Chapter 60: Will This Pain Ever Go Away?

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Chapter 60: Will This Pain Ever Go Away?


The next couple of days were the worst, no one was allowed to see Hiccup and no one ever came out of the house. The pain was wondering whether or not he was okay, but if he wasn't then someone would have told us; the last thing Valka told me was that he was resting, after the blow he took from the heat he hadn't woken up because the pain had drained him. I didn't like being on the outside, I needed to be on the inside with him, by his side protecting him like I always do but I couldn't get what Ashley said out of my head. Whatever was to come next I had to be prepared for it; Viggo was on his way and this time to kill Hiccup, not to take him away anymore that game had ended and he wanted the game to end for good. Ashley noted this was Hiccup and Viggo's fight, I knew that but I wanted desperately to intervene but I know I can't so the thought that ran through my mind was what I dreaded the most and it left me with the lingering question, was I prepared to suffer without him once again?

Stoick had everyone preparing double time to make sure all weapons were prepared and everyone had been training to the fullest ready for the attack to come. We had no idea how far away they were from the last island but it must have been far otherwise they would have arrived by now. I hated the waiting game but what else could we do, there was nothing we can't run and hide, we'll defend our home and the ones we love to the end if that's what it takes and we won't let history repeat itself, this time we'll win. As I ventured down from the Great Hall my eyes couldn't help but wander down to the house where he lay peacefully inside. I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to go in and see him regardless of the consequences that may come with it. I made my march down to the house and within seconds I was there with my hand banging hard on the door. I guess I did have some respect to not just barge through but then I waited and waited. I was tempted to knock again and my hand rose ready to do so until the door in front of me opened and I was face to face with Valka. "Astrid?" I nodded as she questioned my name "I was wondering if I am able to see Hiccup or at least have an update on how he's doing?" she sighed heavily, shaking her head but it wasn't in despair it looked as if she felt stupid or annoyed in some way "I'm sorry Astrid for not keeping you informed, it's been a little hectic lately-" that I could understand "He's gone down to the secluded beach on the far side of the island, he said he wanted to clear his head." I nodded as a thank you and left as she shut the door behind me.

It was great to know Hiccup was finally up and about but I'm not going to lie not being informed that he was okay stung a little. I whistled for Stormfly and she arrived by my side in an instant and the two of us took flight to the far side of the island. The first time I knew about this place was from Tuffnut when he forget to tell us about it when we were against Alvin, any of our enemies who knew about this place knew it to be great for infiltrating the island so we weren't very pleased when Tuff kept it a secret. It didn't take long for us to get there and immediately I could see Toothless playing around in the sand with the Lightfury. Actually I don't think he was playing around...I stand corrected he's trying to impress the dragon but I don't think he's doing a very good job at it but the funny dance he's doing I couldn't help but laugh. The Lightfury's attention was suddenly perked when she growled looking at us in the sky ready to fire but I landed quickly jumping off Stormfly to reveal that it was me. She inspected me closely before settling down again moving away so I could pass. She was a beautiful species of Fury but gosh she had a temper I did not like at all. But then I guess she almost resembled me in dragon form, that's a worrying thought to wonder about. That's when my eyes caught him, stood at the edge of the crystal water with his shoes off so the water could trickle through his toes, it's something I never thought I'd see from him but at the same time the feeling I knew to be soothing and it seemed to help him keep lost in his own thoughts as he didn't seem to realise I was here.

"Can I join you?" I stood by his side staring out into the open as he did "I guess so," was his only response; there was awkwardness between and I couldn't understand why maybe because of what happened the last time we saw each other. I still couldn't believe he sold himself out like that, I know he was only trying to do the right thing but look what happened. "I thought you died Astrid...and there was nothing I could do to stop it," the silence was broken between us and I twisted my head to face him with a sorrowful look on my face but he kept facing out to see, wouldn't turn his eyes to look my way "But I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere," now his head did turn to face me but when I smiled at him I got no smile in return all he did was sigh and look back out to the distant water. "Astrid no matter how hard I try to push out what's move just feels like this pain isn't gonna go away," I could hear the desperation in his voice, the pain and the anger but I couldn't reply with a lie I had to tell what I was feeling on the inside because despite everything that is coming it could make him stronger. "Then don't," he looked back at me with a concerned look on his face, almost stricken with hurt as if I wanted him to feel pain as if I believed he deserved it.

"Use it, that pain that you feel it can make you stronger if you use it. Yes it hurts and no matter how hard we push it away it will always come back to haunt us and people can use it against you. But if you channel it and you use it you could be just as strong as he is," I compared him to Viggo because just imagine all the hate he has boiled up, there's no way that he leaves it set aside for a rainy day or just ignores how would you consider him to be so powerful if he didn't have a solution. "I won't become like him," Hiccup stated to me clearly displeased with my statement which was understandable but he needed to hear it "Then don't be like him, be better. Just because you can channel your hate, your anger, your pain, that doesn't mean you have to be a bad person you can use it to be be better," I shook my head slightly at him before I started talking but when I did speak I held a strong demanding and forceful tone, an encouraging one to push him forward and do what needs to be done. "No more running..." I started and he finished it off for me "No more hiding," now a smile was plastered on his face as he took his hand in mine. I shared the smile and nodded at him he pulled me in and wrapped his arms around me thanking me for my words of encouragement before saddling Toothless and taking to the sky.

I stayed in my position and watched him leave just wondering, wondering no matter how ready he was...I would never be. With the final thought I took the skies on Stormfly and headed back to the village just as the horn screamed with the arrival of our rivals. 


Hey guys, I know it's been a long while since I posted a new part of this story it's been over a year in fact but I finally got around to updating. There will only be a few chapters left of this story before it comes to a close so stay tuned and believe me when I say I will get this story completed you have my word. But for now enjoy this section of the story and I'll keep writing!

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