Chapter 55: Lost All Hope

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Chapter 55: Lost All Hope


Everything felt dark, but mostly I felt alone. Everything that I once had I had now lost. I watched the only people I've ever loved crash into the ocean without the supplies to make it back out due to being surrounded by a net. It was as if they were easy prey to hunt, with me as some kind of bait. What was I thinking? Whatever made me believe Viggo would keep his word, I guess I'm just as stupid as I look and that stupidity cost me all the people I loved. My eyes opened slowly as everything around me felt blurred from the drug still leaving my system. I knew where I was so opening my eyes was painful because I didn't want to see the sight in front of me. However I was wrong, when opening my eyes there was only pitch black; I had no idea where I was until my mind travelled back to when this all began. From the moment I was ripped from Aryan from that day they chucked me in the deepest dungeon of the compound. The space was cramped and isolated with no centre of light filling the world so it only left the darkness as my only company. This was the situation I've been placed in once again; I should have seen it coming, what was I expecting to happen? Not something good because that doesn't happen in my life and it probably never will. If I think back on all the good times I have had then a storm erupts and ruins it because that's just how my reality works and it sucks.

I pushed my weakened body off the cold concrete settling back against the crooked stoned wall. Even though I wasn't able to see through the dark my senses were able to gather the surroundings I was in considering most of it would be pretty obvious. The sudden rush of images of what happened spiralled through my mind, it made me feel sick to my stomach watching it replay over and over again even though I knew there was nothing I could do to fix it, but it didn't matter because I let my mind keep reliving the moment wanting to find a way to turn back time and make sure it didn't happen. My legs curled up to my chest as I wrapped my arms around them clasping my hands together holding my body in close gathering as much warmth as possible but to also silently cry within myself. I knew I shouldn't cry but I've held the pain in for far too long now and I don't know if I can move forwards. Hours passed as I held the same position but breaking me out of my own solitude a crack in the door erupted far away from me, at least that's what it felt like, where a spring of light flooded the petite environment. My eyes squinted as I looked away from the blinding light until a bigger build figure stood in front of it. There was no shudder in my heart not like it used to when I saw him coming closer to me, now my heart was full of emptiness, it was hollow...I'd given up trying. "Get up," Ryker's command was rough and distant, I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, my eye line fell straight in front of me without contacting him. It earned a slap to the face tilting my head down to the side so I now faced the ground. There I stayed, without an inch to move.

The next thing I knew I felt my weight thrown across the room, back colliding with the opposite wall from us but no scream erupted from my throat nothing happened. No entertainment was amusing Ryker, all you could hear was an aggressive growl form. His hand wrapped itself around my arm pulling my harshly off the ground. Manacles clasped around my wrists he thrusts me out the room slamming the door behind. Flashes of my childhood formed in my eyes as I witnessed déjà vu take effect. I walked back u the spiral staircase from the darkest dungeons while everything around me was cloudy. The hope inside me bit by bit was vanishing with every step I took because I didn't want to go on any longer not now when I knew the truth about everything and when my friends and family were all gone. What was the point in going on living? I'd lost the family I'd always longed for. I'd lost my best friend...Toothless, the guilt clenching inside my stomach painfully. I'd lost the girl I loved...Astrid, for the first and last time I'd admitted it to myself, I fell in love with her but she was gone. Ryker pushed me in front of him due to the slow pace I was taking from behind, when doing so my head lifted scanning the environment and there I saw him. Aryan; he looked at me in despair shock and regret inside his eyes and it seemed even too he had given up just as I had. When looking at him now, I could really see the resemblance to Leia and it made my heart sank because even she was gone.

I lowered my head away from him sighing evidently because I done this and I had failed everyone who I ever knew. This was my fault and now I was paying the price for it. "Why the long face Hiccup?" I looked up to now be face to face with Viggo, the smug gaze inside his eyes made my fists clench within the manacles, the glare forming across my face while I stared up at him. The pure hatred I used to have for him turned to evil. I couldn't stand the sight of him and the tone inside my voice turned dark "You promised..." he kept a careful look when staring at me looking at me with a teasing spark in his eye "I'm sorry what was that," he leaned closer pressing his hand against his ear emphasising his teasing nature and that's when I lost it "YOU PROMISED!!! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T HURT THEM!! destroyed everything I had left..." once the anger was out of my system I fell back into despair as a smirk evolved across Viggo's face. Leaning in close so his breath was touching my icy skin "That's what happens when you disobey me and run away from your TRUE family," the emphasis on the word true sent boils through my blood, the fire of adrenaline caused my knee Viggo in the stomach helping him stumble away from me. In doing so I spat at him "Go to hell," the plummet to my stomach afterwards sent me to tumbling the top of my head hitting the crack of the stone splitting open the top of my head.

