Chapter 48: Together Once More

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Chapter 48: Together Once More


So the trial didn't go down so well, this Queen Mala still believed us to be dragon hunters it's insane I couldn't believe and I still couldn't but I knew there was a possibility still to change her mind. As of right now, we were heading to the nest, presuming it was the nest of dragons and if that is the case then maybe there's a chance one of us would be able to train one of them and convince Mala that we aren't dragon hunters because we wouldn't harm them. That question remained which one of us would be the one to train the dragon; as we walked down the long dreary cave in nearly pitch blackness I let my head swivel round to look at the gang individually, the twins wouldn't have a clue like always so there wasn't any point considering them to train the dragon, Snotlout he could be considered then again he'd probably just scream depending on what dragon had to be trained so there wasn't any point considering him also. I landed eyes on Fishlegs and actually thought maybe that would work but then I remembered the first time we encountered a Whispering Death, he didn't like the idea of falling into that hole and wanted to return home immediately so maybe he wasn't the best option either; I mean it's great having all that dragon knowledge but when it needs to be put to use it doesn't really work out for him sometimes. So I guess that only left me and Heather. As my gaze landed on her she also looked back at me "What are you thinking?" she asked me automatically calculating the expression plastered on my face.

"One of us should train the dragon that will be inside the 'nest' to prove to Mala that we aren't dragon hunters," before Heather could even answer Snotlout split between the two of us already at the start of answering for her "Do you really believe that's gonna work?" I sighed heavily locking eye contact with Snotlout "It has to, because otherwise I've ran out of ideas and we're screwed," the conversation ended as it appeared our destination had been reached. Down this far end of the cave there seemed to be no type of dragon scouting the area, not like it was as we walked down and that was what settled the nerves inside my stomach. Knowing I saw Nadders, Gronkles, Monstrous Nightmares and all other dragons which can be easily trained didn't make the atmosphere of being in this cave that much scary, though now they've disappeared it made me realise that my hopes were about to be destroyed as there's a chance those dragons are not the type that will be down in this nest. "Step forward and receive your punishment," no one would step forwards after Mala's command and I hadn't even settled my mind on whom out of Heather and I would train the dragon down in the nest. It didn't matter; I felt my weight be pushed forwards by the others behind me slightly before I started to take delicate steps forwards myself. This was the right procedure to take, I knew that but the comments from behind didn't make the situation that much pleasing "So she can train any dragon?" Heather's voice echoed throughout the cave followed by Snotlout's sarcastic tone "No, she can't train Whispering Deaths. Changewings-,"

He didn't need to go on because as soon as my eyes landed on what was deep within the nest my eyes widened and my heart hammered out of my chest in almost fright "Speedstingers," without a second blink my weight was plummeted down inside the hole with the only sense of life from up above was the others screaming out my name. I felt my body tumble across the dirt harshly before my weight shot itself up rapidly so my eyes could catch a glimpse of the stingers as they shot all around me. I stumbled backwards a little as I let my gaze count how many stingers I was dumped in a hole with, it seemed about three or four so I figured if I only trained one there could be a chance they'd see the true side to us because there wasn't a chance I was gonna make it through all four of them. I locked eye contact with the stinger that was coming towards me "Hey little guy, I'm not gonna hurt," I raised my hand towards him with care but not much speed because I figured that might cause him to attack me. He eyed my hand cautiously determining what I was going to do with it so when I thought the time I was right I decided to take baby steps in his direction just as he kept watching my hand but it wasn't right his jaw snapped at me and within seconds I pulled my hand far back away from him. His tail spun in my direction just as I jumped back within a split moment just as a loud scream erupted from my lips.

There wasn't any chance in thinking of training these dragons now because I knew I didn't stand a chance. The adrenaline through them and me was hit on high speed as with every direction I took they carried on running after me. I decided to pick up two of the bones scattered on the ground and use them as my defence but it did nothing. As I held them up in front of me as a block the stingers tail just sliced them in half letting the remains crumble to the ground in front of me only giving me half a second to register the main stinger coming after me once again. Another scream came from me but it wasn't from a stinger attack but from a weight colliding against me. It wasn't heavy but it wasn't light either all I could see was myself tumbling across the dirt once again. It was all a blur; I couldn't register much at all, not even the noise which came from above out of the hole as it was all just a mumble. It stopped; the tumbling came to a stop and all I could see was dust from the dirt surrounding me. As it started to grow thin I could finally see what collided against me, its figure was small and thin, their hair fell neatly against their face keeping its shaggy affect kept intact but the most beautiful was when their eyes made contact with mine. Emerald against sapphire; a smile started to curve from inside my eyes as well as on my lips.

