Chapter 14: A Resemblance Can Mean Something Or Nothing

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Chapter 14: A Resemblance Can Mean Something or Nothing


I watched from the doorway as soon as I made my exit. I stood there without the eyesight from Stoick watching me eavesdropping on his conversation with the boy. But for some reason, I didn't want to leave him alone even if it were with the chief. I couldn't erase the scars on his body out of my brain and for some reason, inside the pit of my stomach, I wanted to find out, why and who would do this to him? With one look upon him you would know that there wasn't anything wrong with him, you would understand there is no evil inside him, just pain and despair. Then again, when I looked upon him I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, they were just sparkling because of its emerald colour and his chestnut hair was shaggy as it fell across his face, it was cute...nice look on him. Even though he seems scared and confused he didn't fail to create a small smile on his face when I spoke to him, I don't know if this means he trusts me or not but I hope that it does because right now, I feel like he needs a friend. I know he has Toothless but that doesn't feel the same as a human bond.

But when he said his just brought back too many memories. How can after everything that has happened in the past few days, come to this. I just accepted the fact that my best friend is dead and now a boy appears from out of nowhere with the same name as him. I just seemed odd to me. Including his features, there was something familiar about him I just couldn't put my finger on what it was and I erase the thought of him being who he could be because it's impossible, he died a long time ago and I've accepted that knowledge now so why? Why is there a spark in him which I want to ignite? "You're lurking?" I jumped at the sight of Fishlegs by the side of me "What?! No I'm not," I quickly defended myself, though he just shook his head at me and didn't say a word "Okay fine, I just want to know if he's a loud to stay with us, that's all," I told him the truth before letting my gaze wander back into my hut to listen closely. "Why have you got such an interest in him anyways?" Fishlegs questioned my motives. All I could do was sigh heavily and tut "There's something about him, I can't put my finger on what it is but there is something that is familiar to be but most of all...he resembles him..." I trailed off on that last part because I never thought I would hear myself say it out loud.

"Astrid, don't cling onto the past, remember that," Fishlegs reassured me away from my own despair of memories. I just nodded, I didn't want to say anything else; it was if I was right on queue because straight after the chief stood up and began to make his way out of the hut. I quickly swivelled round to show that I wasn't eavesdropping. Not that it would have mattered anyway; I was engrossed with my own thoughts to actually pay attention to what decision was made. When Stoick left the hut he looked at me and Fishlegs with this peculiar look on his face "Sir, what's the matter?" I asked him politely, but all he could do was shake his head and look back into the hut before looking back on us. "He resembled him so much, it was uncanny, Astrid could you keep an eye on him," I immediately nodded but only very slowly because he noticed it too and if he wants me to watch him the that means Stoick is already speculating, and if he's speculating who knows what that could mean. But I won't bring myself to think that I won't because I won't have years of heart-break again to find out it was all a lie.

Stoick left without another word after that leaving me and Fishlegs alone with shocked faces at each other and I knew what Fishlegs was thinking, "Don't even say it Fishlegs," suddenly he just flung his hands up in the air as a surrender. I decided to go back into the hut and when I did it put a smile on my face. I leant against the doorway and watched upon Hiccup and Toothless. Toothless had his tail wrapped around Hiccup protectively releasing his gummy smile while, Hiccup had his arm wrapped on the dragon's neck and scratching under his chin making him coo. It was beautiful to see. "You two really do share a tight bond don't you?" I spoke up from the doorway, immediately Hiccup's hands dropped away from Toothless and Toothless wrapped his tail round tighter "It's okay, it's only me," I threw my hands up in surrender and walking into the hut to show myself clearer. Toothless dropped his tail and decided to at casual around me and smile. "Sorry, I get a bit nervous around-," but I cut him off "People, I understand, and you don't have to explain why, only if you want to," he actually produced a genuine smile to me and it was nice to see because it showed that he was letting down his guard ever so slightly.

The more time I spent with him that day, the more the resemblance started to thicken for me and that was more time for my heart to block over the thoughts I wanted to believe. This boy isn't the boy I hoped it would be because he died years ago. 

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