Chapter 1

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Adèle had wept until the fountain of tears ran dry. She had repeatedly beaten her hands against the heavy door of her prison room until her knuckles streamed blood. She had shouted and screamed until she sank exhausted in a chair.

She sat still on the chair in the corner, with no strength to move. Her shaky fingers finally come to stop after running restlessly through her messed up hair. She bit down on her lip trying not to burst into tears. This was not going to help, it's not going to change anything. She knew no one was coming to save her.

She didn't look up even when she heard the door to the room being opened. It had only been a day since she was pushed unceremoniously into this room. Adèle sat waiting as the quiet but purposeful footsteps came closer until they came to a stop next to the chair. From her downward staring she saw a pair of polished, shiny leather shoes, the kind that screamed money.

"Look at me!" A cool voice demanded

Adèle kept her head downward but that was a mistake for in the next second her hair was gripped in a tight fist, so tight she was sure a couple strands had been uprooted.

She whimpered in pain and immediately her eyes flew up to see the face of the man holding her hostage. He was smiling, it made her shiver in fear. There is nothing more creepy than a person with emotions that doesn't match the situation. They consistently look happy when others are in pain. They are unable to truly look sad when others have a trauma to relate. Those people are feeling an inner surge of pleasure when others hurt.

"That's better!" He said as though he had accomplished something great.

"What do you want from me?" Adele asked in a quiet undertone.

"What was that? Speak up!" He demanded in a grating tone.

"Why am I here?" She asked louder.

He let go of her hair and put one hand behind his back while the other stroked his chin.

"Well my dear you're here to make me money" he announced

"Why? You don't look like you need it" she replied

"One can never have too much money now can we?" He asked

"Since I've never had money I'll just take your word for it" she told him. "What do you want?". She asked again

"Well your father owes me some money. Since he can't pay me back he gave me you instead to cover the debt" he announced as though that was the most normal thing in the world.

Her entire face paled as she listened to him. This couldn't be happening, her own father had sold her to the highest bidder.

My own father?

"I don't have any money to repay you but if you let me go I'll try to come up with it I promise" she said quietly

The man released loud laughter and a clap that startled her, she jumped in her seat.

"You are as stupid and naive as your father. He told me you can sing, he boasted on and on about how sexy you are. That's one thing he didn't lie about." he said looking at her in a way that made her feel completely dirty and naked.

"You want me to sing?" She asked feeling confused

"Ah! Now you're getting it. You will be singing in my restaurant downstairs. You'll be our live entertainment every night if your voice is as good as he said. Stand up!" He told her sternly

She hated the way he spoke to her but she wasn't about to risk him getting physical with her once again. So on unsteady legs she stood from the chair.

"Turn!" He told her

She turned slowly while he observed.

"Hmm, yes, sexy indeed. Now Adèle is it?" He asked

She stared at him tight lipped. He raised his hand is if to slap her. She grimaced and covered her face and shouted out "yes that's my name!"

"Good. Well Adèle, let's hear that voice of yours shall we? Sing!" He told her

She swallowed and took a deep breath.

♪Should I give up
Or should I just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere
Or would it be a waste?
Even If I knew my place should I leave it there?
Should I give up
Or should I just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere

Her voice trailed off as she waited for him to say something.

"You're the best investment I've ever made." he told her proudly before he turned to walked out of the room.

"My name is Kyng and I'm your new owner." with that the door closed behind him.

Feeling confused and frustrated Adele sank back onto the chair. She felt tears pricking her eyes but she held them at bay refusing to cry.

Tears is what she had known all her life. With a mother that was never around and a father that spent his days trying to get to the bottom of every liquor bottle in his site life hadn't given her much to be happy about.

Adèle began to feel overwhelmed. She climbed off the chair, sat on the ground and curled herself into a ball and hugged her legs up to her chest. She rocked herself back and fort trying to drive away the feeling but when that didn't help she got up to pace around. It felt like the walls were closing in on her as she forced myself to take a step. And another. And another. She felt like she couldn't even breathe.

What if I run out of oxygen? My heart rate is speeding up.

She walked over to the window and opened it. Looking out she realized there was no way to escape. She was about six stories up.

She stuck her head through the window and screamed out her frustration into the night. Little did she know that someone heard her heartbroken cry.

Help would soon be on the way.

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