The hammering from my heart started to beat even faster yet this time it wasn't in fright or fear or anything of the sort, instead this time it was full of delight and love as I couldn't believe what I was seeing right now. I suddenly had a million questions rushing through my brain; did Viggo know he was here? And if he did, how did he know that? But that wasn't what needed to be paid attention to right now, right now I need to focus on the boy right in front of me, the way everything has started to move in slow motion now that I see him in my eyes. I was breathless; I knew I should say something but there were no words escaping from my lips. It felt as if someone removed the chords from inside my throat to prevent me from talking because, I was just mesmerised by the look in his eyes the way they sparkled. Latching onto that sparkle in his eyes sent a spark through me because he seemed okay, even after everything that went through the last time I saw him he still seemed to be okay and unaffected. I knew deep down he wasn't totally okay; I could see a few lashes from underneath his tunic which he tried hiding but that's what I'm saying, when you look at him deeply you'll see what I see – a survivor, someone to love and cherish. That's where I stopped my thoughts from going any further, I knew where they were going and I couldn't think like that about him, he doesn't need that and I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel the same about me anyways so why even let it cross my mind?

"Hiccup..." finally the chords were placed back in my throat so I could find the words to release his name, "Astrid..." his voice even sound soft and calm but I could grasp the delight in it as he spoke while looking down on me. "" I began stumbling on my words not knowing where to start; he gently removed himself from on top of me and gently pulled me up off the ground "Long story," he replied to me as we didn't take our eyes off each other. The moment lasted a while as I looked at the figure stood in front of me as he did the same back at me. The sudden rush of wind coming from the stinger caught the two of us off guard as two of them came rushing towards us; immediately the pair of us wrapped our arms around each other holding on tightly removing ourselves from wherever the stinger was about to aim. A siren; an immediate cry of siren echoed throughout the cave and within a flash a thud was presented in front of us. Toothless swung his tail around towards the stingers flying them against rocky wall; each landed roughly on the ground before standing to communicate towards Toothless with a growl before running away in the opposite direction to remove themselves from the scene. My heart was able to contain its beat sending the rush away leaving me to feel more relaxed and at ease understanding everything now was going to be okay. Toothless casually turned round to face Hiccup and I as we still held onto each other tightly. Locking eyes with one another we immediately pulled away just as the pair of us finally stood awkwardly.

"So we're good now?" Hiccup muttered either to himself or to me but I answered all the same "Good as new," I slowly tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear coughing afterwards removing any eye contact that was between us before. Though from the corner of my eye I could see him doing the same though his eyes would waver every now and again trying to catch my gaze again if he could, that's when I realised I was doing the same. Toothless decided however to split in between the two at rapidly knocking his rider down to the ground with a sudden reflex to lick his face in delight. The laugh escaping Hiccup was cute and I found I could listen to it forever but I knew that wasn't the case as did he was he gently pulled his dragon away so he could return to a standing position. He gently positioned himself on the back of Toothless before releasing his hand edging me to get on the back with him; I took his hand in mine and slowly positioned myself on the back of Toothless wrapping my arms around Hiccup's waist. With a click of Hiccup's prosthetic inside the catch, Toothless sprung in the air landing right in front of Mala. Casually I slid off the back of Toothless facing Mala just as the guy named Throk lifted his axe high in the air towards Toothless who just growled "Stand down Throk, Hiccup and the dragon proved them all innocent."

Hearing the words removing themselves from Mala my eyes widened in shock as they spun to land on Hiccup himself. He looked back at me shrugging slightly sliding off the back of Toothless; another word couldn't have been said between us because within the darkness a girl sprung herself towards Hiccup wrapping her arms around him as he did the same back. Thinking my eyes couldn't shock themselves even more it just happened with curiosity taking over me. Her hair was a raven black hair in this darkness but in the light coming from Mala's torch it appeared to be slightly brunette, as she pulled away from Hiccup I saw he to have blue eyes just like my own; her clothes were different to the type of clothes we wear, as she was wearing a burgundy corset with a damask design followed by a black skater skirt and leggings with really long high up boots. In a way gazing upon her I felt slightly jealous and I knew it was jealousy from the pangs inside my heart beginning to take effect. It hurt, it really hurt but most hurt more was the look between Hiccup and her. I shouldn't be feeling this I know I shouldn't, yet for some reason I was and the pain wouldn't go away. When Hiccup's gaze landed on mine I removed the look from eyes and smiled at him in return because I didn't want him seeing a side of me that wasn't true.

There wasn't another word spoken inside the cave as we all began an exit; catching me by surprise, I felt something brush past my hand. I looked down to see another hand falling next to me and as I looked up I saw him standing there sending a flutter of butterflies pass through my stomach. Though nothing was said until we reached the main centre of the village; they gave us a quick tour of the village before Mala headed off to finish some Queen duties along with her trusty warrior Throk, that's how I see him so I've settled on calling him that. "You guys can share the hut Hiccup is staying in, there's enough room for all of you to sleep; I'll let you guys catch up. Let me know if you need anything okay," however that last comment wasn't aimed at all of us because each of us noticed her gaze was fixed on Hiccup as he nodded back at her. Something was going on between those two and I wanted to know what it was, I've never seen her before and I'm pretty sure no one else has either just like how we haven't met these Defenders of the Wing before. However, it starts me thinking this all has a connection with Viggo and the map he laid out for us. There's a chance he didn't want us here and I want to know why...or did he want us here? I'll have to rethink it all when I have the time, as of right now I wanted to make sure Hiccup was okay and find out what connection he has with this girl who seems quite full of herself. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that knowing my jealousy was beginning to take affect once more.

The girl slowly disappeared in the distance and we all entered the hut. 

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