My head spun back round to look into the dark, desolate emptiness of Viggo's eyes while he forced my head forwards harshly to focus on him "I'll meet you there," he pushed me away he composed himself to a straighter and strong posture looking to his brother and the guards "Get him to the ship. Hiccup has something he'd like to show us," he looked back down at me smiling intently "Something we've been searching for, for a very long time," I glared at him while Ryker pulled me up off the ground and pushed me forwards to the looming ship in the distance while I looked back at Viggo "I won't ever help you," Viggo laughed evilly as I walked away from him further "My dear Hiccup, you don't have a choice in the matter," the ship appeared to me sooner than later but instead of being placed in the room to the side of Viggo's office I was placed on a bench across from his desk attached to the ships walls. My weight was thrown down harshly with Ryker pulling my arms forwards one by one so he could unlatch the manacles around my wrists and replace them with the ones attached to the wall followed by the ones on the ground, in the process removing my prosthetic. "Everything is prepared sir, is there anything else you need me to do?" both our heads perked up when we heard a familiar face appear at the door, Aryan. "Thank you Aryan, stay up on deck we'll be departing soon," Ryker growled the last part me locking eye contact with me. The look in his eyes was indecisive and easy, he seemed threatening making me feel attacked by the man. Not wanting me to be close to him any longer I pulled my arms away from him roughly while he just smirked at me standing at the door as Viggo entered the room and the ship immediately took sail.

As soon as the ship set its sail "You'll lead us to the Light Fury Hiccup, you may think you have nothing else to lose but you do," Viggo piped up from his desk, my head tilted to the side to look at him with curiosity with a small frown slash glare across my eye brows as he carried on speaking "I know it was Aryan and Ashley who let you escape, after Johann told me someone helped you I knew straight away who it was. Now if you don't want them to suffer the same fate as your friends and family then you'll do exactly as I say," a proper glare formed on my face remembering what happened the last time I tried trusting what he had to say "And why should I believe anything that you say?" he placed his hands on the table with style and locked his gaze onto mine with a tone so formal and casual it was unnerving "Because you know what will happen if you don't," the glare disappeared from my face as I knew he was right, he leant back in his chair hands still placed on the table fingers intertwined with a sneer on his face at the accomplishment he achieved. My weight fell backwards against the wall in defeat while I looked away from him in the other direction sighing high. "Why?" I mumbled almost to myself but loud enough for Viggo to still interpret what I said. Lifting my head back up in his direction, I tilted in the opposite direction so our eyes locked once again, a pure emerald green with lost hope attracted to the dark chestnut manipulative eye "Why me? I get it; your father favoured me over you that wasn't my fault. But why have you done what you've done to me? I tried to be kind to you, but no one should be treated the way you have treated me.

Why have you done it?" the menacing look I received from Viggo would be enough to scare anyone, including me but in this moment, with how far I've come nothing affected me. "Because you are good and innocent; you manipulated the rule of my family, you took away everything that made the Grimborn's who they are. If it wasn't for you then my father wouldn't be dead, the war between our two tribes would be the same as it always was. And I knew if I could break you, then you're whole family and you would be lost and everything you put me through would be fulfilled. You make me sick, you always did until I noticed what you could do and what you saw. True my father used your gift for good, but I knew I could use it to destroy what you love most and I have and I'm still going to," the scowl returned to my face as did the rise of distress in my vocals "You killed your father! I had nothing to do with that, he didn't have to die but you made that choice. Don't you dare blame that on me!" the sudden strength that has come into me for standing up against Viggo caught me off guard and I think it did with him as well but I didn't stop there, I proceeded further "If you didn't like what your father was doing then why not take me back. Why keep me here for so long? You could have got what you wanted and I could have had the family I always needed. But you were to selfish you even think of that, to help your own greed you sought out the fun in torturing me and to make it worse you call me your family and you know it disgusts you just as much as it disgusts me."

