Chapter 28: Familiarity

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Chapter 28: Familiarity


The three of us travelled back to the Edge in complete silence. For some reason we couldn't find anything to say to each other; what ran through my brain was the knowledge that this could all actually be true. I knew that I felt confident with myself that Hiccup could actually be...well Hiccup but as of right now, one last piece of evidence which would define the truth I felt scared. As of right now I couldn't believe this was happening, if it was him just like I've been predicting this entire time, how will I react, how will he react? What if he doesn't believe what we have to say? I have too many questions in my mind to take anything else in and by the looks of things Ruff and Snotlout was feeling the same as me. I mean why else would they also be in complete silence just like me. I looked round at them both and each of them had a look of sorrow in their eyes and I knew that I should start conversation with them, but about what that was the question. "So..." I started with them which did perk their heads up to my voice but nothing came out afterwards because it's like I said, what was there to say. "You actually think he has a scar on his face?" Ruff piped up and said to the pair of us. I just shook my head but it wasn't the shaking of a no answer but a shaking of my head indicating that I wasn't possibly sure even though my words described things differently "I'm not quite sure, but after everything that has been proved to be the truth that it's him so far, how can this be wrong?"

I was already showing that I believed it to be him, possibly only because I wanted it so badly for it to be him. It wasn't just the fact that I wanted my best friend back here with me, but I wanted a family whole again and that wasn't too much to ask for. It's something they have wanted forever as well so they deserve what is starting to come to light. More to this is actually Hiccup himself, he deserves this more than possibly anyone after everything that he has gone through as well this is something which should be given back to him, true that he can't have a life which he could have had before but that isn't the point, the point is the future and that is what counts. After that small conversation between the three of us, oh wait just the two of us, we found ourselves back at the Edge. As we landed the place seemed incredibly quiet, more quiet than usual though I guess that's probably due to the fact two of the noisiest people came with me to Berk. Immediately the three of us departed our ways and it was clear that I was probably going to be the one to break the news to the others and then find out the final piece of the puzzle. For some strange reason it wasn't something that I was looking forward to not at all and this time I completely fazed to understanding the reason why. Taking a deep breath I headed up towards the clubhouse considering this was the place most of us usually liked to hang out. Once I got there I found everyone there, well except from Hiccup, I was unsure to where he was but at the moment it didn't really matter because I had to tell Fishlegs, Heather and Tuffnut about what we found out and what we have to do.

As soon as I entered, Ruff automatically started fighting with her brother which was no surprise to anyone and Snotlout went straight for the food, what a surprise. I went and took a seat around the table planting my head straight into my hands taking a deep sigh as I went. Now I found everything started to flood into my brain and the power just exploded with its information causing a huge headache to spread all the way round my brain. "So what happened?" I heard Heather's voice pipe up from the deafening silence between us all. I lifted my head up from out of my hands and looked over towards the three eager faces of Fishlegs, Heather and now Tuff looking my way. I pushed myself up away from the table slightly and told them about everything that happened with Stoick and Valka, how they were unsure whether to believe what we said and in the end if it were true then we had to look for a scar. They all exchanged looks with each other and once I asked them where Hiccup was they mentioned how he hasn't left his hut for the whole day which got me wondering why. I thanked them before making an exit and start walking to his hut. I knocked politely at the door and waited for a command for him to let enter.

I didn't have to barge through this time around because I knew that he was already in there but when I heard no reply come from within, I started to get even more worried. So I decided to make an entrance myself. As I walked through the place felt completely dark and I found that there was no light emitting throughout the room which only made the atmosphere feel tenser. "Hiccup?" I called out his name with a concerned feeling attached to my voice. Admits the darkness a second one hit me to the ground and I found Toothless on top of me who started to lick my face repeatedly before getting back up and circling me. I followed his movements but as he kept circling me the dizzier I felt so I had to come to a stop. "What is it Toothless? Where's Hiccup?" suddenly he barged me from behind and started pushing me towards the stairs in the hut; I walked up the stairs slowly and as I reached the top I found Hiccup sat on the end of his bed with his head in his hands and from the darkness I swear I could see the glassy effect of tears within his eyes. I rushed my way over to him and sat next to him taking his hand within my own immediately realising I did it, I never even pulled away. "Hiccup what's wrong?"

He didn't even raise his head at me just kept his head lowered while placing his other hand in his lap away from his head while keeping a voice almost at a whisper when he spoke. "My family...I was taken away from my family..." at the words he spoke I felt my eyes widen in shock. This was impossible, well I guess not completely impossible but how can this all be such a coincidence especially at this moment in time. "I had a dream...sort of like a memory, but Viggo's father told me that he took me from the island he had war with and he...he believed that he could use me to make a truce between the two tribes, but he couldn't because something happened which stopped it all," at each of his words I knew where this was going and I couldn't believe that it was happening and how it was all true. Just by his words right now I knew him to be who I thought it was and inside I felt fireworks exploding with excitement. The only bad part about all this was explaining to him who he is and what I know. My hand placed itself underneath his chin so that I could slowly lift it up for me to look at him. As it did so I saw the glassy effect clearer in his eyes and how the tears wanted to fall but they wouldn't because he wanted to remain strong. Though my final decision was made as I looked closely at him and found the scar on his chin. 

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