Chapter 3

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"That performance last night was remarkable! The reservations were pouring in when I checked this morning. Keep it up my little money maker" said Kyng

Adèle kept pushing her breakfast around her plate, she had absolutely no appetite to eat.

"What if I refuse?" She asked stubbornly

A heavy silence settled over the room, thicker then the uneasy tension that was already swirling in the atmosphere. Adèle glanced around with unsettled eyes and caught the frowns of the guards that settled around the table to join them for breakfast, everyone glanced at her nervously then looked away. Some shifted uncomfortably in their seat and others grasped their sweaty, nervous hands under the tables while others cleared their throats and mumbled to each other.

Adèle dropped her fork and darted from the table when she saw Kyng rise to his feet. She dashed for the door and just as she was about to pull it open strong callused hands gripped her by the throat and pulled her back. She was slammed against the door as the grip became tighter as he squeezed to give her a choke, she was surprised, her eyes became round and her lips parted to beg but the air was being cut off. She grabbed at his hands and when that didn't work she reached out and scratched his face.

She fell to her knees when he let her go to cover his face where she had scratched him. She coughed and tried to catch her breath. The next minute she cried out in pain. The slap was as loud as a clap and stung her face. It had been an open handed slap and it had left a red welt behind. Just below her eye was a small cut where the ring he was wearing had caught her. She staggered backwards, clutching her face as her eyes watered.

"Think twice before trying to screw me out of getting more money." He warned her.

She nodded jerkily as she scrambled away from him and got to her shaking feet and ran back to her room. She raced to her bathroom and turned the faucet until the water was cold enough to cool her throbbing face. After splashing her face she looked into the mirror.

She gazed at her reflection, barely recognizing the woman that stared back at her. Her eyes looked hollow and sad. Her face looked like a wild animal preparing to be attacked. As the tears welled up she blinked them away. She dried her face and walked out of the bathroom. She stopped when she saw Kyng standing by her window.

"Why do you provoke me, do you think I like hurting you?"

His voice was low but she heard him nonetheless.

"I don't know." she replied as she swallowed nervously.

He turned to look at her.

"It pains me to hurt you, but I have to show you that you must obey me. You must respect me." he told her.

In that moment Adele realized that this man was mentally unstable so she had to tread lightly around him.

"I'm sorry." she said through gritted teeth.

In reality she felt anything but sorry but she would do what it takes to earn her freedom.

"Come to me." he ordered, spreading his hands opened to receive her.

She willed her feet to move and tried not to squirm when he wrapped her in a hug that made her skin crawled in disgust.

She blinked as he pulled back to look at her. Then she closed her eyes and prayed for him to stop touching her as he brushed the hair from her face in a delicate manner.

"Hmm, now look what you made me do. I've bruised that beautiful face of yours. Now you've made me feel bad. I need a kiss to make it all better, right here." he said tapping his finger against his cheek.

Dear God no, oh my God.

Adele took a deep breath and went on her tippy toes to place a kiss against his cheek.

"That's better" he cooed "now I'll reward you for your good behavior. I'm sending you shopping! You get to buy anything I like and you'll get your hair and makeup done for tonight." he laughed and clapped his hands.

She tried to smile through her pain and turmoil.

"Now off you go. Be good my little gold pot"

Adèle walked out of the room where she was greeted by her usually guards. They escorted her out of the building and to the waiting car outside. So lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice the beautiful scenery that they passed by.

When she got to the clothing store the first thought that struck her was that she felt painfully out of place, like a pepperoni that had mistakenly made its way onto a vegetable pizza. Nonetheless she let the sales assistants put her in dresses after dresses, ooing and ahing over everyone she tried on claiming that Kyng would love them all.

She hated it.

Being at the salon wasn't any better. She sat in the chair staring motionless at her reflection in the mirror.

"Mirror Mirror, if i change my hair, maybe someone will start to care?

Mirror Mirror, if i starve myself 
at least I'll begin to tarnish my health.

Mirror Mirror, please tell me.
Why does life keep hurting me?

Mirror Mirror, don't you see?
what you show, its ruining me."

Please tell me who I'm suppose to be.

And so the first lock of hair fell past her face with one snip of the scissors.

By the time she was done she was whisked back to the car and brought back to the casino restaurant for her night performance.

As she walked inside feeling tired and uncomfortable despite her new makeover. She accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry" she quickly apologized as she took a step back and covered her face preparing for the blow.

"Are you OK?" came the question she didn't expect.

She slowly dropped her hands from her face and the concern on the man's face almost undid her.

"You're Adèle." he said staring at her

"You know my name?" She asked surprised.

"I saw you perform last night." he explained

"Of course." she said sadly

"You don't look OK." he said bluntly

"Thanks." She said twisting her fingers.

"What I meant was, what's wrong?" He explained

"What's your name?" She asked

"Rumpel Stiltskin." he told her.

She gazed at his face paying more attention to his eyes. She was surprised she felt drawn to him.

"You're unhappy too." she told him.

Before he could respond the guards urged her to move towards the stage, just as Kyng immerged from the side door.

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