Chapter 7: Reconciliation

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"Look even though we have figured out their pattern from island to island it gives us a slight advantage which we can use in time but for now we let them think that we don't know about it alright, we stay invisible for some time, we take care of their ships and so on," I stated slamming my hands down on the clubhouse table. "Wait so we've found out where all their islands are and we aren't going to destroy them, we're gonna do nothing?" Snotlout threw his arms up in the air, my face turned to lock onto his own and replied "Yes, and we're not doing nothing, if we make it obvious and attack every time they relocate they will create a new pattern and we won't be able to find them again, so for now we stay invisible, you got that?" I pierced my eyes deep into Snotlout he threw his arms up in surrender before I pierced my eyes down on the twins "Is she eyeballing us?" Ruff nudged her brother in the side "Of course she is, we aren't the most invisible type, wouldn't that be great though if you could actually turn yourself invisible," Tuff's eyes widened turning to his sister "Think of all the destruction we could cause and no one would even know it was us," they both laughed hive fiving each other in the air.

"Guys, I'm being serious, please," my voice was serious but concerning at the same time towards them; Tuff raised his hand in the air and blinked slowly "Don't worry A, we won't cause any harm, we will stay invisible," and with that they left the room leaving me to sigh deeply. A felt a soft hand be placed on my shoulder as I looked to my side to see Heather's reassuring eyes look my way "They won't do anything stupid trust me Astrid they know not to," I nodded slowly taking in another sigh "Keep the place held together, I'm taking a trip to Berk," I told Heather, her eyes widened before she glanced up at Fishlegs then back at me "What for exactly?" I stepped over towards Stormfly ready to saddle up answering Heather as I went "I promised my parent's I would help them with something today, don't worry I'll be back before you know it," Heather shared another glance with Fishlegs but all he did was shake his head and shrug his shoulders so Heather looked back at me and nodded, I nodded back, settled on Stormfly and flew back to Berk. The crisp wind hit against my face as Stormfly sped across the sky, I felt her twist and turn through the clouds with passion and fluency before she headed straight forward and zoomed for Berk.

The journey took at least two hours at the most with her speed before I could see the snow peaked mountain of Berk and slowly but surely the small village came into view. Stormfly landed straight in the middle of the Plaza. I petted her quickly before making my way up to the house on the top of the hill. I knew I told Heather I was helping my parents, though that was the complete opposite of what I was doing. I knocked the Chiefs door and waited for the reply. It took quite some time before I could hear these light footsteps walk to the door and slowly it opened and all I could see were shadows of darkness within the home. Around the corner I could see the Chiefs wife, Valka, open the door. "Astrid?" she questioned my name "Hi, ma'am," I slowly, nervously replied towards her, the door fully opened so I could see the woman fully. She had long auburn hair which fell neatly down her back, her emerald eyes glistened against the sunlight which now crept in through the door and it seemed that she had been crying again. It was a regular thing she did during this period of time, it was the time when her son was taken away from her and no one would be able to erase that memory from anyone.

"What brings you here lass?" she questioned trying to hide the crack in her voice "It's actually bad timing, I don't think you'd feel comfortable talking about it," I told her as I started playing with skirt with uncertainty. "I'm alright lass, please do come in and talk with me," she pushed the door open further and invited me into her home. The only light which enveloped the room was the flames from the fire everything else seemed dark and shadowy. She gestured me to one of the seats in the room where she took her seat in her husband's chair while he was out doing his duties. "What's troubling you Astrid?" she spoke calmly placing her hands in her lap and staring concerning at me. "Well we attacked another one of Viggo's compounds the other day," I started with her, I did notice a small smile escape her lips but it soon vanished as she saw the look in my "What happened there Astrid, did something terrible happen?" I shook my head with it lowered before answering "It's not more what happened, but more of what I saw," she leant back in her chair as I lifted my head, her gaze was fixated on me, her arms were crossed as she seemed to be calculating everything I was saying. "What did you see Astrid?"

I took a deep breath because I knew I said it was imaginary but why did it still play on mind, but I guess I was about to get the reassurance that I needed but most importantly wanted. "So we rescued the dragons and then Viggo's men came and started attacking like they usually do but after that I knocked down who I could but then stood on the other side of the flames I saw them, Viggo and Ryker but they had someone else with them. It wasn't a hunter I was sure of it. It was a boy I could figure out but he was small and lanky, he was low in weight and muscle and he had these emerald green eyes, but then he was gone along with Viggo and Ryker," I finished explaining to her, Valka's calculating deepened as she tried figuring it all out "You don't think I'm hallucinating do you because of the flames?" she shook her head but also shrugged "It's possible, but you seem quite concerned about it I can tell, why is that?" I sighed because I didn't want to tell her the next part because it would crush her deeply, but I had to if I wanted answers "He looked really familiar to me, I couldn't figure out of who but the more I thought the more I put the pieces together..." I slowed down as I was reaching their name and she looked at me deeply, I looked at her and locked my eyes on with her own "He reminded me of Hiccup ma'am," I immediately looked away as her eyes bulged in surprise "I know it's impossible, he died years ago, but my Thor he looked just like him."

Valka soon came overand placed her hands on my shoulder before lifting up my chin to look at her."We all miss him, even though he was just a small child we all remember him, Iknow it's hard for you and me, you were his best friend and I his mother. Theproof was clear to us that day I know and you know it too, it must have beenthe flames that made you hallucinate or it's the timing, we all know what timeof year it is so it can have an effect on us, don't worry Astrid, I'm sure it'snothing to worry about." I looked at her nodded before smiling and ready totake me leave. She showed me to the door; I thanked her for her time beforeheading back to Stormfly ready to fly back to the Edge. It made me feel betterknowing I had nothing to worry about because if she was sure that it wasnothing, then it definitely was nothing and I had nothing to fear. My bestfriend died a long time ago, the proof that was sent made it clear and now Ineeded to accept that, my best friend died and he wasn't coming back, but hewould always be in my heart, no matter where he has gone. 

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