline states- the last chapter has been updated so please read that before you move on)

"Let's see what you've got for us today shower-boy." "Quick put a gag on him so he can't call for help" "get off of me you damn ba-hm?!" "Ha! I've got it on him!" "Good job snorkel-back, maybe we should continue where we left off..?~" "hehe~ that'd be nice leader~" "hmm!?!" *grunt* "let's see what his tolerance level is~" "ooh yes let's see~"

*sigh* "let's head off to class.." "Wait, what? Did I hear? Must be my imagination.."


"SUGOI! It's peeing water!!" *laughter*

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