With all I had to say I turned back away from him not giving him the chance to answer any of my rhetorical questions, instead just let the journey commence until we made it to land. The direction was clear to where we were heading because it was the only obvious choice. Getting there would take a while because I'm not sure how far away Monolithic Island was from the compound and with the amount of compounds Viggo has I don't know which one I was on, not that it mattered. During the boredom of the trip I swung my knee up and down against the bench; with every swing I could see the twitch in Viggo's eye as he was writing. From time to time his charcoal would force down into the paper as his eyes squinted from the noise. It didn't bother me he was annoyed at the noise, in fact it pleasured me and I was enjoying every moment of it. "SHUT UP!!" Viggo finally burst from the noise "Can't you find any other way to amuse yourself without distracting me," his head perked up from the table to stare at me with an aggressive frown while I stared back at him casually making the noise much louder than it had been before as he banged his head on the table hands pressed tightly against his ears. "Sir we have arrived," I stopped banging my knee against the bench as Viggo lifted his head as we both stared at Aryan. A nod was shared between the two and as Aryan was about to leave he gave a slight look towards me with the pair of us sharing one small smirk between one another before he left completely to help above.

The manacles were removed from my hands and my leg with Ryker placing the prosthetic back into place. As he was able to tug me up from the bench I stood myself following Viggo as he left the office, I didn't want to be held by Ryker anymore since he's already caused enough bruises on my body; besides it was like Viggo had said, I didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Heading up from the dingy deck of the ship we arrived on the grassy lands of Monolithic Island. "Stay with the ship, you guys come with us," Viggo pointed to a group of guards to stay while he ordered Aryan and a few others to follow our lead. Viggo took the front with Ryker by his side while the rest of us trailed on behind. There was nowhere to run on this island, I knew the inhabitants and environment pretty well since the last time I was here so I knew if I attempted running they would find me. I could hide for a day or two at least but then I'd still be caught and with no dragon living on the island there would be no escape for me so it was pointless. I watched as Ryker kept staring behind every now and again to see if I was still there while Viggo just kept walking not seeming to care giving me the impression he knew the exact same thing I did. Suddenly I was kicked to the ground face planting down into the dirt causing everyone to stop and look behind, I looked behind to see my foot tangled up in the vines a groan erupting from Viggo "Go ahead, I'll help him," Aryan volunteered offering a look of suspicion from Viggo but he reluctantly let Aryan help while the others carried on.

"Did you push me on the ground on purpose?" I looked at Aryan once all the men were out of earshot; we stared at each other for a while sharing the first smile in a long while. Our arms wrapped around each other tightly where we wouldn't let go "This isn't the second reunion I was hoping for Hiccup, what happened?" we pulled apart as he began unravelling the vines around my foot "He threatened Astrid and I thought he'd keep his promise but he didn't and he killed them all once he got he's threatening you and Ashley before you ask why I'm doing this," he sighed in defeat pulling me close against him as we stood "You can't let him get that dragon Hiccup, he'll find the hidden world and destroy it," of course I knew that but I didn't know what to do about it. We couldn't stay behind for long as the others would start looking for us so we dropped the conversation and met back up with them. The look on Viggo was of surprise as he watched us fall back in line. Though Aryan's words didn't leave my head because I had to think of something to stop all this from occurring; I can't let Viggo take the Light Fury to the hidden world and destroy, no one should be near that place...not even me. That was it, if the Light Fury leads everyone to the hidden world then if they were able to lead all the dragons there, they would all be safe. Dragons wouldn't be hunted to extinction for the prey of hunters. As much as I hated to admit it, it was true we'd have to say goodbye to them all but if that was the sacrifice I'd have to make then that's what it should be, to keep them away from Viggo.

The forest thickened around us and I knew where we were as the beach was clearing up in the distance so I stopped where I was catching the eye of Viggo. A sneer reappeared on his face pushing me in front "No tricks now Hiccup," his breath pierced inside my ear drums as he forced me forwards removing his grasp on my tunic. I walked in the direction of the beach mumbling to myself "I met one once, there's no guarantee they'll be another around here...please let there not be one here," I kept mumbling the same thing until I stumbled into the clearing of the beach. Across the distance next to the water's edge a shimmering glow of white reflected against the water's light and its tail swung from side to side. There stood across from me was a Light Fury. 

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